
Goblin Acolyte in the Magus World :

A modern soul... A biochip... A goblin body... All criteria were met to witness the birth of a monster, gifted with intellect far superior than his peers, with ambition far exceeding the realm of humans, and thirst of knowledge unknown to the craziest magi.

RavenMaster · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Knight Training

[You have successfully used the [Stab] skill. Skill deviation - 88%. In order to maximize the efficiency of movement, the blade trajectory should be more linear]


[You have successfully used the [Slash] skill. Skill deviation - 91%. In order to maximize the efficiency of movement, the curved part of the blade should be perpendicular to the target's surface]


Gurk's arms and chest were then covered in sweat. He had been training his dagger arts for hours, pushing himself to the limit as he practiced his various techniques and combos. As he wiped the sweat from his brow, he glanced over at his nightstand, where a small vial of potion sat waiting for him. It was a strengthening potion, one that he had been using for weeks now as he worked to improve his physical strength and endurance.

Gurk knew that he couldn't rely on magic alone to defeat his enemies. He needed to be just as skilled with a blade as he was with his spells, and that meant putting in long hours of training.

With a tired sigh, Gurk walked over to his nightstand and picked up the vial. He uncorked it and took a quick swig, feeling the potion's energy coursing through his veins. And with a contented sigh, he collapsed onto his bed, already drifting off to sleep as he dreamed of all the adventures that lay ahead.

When he woke up, the young goblin shaman grinned.

[Name - Gurk Firestone | Rank - Beginner Rank Acolyte [558 / 800]

HP : 60 / 60 | Mana - 30 / 60


Strength - 4 | Agility - 4 | Physique - 3 | Spirit - 6

Skills : Dagger Mastery [Intermediate], Tracking [Beginner], Leap [Beginner]

Rank 0 Spells: Burning Dagger [Beginner], Flame Column [Beginner]

Perk: Firestone Bloodline (Grade 3 Affinity with Fire Element)]

Three weeks of intense training and consumption of strengthening elixir had paid off. Not only had his strength got up by one whole point, his physique also increased by one point. As a goblin, these stats rivalling that of preparatory knights were unheard of. Even adult goblin warriors from the strongest tribes only had around three points of strength.

This was the power of the Citadel. As long as you possessed enough wealth, you could find resources making you stronger, regardless of your talent.

Looking at his hidden chest, Gurk contemplated his earnings over the past year: Medicinal plants, a couple of elemental stones, hundreds of gold coins, dozens of knowledge point tokens as well as several high-quality daggers made by dwarven blacksmiths.

This was a significant amount of possession for a beginner rank acolyte. However, Gurk knew that it was not enough. Ever since he went to the market floor, there was an item that caught his attention : the [Vampiric Dagger], a beginner rank artefact capable of draining mana from a bleeding opponent. This was the perfect match with his fighting style.

Unfortunately, the acolyte who sold this magical artefact was no idiot, and priced it 30 magic crystals. Even if it was slightly overpriced, Gurk knew that it would increase his fighting prowess by leaps and bounds.

This is why Gurk decided to complete a month of knight training, pushing his body to its utmost limits.