
God's Genesis: Divine Dominion

Morpheus, a mortal who was granted godhood after his death, seeks to increase his power and rank among the deities by creating and conquering planets. In this universe, the most popular form of entertainment is known as Divine Conquest, where the creations of the gods battle each other to determine the strongest. The victor of these battles gains control of the defeated gods' planets and their resources, and their divine power and status soar. Determined to succeed in this realm, Morpheus sets out to create his own planets and beings to enter the fray. However, as the number of planets under his control grows, so does the number of deities who consider him a threat. Morpheus must navigate the treacherous politics of the divine world while simultaneously managing the ever-increasing power of his own creations. Note: This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real-world events, persons, or entities is purely coincidental. The author does not intend to offend any individual or group. The cover art is the author's original creation and is solely owned by the author.

Crixzivion · Fantasy
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39 Chs

[017] Tome Of The Divine Vessels (Sacred Text Of Arianism)

The Divine vessels were gathered in the great temple of Aria, where they were preparing to preach the teachings of the Tome of the Divine Vessels. The temple was packed with people eager to hear their words, and the air was thick with anticipation and excitement.

The lead Divine vessel stepped forward and began to speak. "Brothers and sisters of Aria, we have gathered here today to share with you the teachings of the Tome of the Divine Vessels. This holy book contains stories and teachings about our history, purpose, and role in communicating Morpheus' message to the people of Aria. It also provides guidance on how to communicate with and learn from us, the Divine vessels."

The crowd leaned in, eager to hear more. The Divine vessel continued, "In the beginning, there was only chaos and darkness. Morpheus created the universe and all that is within it, and he chose us, the Divine vessels, to be his messengers. We were given the power to communicate directly with Morpheus and to share his message with the people of Aria."

The Divine vessel paused for a moment, allowing the words to sink in. "We have been with you since the beginning, guiding you and helping you to understand the mysteries of the universe. We have appeared to you in dreams and visions, and we have spoken to you through prophets and seers."

The crowd murmured in agreement, nodding their heads in recognition of the Divine vessels' presence in their lives. The lead Divine vessel continued, "We are here to help you on your journey, to guide you on the path of righteousness, and to lead you towards enlightenment. But we cannot do it alone. We need your help and cooperation."

The Divine vessel gestured to the crowd, "We ask that you communicate with us, learn from us, and trust in our guidance. We are here to help you, but we need your commitment and dedication to the path of enlightenment."

The crowd erupted into applause, inspired and moved by the Divine vessels' words. The lead Divine vessel smiled and continued, "The Tome of the Divine Vessels contains many teachings and stories that can help you on your journey. It provides guidance on how to communicate with us and how to learn from us. It also contains stories of our history and purpose, as well as our role in communicating Morpheus' message."

The Divine vessel opened the holy book and began to read, "Chapter 3, verse 7: 'And the Divine vessels spoke to the people of Aria, saying: "We are the messengers of Morpheus, and we have been sent to guide you on your journey. Trust in our guidance, and we will lead you towards enlightenment."'"

The crowd listened attentively, soaking in the words of the Divine vessels. As the preaching continued, the people of Aria felt a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to the path of enlightenment. The teachings of the Tome of the Divine Vessels had inspired them, and they knew that they could count on the guidance of the Divine vessels to help them on their journey towards enlightenment.


The Divine vessels continued their journey to spread the teachings of the Tome of the Divine Vessels to the Skyfolks, the winged inhabitants of the mountainous regions of Aria. As they arrived at a gathering of Skyfolk, they began to preach from the holy book.

"Beloved Skyfolks, hear our message from the Tome of the Divine Vessels," spoke the lead Divine vessel. "We bring you the teachings of the Divine vessels, who are the messengers of Morpheus. They were created to guide and protect the inhabitants of Aria and to communicate Morpheus' message to us all."

The Divine vessel then began to recite a verse from the Tome of the Divine Vessels:

"Through the ages, the Divine vessels have served as a bridge between the mortal and the divine. They were chosen by Morpheus to carry his message and to guide us on our journey through life."

The Skyfolks listened intently as the Divine vessel continued to preach, sharing stories and teachings from the holy book. They spoke of the history of the Divine vessels, their purpose, and their role in the universe.

"Beloved Skyfolks, the Divine vessels are powerful beings who are here to help us in our journey. They can offer guidance, protection, and wisdom. But we must learn to communicate with them and to listen to their messages," said the Divine vessel.

They continued to recite verses from the Tome of the Divine Vessels, sharing the teachings with the Skyfolks.

"Through prayer and meditation, we can connect with the Divine vessels and learn from their wisdom. They are here to serve us and to help us on our journey," recited the Divine vessel.

As the preaching continued, the Skyfolks began to ask questions and share their own experiences with the Divine vessels. The Divine vessels listened attentively, offering guidance and support to those who sought their help.

"Beloved Skyfolks, we are all on a journey together, and the Divine vessels are here to guide us. Let us embrace their teachings and seek their guidance in all aspects of our lives," concluded the lead Divine vessel.

The Skyfolks were grateful for the teachings of the Tome of the Divine Vessels and promised to continue to seek the guidance of the Divine vessels on their journey.