
God Craft Online:Worlds Collided

Imagine becoming a god in a world creating you’re on phantheon,A world were you could either become good or evil or rather leave peacefully A world were you have the capabilities to destroy very planets if you reach a certain level A world were you would be able to create anything and everything with the righ materials a A world were you could be any race you want, either a worm or an angel because no matter what race, you can become something greater WELCOME MORTALS AND STEP INTO THE PATH OF GODS THIS IS GOD CRAFT WHERE YOU ARE YOUR OWN GOD PS:The pictures mine

Ender_Child · Games
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14 Chs

Shifting tides

"And we stop here,i will continue the rest some other time" Kira cheerfully said as she stood up from the floor.

"I guess" mark and kira then walked towards the entrance of the castle,they didn't say goodbye but elys would probably tell them.

after they went out of the castle gates,they decided to go sightseeing around the city,there were all kinds of races walking around but the elves are more dominant.

"Master what are we doing in a magie shop" kira asked with confusion.

"I one to see if there are any spirit or fire spells"he said walking through the door.

"Spirit spells are more harder to learn though" she adviced.

"yeah thanks" he walked up to the counter and decided to converse with a red haired elf.

"Hello,Can you show me your fire and spirit spells" he asked.

"hmm let me see,we have a few but spirit spells are currently out of stock and i think we had an old dusty one that nobody was able to learn from because of the language on it" The girl said bringing out two boxes.

"oh would you look at that we actually have two spirit spells left,you can see which one you wanr p" the girl said,mark first took out the spirit spells.



"uhm ok" he mumbled and then put that book on the counter.he took a book that felt oddly cold yet warm and at the same time felt familiar to him,it felt like standing on a field while submitting to your mothers embrace,enjoying the joy,beauty and the comfort of a loved one.

His face became a bit nostalgic but he quickly snapped out of it.

[Spell:OtherWordly resonance.

Description:Two bodys become one,one soul becomes complete,one mind becomes enlightened and two witness the unification of a new life,Yes the otherworldly presence that we feel in each other,Some may call it a dream some may call it a nightmare,but it is the Resonance]

Mark looked confused and didn't really understand if this was a spell or not either way he liked it so he would take both of them as for the fire spells,there was fire lance and spirit flame are the two he chose.

"ok that would cost you 10 gold coins" mark took ten gold coins out of his inventory and gave her,after that he said goodbye and went out of the shop,kira was following behind and stayed silent.

"you seem to be quiet" mark said turning to look at her.

"Yeah i just got nothing to talk about that much" she said pouting a bit.

"you want sweets?" mark asked genuinely concerned if she is okay,even if she wasn't real.

"ehm not really a candy enthusiast but i could go for some blood" She said her eyes glowing in a strange allure. Mark thought for a moment and decided to wait until they were alone.

After coming across a few more stores mark booked a room in the inn, both he and kira then entered it.

"hmmm, so you can have some blood but from my finger instead".Kira's eyes widened slightly, her lips curving into a mischievous smile. "Oh, Master, you're too kind," she teased, though the hunger in her eyes was unmistakable. "Just a little taste, then."

Mark sat on the edge of the bed and extended his hand. He winced slightly as Kira's sharp teeth grazed his finger before she bit down gently, drawing a small amount of blood. Her eyes closed in pleasure as she drank, the glow in them intensifying for a moment before she pulled away.

"Tastes warm, thanks master" She said with a mischievous smile.

Mark and kira then went out of the inn and then went out to do some hunting.


"Nyxy?!!" The small figure of gaia exclaimed as she hugged a woman with black hair and starty purple eyes.

"Gaia, you are in the realm today, how rare" Nyx exclaimed as she turned to look at her.

"Yeah i just came here to talk to my little baby, elys" She happily said twirling around a bit.

"Hahah, Caring as always i see, how are you two doing" A man with a big structure and his eyes had a clock for a pupil said.

"Kronos…i see you are back to your full self, i thought your sons would keep an eye on your pieces" Nux chuckled as she waved her hands making a table and a few seats, gaia snapped her fingers making snacks and tea appear on the table.

"Oh please, Zues is busy jerking off to his own daughter,Poseidon is probably harassing Aphrodite And hades is just bitter,he knows i am back but he just doesn't care" He said taking a sip of his tea.

"Doesn't your daughter force both you and erebus back into your home or something" Gaia asked,Nyx seemed a bit uncomfortable and then she sighed.

"Hemera and Aether both don't really like us that much" She said in a sad tone.

"Whay abouth the other three?" Kronos asked curiously.

Nyx sighed again. "Well,they say they do not want their fate to meet mine,So yeah they don't like me too"

"…You know, i could name all your children since i have seen ALL their times" Kronos said with a smirk.

"…Fuck you" She gave him the middle finger.


In a mountain obscured by clouds, A monkey man was sitting and eating a golden peach.

Suddenly he moved his head and a golden flaming wheel passed by.

The Monkey King, Sun Wukong, stood up, still munching on his golden peach, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Is this about that time I stole some peaches from the Heavenly Garden? Come on, that was ages ago."

Nezha, the celestial warrior, landed gracefully before him, his flaming spear glowing ominously. "Wukong, your antics are as troublesome as ever. But this isn't about old grievances. We have a bigger problem."

"What is it?" He asked still munching on the peach.

"The Fallen gods are awakening, Tenshi Ryujin's seal is breaking, not only his even Anubis who has fallen a few centuries ago, Primordial Corruption is plotting something big" Nezha's voice was grim, his usually calm demeanor shadowed with concern.

Sun Wukong's playful smirk faded, replaced with a serious expression. "Tenshin Ryūjin… Anubis… Primordial Corruption… This is bigger than I thought. What do we need to do?"

"We need to gather the old allies," Nezha replied. "Even those who might not see eye to eye with us. This is a threat that concerns all realms."

Sun Wukong nodded, tossing the pit of the peach away. "Alright, let's start with finding the most unpredictable ally—Elys."


Elys who was currently reading a book dropped it as his eyes twitched from annoyance.

"Wukong, what the fuck are you doing in my realm" He wasn't quite amused.

"Oh come on,it's been 100 of years since we last met" Sun wukong said as he played with his staff.
