
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
131 Chs

Inside The Mansion

I never imagined myself stepping foot into a luxurious building, let alone a grand mansion where even the floors could be worth a fortune.

I feel completely out of place here, wearing clothes that are starting to get dusty and stained with dirt. I hope my presence doesn't bother anyone inside the mansion; I don't want to be a burden or disrupt the atmosphere.

Perhaps after receiving the kindness from the princess's father, I will immediately go and search for a job to afford staying in an affordable inn.

However, as I entered the room, a set of clothes had been prepared specifically for me. A black tunic paired with matching long pants and a dark brown belt, along with a pair of high-quality leather boots.

As I felt the material of the clothes, I let out a long sigh, feeling the weight of using such luxurious items, especially as a gift from someone else.

It's not that I'm ungrateful; I'm truly grateful, but it feels... It feels excessive.

I'm not someone who is suited to use such things, and what if I end up damaging them? I don't want to be someone who doesn't appreciate things and ends up ruining a gift.

In the bathroom, I sighed again as I saw a luxurious bathtub filled with hot water, also prepared for me. However, as I soaked myself in it, my mind instantly went blank, feeling the heaviness of my body since yesterday. I didn't realize it at the time because I was too excited.

But I'm still fortunate compared to the people in the city who couldn't escape. I can still enjoy this comfort while they might be struggling to survive at the same time.

In just a matter of one day, so much has changed in my life. From my surroundings to how I see the world.

Previously, I saw the world in colorless shades, gray and emitting a constant feeling.


No differences, just the same life of chasing money for survival and that's it. That was all.

But now, I can embrace a completely new world, truly different, full of stories and challenges ready for me to experience.

I hope to explore this world to the fullest, uncovering mysteries waiting to be unraveled and discovering new information about various things.

Maybe there's a hidden place?

I don't know, we'll see what lies ahead.

What I need to do for now is find a way to survive, protect myself, and be prepared to defend if something bad happens. If I want to embark on an adventure, I have to be ready to prey or be preyed upon; it's the law of nature. I just need to play the game well within it.

I stand up, drying myself with the soft white towel that has been provided, and walk back to the room. I gaze at my reflection in the mirror, feeling a slight sense of pride for the achievements after going through rigorous training.

I'm not particularly tall, just average at around 180cm, with a weight of 80kg, filled with muscles developed from sports since the age of 12. It all started with three years of practicing karate, then I switched to Muay Thai for five years, and recently I've been learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

After taking a few steps (and let me tell you, the guest room is huge!), I walk away from the mirror to pick up two black earrings from the table. I approach the mirror again, leaning in slightly to put on the accessories.

Then, I run my fingers through my white hair. I assess its length, wondering if it needs a trim or not.

Satisfied that it's still within reasonable limits, at least for someone who prefers short hair like me, I reach for the black tunic on the bed and put it on, followed by the pants, belt, and finally, the leather boots. Before leaving the room, I adjust my hair back to its original Korean-style look, which suits my wavy hair.

In the corridor, I double-check my appearance, trying to reassure myself that I look presentable.

I continue walking towards the dining room, following the directions given by one of the maids. Initially, the maid was assigned to accompany me, but I insisted on walking alone as I felt awkward being escorted like someone too important.

And I prefer to walk on my own.

Upon arriving at the dining room, which is even more spacious than my entire house, I see Luna indulging in a pile of sweet snacks while the Papa waits for me to join him for a meal.

He watches Luna eat as if she hasn't eaten for three days and three nights, shaking his head in confusion, unsure of what else to say to his only daughter to encourage her to behave more like a princess. The way she eats is far from "Princess" to say the least.

I take a seat across the table, facing the man directly, and wait for the food to arrive.

He claps his hands, signaling the maids to enter with large trays of luxurious food that I'm certain would be sold at a high price and only found in five-star restaurants.

Unconsciously, I swallow my saliva as I see the abundance of food prepared before me. I'm not sure if I can finish it all, but I also feel hesitant about refusing the food that has been offered.

"What are you waiting for? You can start eating now," he says, noticing that I haven't touched the food yet.

"Oh, I apologize in advance, but if I may ask, is it safe for someone from a different world to consume food from this world?" I inquire, curious about the fact that this world has its own mana flow, and it's likely that the food contains mana as well. I don't want anything bad to happen because my body is unprepared to receive that mana flow.

"Hmm, it's a good trait to always be cautious, but you should also consider drawing conclusions from what has happened around you. For example, you're still breathing in this world, aren't you? Doesn't that give you an answer to the question you asked?" he counters, attacking me with a fact that I should have known from the beginning of being transported to this world. "Let's eat. We can talk about more things in a more relaxed atmosphere once the food has filled our stomachs."

With the first bite, neither of us opens our mouths, only the sound of clinking between the plates and utensils is heard.

The princess enthusiastically enjoys her snacks, her adorable face becoming covered in cake cream, making her even more endearing. However, I have to restrain myself from pinching her cheek unless I want to lose my hand.

I don't mind eating in silence like this at all, in fact, I prefer it.

Maybe because I'm used to it, but I'm also someone who doesn't like to talk while eating, especially when watching something. The combination of the two things I enjoy feels almost sacred and shouldn't be disturbed or it might cause trouble.

The young princess finished her meal first, then said, "I'm going back to my room, Ms. Vera is waiting!" She then ran and jumped around, like a lively little child.

"Don't forget to clean up!" The papa replied before sipping red wine from a transparent wine glass, then looked at me. "So, what do you want to know? I'm sure you must have so many questions. I will answer them, but in return, I will ask one thing from you, how about that? It's not a bad deal, is it?"

Somehow I feel like I'm talking to a business owner rather than a military member.

I picked up the glass, took a sip of the same wine, and nodded in agreement, hoping that he wouldn't ask for something too difficult or beyond my capabilities. "Alright, I agree," I replied.

"Your first question, Glory, isn't it?"

He looked out the window, observing the Tower of Fate clearly visible from here, considering that his mansion was located in the hilly area.

"Let's just say it's a shortcut, a shortcut to power. What kind of power, you ask? Anything you desire. Yes, that's right, anything you desire.

It's quite a dangerous object, isn't it?

Fortunately, it has a few weaknesses, namely that the power it produces can never surpass pure power, like magic, runes, and the like. The power that indeed originates from another world, not a creation of the shining glass cube."