
God's Genesis: Divine Dominion

Morpheus, a mortal who was granted godhood after his death, seeks to increase his power and rank among the deities by creating and conquering planets. In this universe, the most popular form of entertainment is known as Divine Conquest, where the creations of the gods battle each other to determine the strongest. The victor of these battles gains control of the defeated gods' planets and their resources, and their divine power and status soar. Determined to succeed in this realm, Morpheus sets out to create his own planets and beings to enter the fray. However, as the number of planets under his control grows, so does the number of deities who consider him a threat. Morpheus must navigate the treacherous politics of the divine world while simultaneously managing the ever-increasing power of his own creations. Note: This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real-world events, persons, or entities is purely coincidental. The author does not intend to offend any individual or group. The cover art is the author's original creation and is solely owned by the author.

Crixzivion · Fantasy
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39 Chs

[034] Divine Conquest: Helios VS Aquarid

[Several Months Later.]

The arena was filled with spectators, all eagerly awaiting the start of the 1 v 1 battle between Helios and the Aquarid. Helios took his place on one side of the arena, while his opponent emerged from the other end, surrounded by a pool of water.

<Species: Aquarid>

[Description: Aquarids are a humanoid species with blue, scaly skin and webbed fingers and toes. They have the ability to control and manipulate water with varying degrees of mastery. Aquarids are known for their agility and speed, and are able to move quickly and gracefully underwater.]

[Capabilities: Able to create and manipulate water in various forms, such as creating waves, shaping it into solid objects, and even using it for offensive attacks. They are also able to swim and move quickly underwater.]

The Aquarid's blue, scaly skin glistened in the sunlight as he made his way towards Helios, his webbed fingers and toes leaving a trail of water behind him. Helios kept his focus, his eyes locked on his opponent as he prepared to face off against the water manipulator.

As the Aquarid reached Helios, he swiftly formed a whip made of water and attempted to strike at him. Helios, however, was too quick and managed to dodge the attack with ease. He retaliated by creating a small flame in the palm of his hand, which he hurled at the Aquarid.

The Aquarid countered by creating a shield of water, which absorbed the flames and dissipated into steam. Helios was impressed by his opponent's skill but knew he had to keep his guard up if he wanted to win the battle.

Helios watched as the Aquarid repositioned herself in the water, readying herself for the next round of their battle. Helios took a deep breath, knowing that he needed to be extra careful with his next move. He couldn't afford to make another mistake.

With his eyes locked onto his opponent, Helios summoned a small flame in his hand and aimed it towards the Aquarid. The flame, however, was quickly extinguished as the Aquarid swiftly created a wave to deflect it.

Helios was surprised at the speed and accuracy of the Aquarid's defensive move. He knew he had to be quick if he wanted to get the upper hand. With that in mind, he focused his energy and created a fiery orb that he launched towards the Aquarid.

The Aquarid, sensing the incoming attack, quickly summoned a whirlpool that absorbed the fiery orb before it could reach her. Helios gritted his teeth, frustrated that his attack was thwarted once again.

The Aquarid then took advantage of the momentary distraction and launched herself towards Helios, ready to strike him with a blast of water. Helios, however, was quick to react, dodging the attack and striking back with a burst of flames from his hands.

The Aquarid countered by summoning a large wave to hit Helios, but he was able to jump over it and land safely on a nearby rock. He then aimed his palms at the water below him and created a large steam cloud, obscuring the Aquarid's vision.

As the steam cleared, Helios saw that the Aquarid was disoriented and momentarily vulnerable. He took this opportunity to launch a series of fireballs towards her, hitting her repeatedly and causing her to retreat.

Helios knew that he had to keep up the pressure if he wanted to win. He summoned a massive flame from his palms and hurled it towards the Aquarid, who was still recovering. The flame hit her directly, causing her to scream in pain and fall to the ground.

As Helios came to the surface, he saw the Aquarid struggling to stand up after taking the brunt of the explosion. Helios knew this was his chance, and he wasted no time. He charged towards the Aquarid, who was still disoriented and caught off guard.

With a swift motion, Helios generated a massive wall of flames that separated the Aquarid from the rest of the battlefield. The Aquarid tried to extinguish the flames using his water manipulation, but the heat was too intense, and the water quickly evaporated.

Helios then created a series of fireballs and launched them towards the Aquarid. The Aquarid attempted to dodge, but the fireballs were too fast and too precise. They hit their mark, and the Aquarid was knocked back, his scaly skin singed and blistered.

Despite the pain, the Aquarid refused to give up. He generated a massive wave of water and charged towards Helios. Helios responded by creating a giant wall of flames, which met the wave head-on, creating a massive explosion of steam and heat.

When the smoke cleared, Helios emerged victorious. The Aquarid lay defeated, his energy spent. Helios, too, was exhausted but elated. He had defeated one of the most formidable opponents he had ever faced, and he had done it using the power of fire.

As he stood there, catching his breath, Helios realized something important. He had always believed that fire was a destructive force, one that consumed and destroyed everything in its path. But now, he saw it differently. Fire was not just a force of destruction, but also a force of creation. It could be harnessed, tamed, and used for the betterment of society.

From that day forward, Helios dedicated himself to exploring the full potential of the Elemental Control Gene, not just as a weapon of war, but also as a tool for innovation and progress. He knew that with great power came great responsibility, and he was determined to use his powers for good.




The Council of Worlds was gathered in their meeting room, a large circular chamber with a high ceiling and a holographic map of the universe displayed in the center. They were there to evaluate the recent battle between Helios and the Aquarid.

The council members sat at their respective stations, all eyes on the lead evaluator, a stern-looking woman with a no-nonsense demeanor.

"Let us begin," she said, her voice commanding attention. "We have gathered here today to evaluate the battle between Helios and the Aquarid. We will review the footage, analyze the data, and come to a decision on the outcome of the fight."

The holographic map of the universe disappeared, replaced by a split-screen display of the battle between Helios and the Aquarid. The council members leaned forward in their seats, eager to begin the evaluation.

As the footage of the battle played, the council members watched intently, taking notes and analyzing the data. The lead evaluator paused the footage at certain points, zooming in to get a closer look at the action.

"Helios appears to be using his Elemental Control Gene to its fullest potential," she commented. "He's generating and manipulating flames with exceptional control and precision."

"Indeed," another council member chimed in. "His use of fire as both an offensive and defensive tool is quite impressive. But what about the Aquarid? How did they fare?"

The lead evaluator resumed the footage, this time focusing on the Aquarid. The council members watched as the Aquarid created waves, shaped water into solid objects, and even used it for offensive attacks.

"The Aquarid's ability to control and manipulate water is impressive," the lead evaluator said. "But they seem to be relying too heavily on their elemental abilities. They're not using their agility and speed to their advantage."

The council members continued to analyze the battle, debating the strengths and weaknesses of each fighter. They took note of the damage inflicted, the strategies employed, and the overall performance of both Helios and the Aquarid.

After hours of analyzing the battle, the council members finally came to a decision on the outcome.

"It's clear that Helios had the upper hand throughout the fight," the lead evaluator announced. "His control over fire was too much for the Aquarid to handle. While the Aquarid had impressive elemental abilities, they didn't use their full range of skills and were ultimately outmatched by Helios."

The other council members nodded in agreement, and the lead evaluator continued.

"However, we cannot discount the potential of the Aquarid. With proper training and a better understanding of their abilities, they could become formidable fighters. This evaluation is not a condemnation of their skills, but rather an assessment of their performance in this particular battle."

The council members concluded their evaluation, with the decision recorded and filed for future reference. They knew that the battle between Helios and the Aquarid was just one small part of a much larger universe, but it was a significant moment nonetheless.

[ Morpheus POV.]

Morpheus stood atop a nearby hill, overlooking the battlefield where Helios and the Aquarid were locked in combat. He watched intently, his eyes never leaving the two figures below.

"Helios is putting up quite the fight," Morpheus said to himself, a note of admiration in his voice. "But that Aquarid is no pushover either."

As he watched, the Aquarid launched a fierce attack, forcing Helios to defend himself with a wall of fire. Morpheus couldn't help but be impressed by the display of power.

"That's a formidable opponent," Morpheus muttered to himself, taking note of the Aquarid's skill with water manipulation.

He continued to watch in silence, his eyes darting back and forth as the battle raged on. Despite the intensity of the fight, Morpheus remained calm and collected, analyzing the movements of both combatants with a practiced eye.

"Helios is tiring," he observed as the battle continued. "He needs to end this quickly if he hopes to come out on top."

Suddenly, the Aquarid launched a surprise attack, catching Helios off guard and knocking him to the ground. Morpheus tensed up, his eyes narrowing in concern.

"Come on, Helios," he muttered under his breath. "You can do this."

As Helios struggled to regain his footing, Morpheus could see the determination in his eyes. It was clear that he wasn't going to give up without a fight.

"Good," Morpheus said, nodding in approval. "That's the spirit."

He continued to watch, silently rooting for Helios as he fought to turn the tide of the battle. Though he remained outwardly calm, Morpheus couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as the battle reached its climax.

"Come on, Helios," he whispered. "Finish this."

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Helios emerged victorious, standing triumphantly over the defeated Aquarid. Morpheus let out a small sigh of relief, his body relaxing as the tension of the battle dissipated.

"Well done, Helios," he said, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "You've proven yourself worthy to be the representative of planet aria."