
Goblin ME: creation system

You have probabbly heard of this story before. A teenager dies. He goes to heaven and meets god. The God says, "it was mistake, you weren't meant to die. I'll give you a chance to be reincarnated." Or maybe there is no god. The teenager just wakes up suddenly in a new world alone, but don't worry He has a system to help him. Or maybe there is no system, but he instead reincarnated as a small creature. Maybe a dog, maybe an ant. He would struggle for years just surviving this new world of his. Seems like a lot of fun right? "Yes it is." "Why can't the same happen to me? Take my soul or make me your slave. I just want a different life. I want to have system, i want to not be human, i want to transported to another world. Have many beauties by my side and live my life in luxury." A young man said these words as he gazed at the cealing. Tears streamed his eyes and they touched the wounds on his face. How would he have known that his wishes would come true. And maybe a whole lot more. ... "Wait wait wait... you said I am a what?" [Goblin.] "And I gain points how?" [Any and all sexual activities, host.]

BlackGoblin · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 16: this is mutual consent, right?

[Insufficient energy.]

"I saw that coming."

It only made sense though. The skill cube was a magical item that could grant anyone a skill just from looking at it for a long time. It only made sense that he could not be able to make it.

"Can you optimize it."

[If optimized, the item might lose the desired effect. Would you like to optimize the item?]

"Nope. How much energy does it need to be made though."

[The system is unable to calculate.].

"What do you mean?"

[The item likely has an energy requirement higher than the system energy cap.]

"The limits of the system are already showing huh?"

[Would the host like to learn techniques to reduce the energy requirement?]

"There are techniques for that? Why didn't you say so earlier?"

[It was not the right time.]

"Fine, tell me."

[1. Draw: if the host draws the items more accurately, the energy requirement will be lower. It is also advised to draw with more emotions and related knowledge in mind as well.]


Alex looked at his drawing of a cube and thought that maybe the system was right. His drawing was merely cube with some scribbled letters on it. It did not look much like the original cube from the movie. Plus, he only used a pencil, it would look better if he added some colors as well.

[2. Segmentation: if the object is too complex or large, it would require energy. The host can instead make small prices of said item. Since the smaller pieces cost less, he the host can create them all. Then assembling could be done manually. But beware, segmentation may make the item cost more then intended. Although it will help get around the system energy cap.]

"Oh I see, so like how instead of how I could make a car, I could just make all the small pieces of a car, then assemble them. This would be helpful because even if i had 100% energy, i can never make a full car, but i would have enough to make a single wheel. But why do you say it would cost more? After all, the materials would be the same. In fact, it should cost less since ill do most fo the work."

[In the event of a car, it might cost slightly less, but that only applies to objects that are already segmented. segmentation does not work only on segmented objects, even things that were never meant yo be segmented can be segmented. E.g the host wanted to make a magic sword. This sword would cost more than the host has. The sword can be segmented into pieces by the system. But the problem comes after it was brought to pieces. If the host wanted to bringing it back to shape, it would be necessary to rephorge it. But if the host added an affect on the pieces such as 'returns back to normal as long as they are brought close to each other.' It would be easily recombine. But in doing so, would need a lot of energy to figure out how it would work and implement it.]

"Wow... is see. So that means i can even use the techneque on the cube?"

[So long as the host can draw It... anything is possible.]

[3. Copying. When an object similar to what the host wishes to make is in close proximity, it will be easier to acquire it's information. Resulting in a lower energy requirement.]

"I see what you mean. That means if there was another cube with me, I could be able to create another. Doesn't this kinda sould like stealing? If i was in a cultivation world and was close to someone's secret manual, doesn't that mean i could just copy it without anyone knowing?"


At that moment, Alex finally knew the power of the system.

"I can create anything."


Melondra's room.


The sound of a wooden object being placed on another wooden object was heard.

"Checkmate," Melondra said.

"I really can't beat you anymore at this, can I?"

"You are showing more weakness the more we keep playing Norina."

Their faces hidden within their masks, the two finished their game of chess. Melondra used her slender feminine fingers to arrange the board. Her movements were graceful and mesmerising. This gave her a noble air around he, and her mask gave a feel g of mystery. The mask looked like it was used to protect royal treasure. A treasure so precious it would be soilt if a mere commoner was to look at it. If it was not for the green skin and pointed ears, you would think she was some noble woman.

Beside her, Norina stood with her very own beauty. Although Norina did not have the delicate feeling of Melondra, she had the air of warrior. Not like those boorish men with reeking odour, but instead like a beautiful fox. She seemed like beautiful sword, dazzling with its upright posture, but dangerous when necessary.

When these two stood together, they gave the room a different air then normal. It was as though...

"Urrgh! Your stupid game is so boring! Can't we do something else?"

But of course, within every garden of flowers, weeds will always pervade their beauty. And in this case, Ezura was the weed.

Well, comparing her to a weed is an exaggeration. After all, she also had her own beauty that did seem to lack compared to the two. In fact, she looked even better because she did not put on her mask. Albeit, very much different from the two.

"Ezura, if you don't like it then you can just leave!" Melondra dropped her noble aura and lashed our at Ezura.

"I would if i wasn't allowed to leave!"

"The cave is so big, who told you to come here!"

"Please calm down you two."

Norina said to the bickering two. To her this was a common occurrence in the cave. Melondra and Ezura are known among the sisters to always bicker, even for the smallest things. The two are very different in how they act and what they like to do, but somehow they are always together.

"She started It!"

Norina sighed, 'kids.'

She wasn't wrong though, compared to these two, she was many years older. That is of course if you include all the many years she had spent in her past life.

"Melondra, you have talked with Alex not too long ago right?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"What do you think of him."

"Well... he... he is different." Was all she could say.

"How so?"

"I noticed that he was a lot smarter than any other goblins that has ever been born in the horde. In fact, only we sister could compare with him. Plus he seems to act different too. If i was to say, I'd say he acted like a human."

"But at the end of the day; he is still a goblin!" Ezura exclaimed. "I don't see why he should be at the same level as us. Even that hobgoblin... whats his name?"

"Azill." Norina said.

"Azill! Even he doesn't have the right to be our brother. Why should he? Just because he has an ability like us? I think the queen wasn't thinking right when she promoted him."

"What did you say about the queen!?" Melondra roared at Ezura.

"You heard me. You got ear wax in your ear?"

Norina could only sigh. She had tried and failed far too many times to even care about Ezura anymore. If you point left, she will go right. Point right and she will go up just to confuse you. It was as if she enjoyed defying orders. If she were to be asked what was more unrestrained than her, Norina would say her mouth was!

"The queen has her ways. Her reasons and her thoughts are not something that you can understand Ezura. All you have to do is trust in her judgement."

"Yeah, like how she is basically forcing us to stay cooped up in the cave?"

"If the humans learned of our exitance, we will surely be hunted. You should know that by now."

"Humans? They are so weak, why should we fear them?"

Norina sighed once again. "There is more to the world than this forest you know. Beyond the little town head lie far gretaer kingdoms than we can't handle."

"That's an even more reason for us to go out! We could be exploring the world, and if there are challenges, what can't we deal with together?"

"Is that all you pea brained head can think of? Exploring the world and breaking the queen's rules?" Melondra smirked.

Ezura suddenly cringed her face. "Breaking the rules, what are you talking about. I am very obedient!"

"There is no need to hide it Ezura, i have known a long time about your litttle 'adventures' around the forest." Norina looked at Ezura. Ezura felt as though she could see through her mask and see her expressionless and disappointed face.

"What do you mean? I don't know what you are talking about."

"Do you want me to be more direct? I am talking about the minotours."

As if she was cat that had it tail stepped on, she flinched.

"What are you two talking about?" Melondra looked to Norina. She was completely confused about what they were talking about. She knew Ezura liked to leave the cave. In fact, sometimes she is the one who let's her leave. But it's the first time she heard about these minotours.

"Nothing, I just one day stumble upon Ezura's little secret."

"What secret?"

"Nothing!" Ezura shouted. "Let's play chess already."

"I thought you said you hated chess."

"Well, its better than hear you speak crap all day so if it means letting you shut up, ill play!"

"You pea brained imp!"


Norina sighed. 'There is no end to these two is there?... but I wouldn't trade them for the world.' At that moment, maybe, just may a smiled bloomed behind that mask.


Alex looked closely at the object in from of him.

"This should work right? Simce those other main characters can do it, the so can i. It's considered legal as long as both parties enjoy it right?"

Ignoring how not exactly right those words were, he picked up the object. Which was a cup of 'pure' water.

He then went towards the girl and have her the metal cup. The girl did not respond, she only looked at the cup. She did not move or say a thing.

"Want a drink?"


"Dont say anything if you agree."


"Great bottoms up."

He poured the cup of water in her mouth. The girl didn't want to drink the water, but her thirst ultimately won over her. She drank the water greedily. So much so that most of it actually just spilled on her body.

Soon, all the water was finished. Alex stepped back and looked at the girl as though he was a mad scientist who was waiting for his monster to wake up from its deathly bed.

At first there was nothing, but it didn't take too long for the girl to suddenly feel that something was wrong. Something was wrong with her body!

She suddenly felt that the world had turned hotter, her skin more sensitive and her breath rise rapidly. Before she knew it, he nipples had hardened and a weird feeling assaulted between her legs. Her body that she had lived in for so long suddenly felt so unfamiliar to her.

"What's... wrong with... me?" For the first time, the girl spoke actual words, but sadly, the goblin in from did not understand a thing she had just said. And even if he knew, he would not say.

How could he tell her that the water he gave her was actually mixed with an aphrodisiac? If he knew, he would just tell her, "There is no use resisting, just enjoy it. This is mutual consent right?"
