
God's Genesis: Divine Dominion

Morpheus, a mortal who was granted godhood after his death, seeks to increase his power and rank among the deities by creating and conquering planets. In this universe, the most popular form of entertainment is known as Divine Conquest, where the creations of the gods battle each other to determine the strongest. The victor of these battles gains control of the defeated gods' planets and their resources, and their divine power and status soar. Determined to succeed in this realm, Morpheus sets out to create his own planets and beings to enter the fray. However, as the number of planets under his control grows, so does the number of deities who consider him a threat. Morpheus must navigate the treacherous politics of the divine world while simultaneously managing the ever-increasing power of his own creations. Note: This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real-world events, persons, or entities is purely coincidental. The author does not intend to offend any individual or group. The cover art is the author's original creation and is solely owned by the author.

Crixzivion · Fantasy
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39 Chs

[033] Level 4 God, Choosing Representative For Divine Conquest

As Morpheus slowly opened his eyes, he felt a surge of power flowing through his body. He took a deep breath and realized that he had become a fourth-tier low-level God. "Hmm, interesting," he murmured to himself, feeling the change in his divine status.

MAAS, the Multiversal Assessment and Allocation System, notified him that he had become a level 4 God due to the integration of the elemental gene and enhance intelligence gene in his people while he was asleep. It was a gradual process that occurred over a long time, but it finally led to his ascension to the fourth-tier.

Morpheus nodded in acknowledgment but didn't seem surprised by the revelation. "I see, the integration of elemental gene and enhance intelligence gene in my people has led to this breakthrough."

"Yes, that's correct," MAAS replied. "While you were sleeping, your people have grown stronger, and the planet has made significant progress, leading to your ascension to the fourth tier."

Morpheus remained calm and collected, as always, as he processed this information. He had already foreseen this outcome, so he wasn't shocked. He instead focused on the implications of his new level of power.

Morpheus opened a panel and skimmed through something, noticing that the Divine Emporium had lifted some restrictions again. "I see that there are more items available to me now."

"Indeed, as a fourth-tier low-level God, you have lifted some restrictions in the Divine Emporium," MAAS confirmed. "You now have access to more powerful items and tools."

MAAS explained that as a fourth-tier low-level God, Morpheus had lifted some restrictions in the Divine Emporium, which meant more items were now available to him. Morpheus was pleased to hear this as it would aid him in achieving his goals.

With a quick calculation, Morpheus estimated that he now had around 15,000 creation points to work with, a significant increase from his previous level of power. He would need to use these points wisely to achieve his objectives.

As he stretched his muscles, Morpheus wondered what other changes had occurred in his absence. He knew that his people and the planet had become stronger, making breakthroughs towards achieving the fourth-tier of power. It was an exciting time for him, and he was eager to explore the possibilities that his new level of power presented.

Morpheus was in his study room observing the things that happened whole he was asleep, deep in thought, when suddenly an image of Maas appeared before him.

"Maas, what brings you here?" Morpheus asked.

"I have important news for you, Morpheus," Maas replied, his hologram flickering slightly.

"Go on," Morpheus said, intrigued.

"There will be a Divine Conquest in a few months' time. It will be a 1 v 1 battle between gods' creations, matched against life forms with the same level of God as you," Maas explained.

Morpheus nodded, his face unreadable. "I see. And what are the rules of this contest?"

Maas proceeded to explain the rules of the Divine Conquest. "There will be 5 random matches during the event, with staff from the Council of Worlds to supervise and evaluate the battles. Performance points will be given based on the staff's evaluation, and the total points will determine the evaluation rank. The higher the evaluation rank, the more generous the reward for either the planet or the God."

Morpheus listened intently, absorbing all the information. "I understand," he said. "And who will represent my planet, Aria?"

"That is for you to decide," Maas replied. "You may choose any life form on your planet with the same level of God as you."

Morpheus smiled. "I have already anticipated this development, Maas. I know exactly who will represent Aria in the Divine Conquest."

And with that, the hologram of Maas flickered and disappeared, leaving Morpheus to continue his calculations and preparations for the upcoming event.

He knew that with this individual's exceptional abilities, they would be able to bring victory to their planet.

Morpheus took a look at this certain individual's information sheet/board.



Name: Helios

Age: 25

>Species: Subterranean Dweller

>Occupation: Scientist, specializing in Elemental Control Gene research

>Elemental Control Gene Level: Maximized

>Enhanced Intelligence Gene Level: Maximized

>Physical Attributes:

Height: 6'2"

Build: Athletic

Skin Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Black, with a streak of white on the left side


>Complete control over the element of fire, able to generate, manipulate and extinguish flames of varying intensities.

>Exceptionally high cognitive abilities, with an IQ of 200+

>Advanced problem-solving and critical thinking skills

>Advanced hand-eye coordination and reflexes.

Personality Traits:

>Analytical and logical

>Intense focus and concentration

>Ambitious and driven

>Inquisitive and curious

>Passionate about his work and research

>Can be single-minded and stubborn at times

Current Projects:

>Developing new applications of the Elemental Control Gene technology for use in various industries and fields.

>Studying the effects of the gene on the human body and mind, with a focus on potential long-term consequences.

>Collaborating with other scientists and researchers across Planet Aria on various projects and initiatives

Leading a team of scientists in the development of a new energy source using the Elemental Control Gene technology


>Published several papers on the potential applications of the Elemental Control Gene technology, including a groundbreaking study on the use of fire as a renewable energy source.

>Developed a new method for maximizing the potential of the Enhanced Intelligence Gene in combination with the Elemental Control Gene, resulting in a significant increase in cognitive abilities among the Subterranean Dwellers.

>Received numerous awards and recognition for his contributions to the scientific community, including the prestigious Morpheus Award for Outstanding Achievement in Science and Technology.

Current Challenges:

>Balancing his work and personal life, as his passion for research often takes up most of his time and energy.

>Navigating the complex ethical and moral implications of the Elemental Control Gene technology, particularly in regards to the potential consequences of playing with the elements and the balance of nature.

>Managing the expectations and pressure that come with being a prominent figure in the scientific community, and maintaining the integrity of his research amidst potential political and economic pressures.





As Helios sat in his laboratory, deeply immersed in his research, he suddenly felt a strange sensation in his mind. It was as if a voice was speaking to him, filling his thoughts with information about the Divine Conquest. Helios was initially taken aback, but as the voice continued to speak, he realized that it was the voice of his God, Morpheus.

Helios: (confused and surprised) Who...who's there?

Morpheus: (voice in Helios' mind) It is I, Morpheus. Please do not be alarmed.

Helios: (surprised and awed) My God, I can hear you! What is happening?

Morpheus: (voice in Helios' mind) I have come to share with you information about the upcoming Divine Conquest.

Helios: (eagerly) Divine Conquest? What is that?

Morpheus: (voice in Helios' mind) It is a battle between gods' creations, matched against life forms with the same level of God as me, to ensure fairness. It will take place in a few months' time.

Helios: (intrigued) A battle? What kind of battle?

Morpheus: (voice in Helios' mind) It will be a one-on-one battle, and there will be five random matches during the event. Staff from the Council of Worlds will supervise and evaluate the battles, and performance points will be given based on their evaluation. The total points will determine the evaluation rank, and the higher the rank, the more generous the reward for either the planet or the God.

Helios: (curious) And what do you want me to do about it, my God?

Morpheus: (voice in Helios' mind) I want you to represent me and the planet of Aria in the Divine Conquest. You have the potential to win, and your victory will bring honor and glory to our planet.

Helios: (proud and honored) I will do my best, my God. I will make sure that I represent you and Aria with all my might.

Morpheus: (voice in Helios' mind) I have faith in you, Helios. I will be watching over you during the battle, and I will be with you every step of the way.

Helios: (grateful) Thank you, my God. I am honored to have your guidance and support.

The voice spoke of a great battle that would take place in a few months' time, a battle that would determine the fate of Planet Aria. Helios listened intently as the voice spoke of the rules and regulations of the event, and the importance of winning.

As the voice faded away, Helios was left with a sense of awe and wonder. He realized that he had just received a divine message from his God, Morpheus. He felt a surge of energy and excitement as he realized that he had been chosen to represent his planet in the Divine Conquest.

Helios knew that the task ahead would not be easy, but he was determined to do everything in his power to win.

As he stood up from his desk and looked out into the vast caverns of his underground city, Helios felt a sense of purpose and determination wash over him. He knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but he was ready to face it head-on, with the power of his God guiding him every step of the way.