
God's Genesis: Divine Dominion

Morpheus, a mortal who was granted godhood after his death, seeks to increase his power and rank among the deities by creating and conquering planets. In this universe, the most popular form of entertainment is known as Divine Conquest, where the creations of the gods battle each other to determine the strongest. The victor of these battles gains control of the defeated gods' planets and their resources, and their divine power and status soar. Determined to succeed in this realm, Morpheus sets out to create his own planets and beings to enter the fray. However, as the number of planets under his control grows, so does the number of deities who consider him a threat. Morpheus must navigate the treacherous politics of the divine world while simultaneously managing the ever-increasing power of his own creations. Note: This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real-world events, persons, or entities is purely coincidental. The author does not intend to offend any individual or group. The cover art is the author's original creation and is solely owned by the author.

Crixzivion · Fantasy
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39 Chs

[037] Divine Conquest: Helios VS Pyrrolisk

The arena was packed with spectators, all eagerly waiting to witness the next round of the Divine Conquest. Helios stepped into the arena, feeling the heat of the scorching sun overhead. He could feel the weight of everyone's expectations upon him. He looked up at the colossal figure of Pyrrolisk, a towering beast with fiery red scales and sharp claws. It was clear that this was going to be a formidable opponent.

<Species: Pyrrolisk>

[Description: Pyrrolisks are a lizard-like species with fiery red scales and sharp claws. They have the ability to generate and manipulate flames of varying intensities, and are known for their ferocity and aggression. Pyrrolisks typically live in volcanic areas and prefer hot, arid environments.]

[Capabilities: Able to create and manipulate flames of varying intensities, from small flames to massive firestorms. They are also able to move quickly and agilely, and can use their sharp claws for close combat.]

As the bell rang out, the Pyrrolisk wasted no time, charging towards Helios with reckless abandon. Helios quickly sidestepped the attack, narrowly avoiding the Pyrrolisk's claws. He knew that he couldn't let this creature get too close to him, or he'd be in trouble.

Helios raised his arms, summoning flames from the ground. The flames burst into the air, enveloping the Pyrrolisk in a fiery inferno. Helios was pleased with the initial success of his attack, but he knew that it was just the beginning.

The Pyrrolisk emerged from the flames, angrier than ever. It charged towards Helios once again, this time launching itself into the air with powerful leaps. Helios was quick to react, manipulating the flames around him to create a shield. The Pyrrolisk's claws clashed against the fiery barrier, sending sparks flying in all directions.

Helios knew that he needed to find a weakness in the Pyrrolisk's defenses if he was going to come out on top. He watched the creature carefully, analyzing its movements and searching for any openings. The Pyrrolisk was a formidable opponent, but Helios was determined to emerge victorious.

Helios took a deep breath and closed his eyes, feeling the heat of the flames within him rising to the surface. He opened his eyes and focused on Pyrrolisk, who was circling him, looking for an opening.

Helios smirked and raised his hand, conjuring a small flame in his palm. Pyrrolisk roared and charged, spitting fire from his mouth. Helios remained calm and stepped to the side, dodging the flames effortlessly.

"You'll have to do better than that," Helios said, taunting Pyrrolisk. He closed his eyes again, feeling the heat within him growing stronger. He extended his hand and let out a blast of fire, engulfing Pyrrolisk in a wave of flames.

Pyrrolisk roared in pain and fury, but Helios wasn't done yet. He used his elemental control to summon a powerful gust of wind, blowing Pyrrolisk off his feet and sending him crashing to the ground.

Helios approached his fallen opponent and stood over him, watching as Pyrrolisk struggled to get back up. "I'm disappointed," Helios said, shaking his head. "I thought you would be more of a challenge."

Pyrrolisk glared up at him, still breathing heavily. "You may have control over fire, but you're not the only one," he said, summoning a burst of flames from his mouth.

Helios chuckled and raised his hand, absorbing the flames into his own fire. "I have complete control over fire," he said. "You're just a child playing with matches."

Pyrrolisk roared in anger and charged at Helios again, but this time, Helios was ready. He unleashed a torrent of fire, engulfing Pyrrolisk in flames and incinerating him in seconds.

The crowd cheered as Helios emerged victorious from the battle, his fiery aura pulsing with power.

As Helios stood over the defeated Pyrrolisk, he felt a surge of energy and triumph course through his body. He had emerged victorious from the fourth round of the Divine Conquest, proving himself to be a powerful and skilled warrior. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, and Helios basked in their adoration.

As he gazed out at the sea of faces, Helios spotted Morpheus watching him from the sidelines. The god of dreams gave him a small nod of approval, and Helios felt a swell of pride in his chest. He had done well, and he knew that Morpheus was pleased.




The members of the Council of Worlds sat in their seats, watching the battle between Helios and the Pyrrolisk unfold before them. They carefully studied every move made by the combatants, taking note of the Pyrrolisk's use of fire and Helios' elemental control. As the fight came to an end, the members of the council nodded to each other, indicating that they were ready to begin their evaluation.

"Helios demonstrated impressive control over fire, manipulating it with ease to deflect the Pyrrolisk's attacks," one council member noted. "He also displayed exceptional agility and speed, dodging the Pyrrolisk's attacks with grace."

"Indeed," another member chimed in. "But we must also acknowledge the Pyrrolisk's abilities. It was able to generate flames of varying intensities, which is a remarkable feat."

A third member spoke up. "It's also important to note that Helios did not rely solely on his powers. He used his intelligence to outmaneuver the Pyrrolisk, luring it into traps and striking at its vulnerable spots."

The council continued to discuss the battle, delving deeper into the strengths and weaknesses of both Helios and the Pyrrolisk. They analyzed every aspect of the fight, from the combatants' physical abilities to their strategic thinking.

After much deliberation, the council finally came to a decision. "We believe that Helios has proven himself to be a formidable warrior," the head council member announced. "His control over fire is unparalleled, and his intelligence and agility make him a force to be reckoned with. However, we also recognize the Pyrrolisk's capabilities and acknowledge that it was a worthy opponent."

The council members nodded in agreement. "We will continue to monitor Helios' progress in the Divine Conquest," the head council member said. "But for now, we are confident in his abilities and look forward to seeing what he will achieve in the coming rounds.

[Morpheus POV.]

As the Council of Worlds gathered to observe the Divine Conquest, Morpheus sat quietly in his chamber, observing the events through his scrying pool. His attention was soon drawn to the battle between Helios and the Pyrrolisk. The fiery lizard creature was a formidable opponent, but Morpheus had faith in Helios' abilities. He watched intently as the two combatants clashed.

Morpheus thought to himself, "This Pyrrolisk is a formidable foe. Its control over fire is impressive. But Helios has always been gifted with his elemental control. It will be interesting to see how he fares against this creature."

As the battle raged on, Morpheus couldn't help but notice how Helios was utilizing his powers. He marveled at how Helios could control the flames around him, redirecting them to avoid being hit by the Pyrrolisk's attacks. He also noticed how Helios was able to use the environment to his advantage, creating walls of flame to block the Pyrrolisk's advances.

Morpheus spoke to himself, "Helios is truly a master of his element. His control is so precise, so calculated. It's almost as if he's dancing with the flames."

Morpheus watched the battle between Helios and Pyrrolisk with great interest. As the God of Aria and the patron deity of Helios, he was invested in the outcome of the fight. The two combatants circled each other warily, each looking for an opening to strike.

Helios stood tall, his eyes blazing with an inner fire. Pyrrolisk, for his part, looked nervous, as if he knew he was outmatched. But he refused to back down, and that was something Morpheus respected.

Pyrrolisk launched a burst of flame at Helios. Helios, however, merely lifted his hand and extinguished the flames with a flick of his wrist. Pyrrolisk looked surprised, but he didn't let it deter him. He rushed forward, claws extended, ready to strike.

Helios met him head-on, his movements fluid and graceful. Pyrrolisk was quick, but Helios was quicker, and he managed to dodge most of Pyrrolisk's attacks. However, Pyrrolisk's claws managed to nick Helios' arm, and he winced in pain.

Morpheus watched as the battle raged on, each combatant giving as good as they got. Pyrrolisk's flames were getting more intense, and Helios was having to work harder to keep them at bay. But Helios was also getting more confident, and his own control over the flames was growing stronger.

Finally, Helios saw an opening. Pyrrolisk was distracted by a sudden burst of flame from behind him, and Helios seized the opportunity to strike. He summoned a massive fireball, hurling it at Pyrrolisk with all his might.

As the battle continued, the Pyrrolisk began to increase the intensity of its attacks. The flames grew larger, and the heat was becoming almost unbearable. Helios was starting to feel the strain of the battle. Morpheus observed as the Pyrrolisk launched a particularly fierce attack, sending a massive wall of fire towards Helios.

Morpheus muttered, "This could be dangerous. Helios needs to be careful."

But Helios didn't back down. He stood his ground and focused his energy. Morpheus watched as Helios gathered the flames around him, drawing them into a swirling vortex. The Pyrrolisk's attack was absorbed into the vortex, creating a massive explosion of fire. When the flames cleared, Helios stood unscathed, a look of determination on his face.

Morpheus exclaimed, "Incredible! Helios was able to not only defend against that attack, but also turn it back on the Pyrrolisk. He truly is a master of his element."

The battle continued on, with both combatants showing no signs of fatigue. The Pyrrolisk was relentless, launching attack after attack at Helios. But Helios continued to deflect and redirect the flames with ease. Morpheus watched as Helios made his move, creating a massive ball of fire in his hands. With a fierce battle cry, Helios launched the fireball towards the Pyrrolisk.

Morpheus was on the edge of his seat, watching as the fireball hit its mark, engulfing the Pyrrolisk in flames. When the flames cleared, the Pyrrolisk lay defeated on the ground.

Morpheus breathed a sigh of relief, "Helios has done it! He has defeated the Pyrrolisk. I never had any doubt in his abilities, but this battle has truly showcased his mastery of fire."