
Goblin System - Rise of the Goblin King

When gamer geek Ryota gets zapped into his favorite MMORPG, he's no longer slaying dragons; he's dodging angry mobs as the world's grumpiest goblin! With allies like half-elf archer Lia, who's better with snark than a bow, and Toshi, a mage who thinks fireballs are for cooking dinner, Ryota's quest for respect is hilariously off the rails. Gear up for a fantasy romp where leveling up means mastering the art of not getting squashed!

SnoozePanda · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Ancient Codex

Chapter 17: The Ancient Codex

The trio stepped through a massive oak door, their entrance marked by the intricate carvings of historical events and legendary figures, a visual journey of Lunarhaven's past. As they proceeded, envious glances from some of the elves they passed underlined the privilege they were being granted. The vast library's air was saturated with the scent of old parchment and an unmistakable aura of reverence.

Lunarhaven's grand repository of knowledge, the library, was an architectural marvel. The seemingly endless rows of shelves, filled to the brim with volumes, scrolls, and manuscripts, stretched beyond their line of sight. Above, magical lanterns floated serenely, casting a gentle light upon the wisdom contained within.

Lia, her eyes glowing with excitement, gravitated towards scrolls detailing ancient elven rituals. Toshi, in his pragmatic style, was engrossed in tomes about elven warfare and archery. Ryota, however, felt a whisper, a gentle tug that drew him deeper into the library's recesses.

Emerging from behind a tall bookshelf was Aranel, the Chief Librarian. His silver hair cascaded down his back, and the glint behind his spectacles suggested stories untold and mysteries understood. "Ah, young goblin," he greeted, casting a discerning look at Ryota. "You're being called, I reckon?"

Before Ryota could inquire further, he found himself standing before a pedestal where the codex awaited. Its moon-silver binding seemed to pulse, reflecting the ambient glow. Drawn like a moth to flame, Ryota felt a surge of energy the moment his fingers brushed the codex. Opening it, he was plunged into visions so lucid, they felt like memories.

He saw Arion, a figure of magnetic charisma, rallying elves to his cause, leading them with passionate speeches and grand visions. But as time passed, the chapters of this charismatic leader took a dark turn. Secretive meetings, blood pacts under a scarlet moon, and the birth of the Shadowed Elves unfurled before him. The intense clarity of the memories was interrupted by a particular passage, a prophecy that spoke of intertwined fates, looming darkness, and hope vested in a stranger. Could he be that stranger? The codex offered no answers, only riddles.

As the visions faded, a soft chime resonated within Ryota's mind:


Item Obtained: Ancient Codex of Lunarhaven


The silence of the library was momentarily disrupted by frantic footsteps. A young elven messenger, panting heavily, managed to gasp out, "They're here. The Shadowed Elves, they're attacking!" An emblem, dark and foreboding, was hastily shown, confirming their identity.

The weight of the visions and the urgency of the impending battle collided within Ryota. With a determined nod at Aranel and his companions, he rushed out, ready to face this new challenge, codex in hand.

The echoing chambers of the library now stood as a stark juxtaposition, a haven of knowledge amid the storm that was about to rage outside its walls.

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