
God's Gaze: I Met a Regressor in Another World

One day, Kleint was summoned to an unknown world after an enigmatic message appeared on his screen: - Will you participate in the game? - The monsters poured out, and an incredible crisis ensued. Kleint's talent couldn't have been worse. [The player's talent is horrible] [No matter how hard you work, your talent level will not improve.] Magic and monsters existed in this place, and he seemed to have those powers. Although Kleint's talent is not the best, all that changes when he has a pair of strange eyes. ....

Junni_MC · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
78 Chs

Back to the safe zone

Once out of the cave, they found a dark sky, no stars, no moon, and no clouds. In addition to the familiar scary forest, silent, and since it was nighttime, everything was much darker and more terrifying than usual.

Strangely, Kleint, Liana, and Lee Joon are abnormally relieved to look at all this, knowing everything is finally over.

"Ahh, we finally got out of that place." Liana's legs lost strength, and she couldn't stand up; she never imagined that she would be so relieved to look at this scary and silent forest.

A thought shared by Kleint and Lee Joon, who peered into the cave that seemed normal but, in reality, was not.

Sigh, I never imagined I would experience something as crazy as this... Mystery era, an ancient follower of a deity, a strange veil that turned into a glove, a rosary that seems to be cursed... damn, what crazy things.

Kleint let out a long sigh, quickly remembering what happened in that cave, looking at his left hand where he has the dark glove with a crimson star and where he has temporarily sealed the cursed rosary, knowing that a troubling chapter has just been closed.

Seeing the cave again to close this chapter, he created a slight wind in his hand with the litte mana he had recovered on the way out and threw numerous cuts at the cave entrance.


The cave entrance collapsed, sealing the place and producing a loud sound in the silent forest.

Kleint had intended to use a fireball but decided against it because it would draw too much attention, and he wasn't sure if they were in a position to face a group of monsters right now.

So, he decided to use the wind attribute, which is more effective than the fireball in this situation.

Now, with this, no one will be able to enter and find that inverted statue so that we can avoid something problematic... Kleint said to himself, satisfied, avoiding all the problems that could be caused by someone entering the cave.

Because he had the feeling that if someone outside of them entered that cave and found that inverted statue of what seemed to be a god, trouble would constantly come to the door of the house.

Good, good, it avoids some troublesome things... Kleint's mood was greatly improved by not making the wrong decision in sealing the entrance to that long corridor.

"By the way, can you explain how to use mana so effectively? I was quite impressed at how you used mana," Liana, who had gotten up from the ground, asked Kleint with complete sincerity because he used it very effectively right away despite the little mana he possessed.

Kleint snapped out of his thoughts and responded with another question:

"Have you ever played online games?"

"No, because I thought those things were for virgin otakus, who would never in their life meet a woman or have a social life. So I was never interested in that since I like to travel around the world spending my parents' money".

There was no need to specify it so much; I would have said that you had never played, and that's it... Kleint's lips pursed, then he let out a small sigh and asked again, you didn't want to keep this one:

"So, you're not a virgin?"

Liana's cheeks blushed slightly at this question, and her lips puckered. She didn't expect this question all of a sudden, so with much difficulty, she answered, "Yes, I am a virgin."

I won... Kleint's lips curved slightly. He couldn't allow himself to be insulted just for playing video games, even if she was right, but his gamer's pride wouldn't let him be humiliated like this.

"Cough, well, back to the topic.

"The way I can use mana so effectively. I think of it as if mana is a tap since I have almost no mana. I thought of it that way a few days ago, but it can be improved.

"Hmm, but if I improve my mana control, I could be much more productive since I don't have enough knowledge. Well, in short, the format in which I use mana I think of as if it were a tap."

Everyone stared at Kleint in surprise, especially Liana, because she completely understood what he said.

"Did you learn that from playing online games?" Liana asked, still slightly surprised.

"Well, I just took it as an example and reference."

"I understand; once we get back, you can explain it to me in a calmer way."

"Sure, no problem." Kleint saw no problem explaining it to her in more detail but saw it as an opportunity to get closer to her so that she could give her some explanations when she got to class.

Because with what he saw with her attribute she would become an exceptional genius mage in the future, which could help her a lot, so he lost nothing in explaining it to her.

"Let's go before the monsters come," Alice said as she entered the dark, silent forest.

All of them also had tired expressions and, with their clothes all dirty and full of blood, started to go deeper into the forest, not waiting for the holy hour to return to the "Safe Zone" to rest appropriately.


They finally arrived at the safe area two and a half hours later. Fortunately, there were not too many monsters on the way, which Alice quickly chased away.

Once they saw the small crystal clear river, the terrain was not marshy but looked like artificial grass; some large trees gave good shade. The soft, cool breeze gently hit their faces, and the sound of the small river reached their ears, giving them a sense of tranquility and relaxation.

With this sight, Kleint, Liana, and Lee Joon relaxed their bodies, knowing that they had returned alive and could rest for the time being unless something unexpected happened, as it did at the improper camp where 80% of the survivors from the starting point died.

Upon sensing their arrival, the people who were in the safe zone had stiff expressions that turned to one of pure relief to see how they all returned alive and quickly went to greet them, knowing that they would live a little longer.

Kleint saw everyone greeting and smiling at him while he quickly withdrew from the crowd; now, he didn't feel like being around people; he wanted to rest more than anything.

Once the group was gone, Kleint rested in a tree, slowly closing his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.
