
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasy
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131 Chs

About The Cube

"Shortcut? I understand the general idea, but why just as a shortcut? Why can't it be a primary source? I mean, even you from different worlds can combine your knowledge to create something completely new. Can't the same be done with Glory?" I asked, curious about this foreign object that supposedly grants power for free.

Isn't that a bit strange?

Mr. Anderson shook his head gently. "We have tried various ways to harness the power of the shining cube, but unfortunately, no matter what we do, we have never been able to use it for anything other than giving power to the owner.

We have also conducted tests with one of the owners, of course, after obtaining their consent," he continued, as if he didn't want to imply that they had engaged in unethical practices such as forcing someone to undergo an experiment.

"Somehow, the cube knows when the owner has intentions beyond the given provisions. At each altar where the cube resides before accepting someone as its owner, there are several written conditions on its front side, glowing in blue," he explained.

"One of them is that the cube cannot be used for anything other than a power source. But, I'm actually grateful for that. Imagine the havoc that could occur if the object had no limitations. Any power we desired..." He snorted abruptly, took another sip of wine, and sighed, suppressing the emotions that seemed to have surfaced momentarily. "That's Glory, the object that has now become the target of G-Hunters, people who are impatient to possess power or those who are unfortunate and cannot use magic."

I asked another question, "Is there a possibility that someone who already possesses pure power would also seek it?"

He nodded slowly. "Yes. Perhaps some individuals may search for it to sell at a high price, considering that G-Hunters will do anything to acquire it, but us Naturals cannot use Glory. As I mentioned before, we have tried every possible way," he shook his head once again in response.

Hmm, so with the existence of Glory, this world seems quite fair, so that no one can be discriminated against even if they don't possess pure power.

But, there are limitations.

Somehow, those limitations bother me a little, considering Mr. Anderson mentioned that the power of Glory can never surpass pure power, and even the redhead said the same thing.

Does Glory bring balance or is it just a filler for empty hopes?

And then, why?

What is the reason for all of us being here and for what purpose?

It's unlikely that someone or something would do all of this just out of boredom. There must be a clue, something that can lead us to the true answer. Not to mention those mysterious towers, they can't possibly be mere decorations.

"There's no need to think too hard. You've just arrived in this world. It's better to accept things gradually than to break down halfway. Besides, rushing will only invite death to come faster.

I can see that you're worried about the people from your world. It's obvious, young one," he remarked, observing me closely since he finished speaking.

I couldn't deny that I'm an expressive person, so whatever I'm thinking tends to show on my face. I'm pretty sure I'm wearing a worried expression right now.

"Calm yourself. I believe that, even though your people may not possess powers like what I've heard, they'll be able to survive. Look at yourself as an example.

You arrived here alone and managed to reach this place safely, even saving my daughter from danger. Trust in your people because you won't be able to do everything on your own; you'll need help."

The door opened, revealing a long wavy-haired girl.

She entered with a confident and firm demeanor, resembling a knight, which shouldn't have been strange, but...


The girl who almost took my life just a day ago?

Seeing her act this way was like seeing heaven and earth. It was a stark contrast. I only knew her as rough and wild, not someone rigid and authoritative like she appeared now.

"Report to Mr. Anderson! We have discovered the origin of the creature! It is located in a large cave to the east of the forest, about 5km inward!" She glanced at me briefly, squinting her eyes, then returned her gaze to her Lord, who was currently lost in thought while observing his nearly empty wine glass.

"Send five people you trust to accompany you on the expedition, and remember!" He replied, emphasizing the word 'remember.' "Return immediately if the mission becomes impossible to complete. It's much better to come back safely than to risk lives."

The girl nodded in agreement with the order, although she appeared slightly stiff if observed closely.

He finished his wine and gestured for the knight to leave.

I watched her until she disappeared behind the door, still finding it difficult to digest that she looked sweeter when wearing armor.

It didn't mean that she wasn't attractive before, but for some reason, her new appearance was like a flower amidst a field of grass. It looked different, but at the same time, so beautiful, enticing bees to come closer.

"Abandon your intentions, countless men have been rejected by her to the point where rumors have spread that Celine has no heart due to her tough and cold demeanor," Mr. Anderson said with a meaningful smile, even though I had no intention of approaching her in that way.

"Well, it's not entirely her fault. Her difficult life has shaped her character as it is now. Why do you look at her as if you've seen a ghost?" Mr. Anderson asked curiously.

"Umm, we actually met in the city where I come from," I replied.

Mr. Anderson raised an eyebrow.

"And she looked completely different, no, I'm sure it was a different person. There, she appeared wilder, freer. Messy hair, disheveled clothes, dirt stains here and there.

Whereas now, she's neat, elegant... I can't even imagine..

I would never have thought they were the same person. It was thanks to her green eyes that made me guess they were the same person."

Mr. Anderson laughed, a sight I didn't expect from someone like him who always appeared serious. "It seems you're lucky. Not many people get to see that side of her, and I'm not even sure if anyone else besides the two of us knows.

Celine will only show it when she feels comfortable or perhaps by chance you happened to meet her when she was being her true self, the side she has hidden all this time because of being born into a knight family where she always has to appear elegant and stern."

Ah, I almost forgot that this world is a real world.

Of course, things like this would happen. I can also appear differently depending on who I spend time with.

Suddenly, Mr. Anderson clapped his hands, a brilliant idea had just come to his mind. "What if you join her? Luna told me that you promised to find Mr. Ted, my late wife's gift, something that has become her companion when Luna feels lonely.

From Luna's description, Mr. Ted was taken by something big and strange, something she had never seen before, and coincidentally, that creature is also heading in the same direction as the expedition's cave.

At least, if I didn't misinterpret my little daughter's explanation.

You two might become good friends on the journey, comrades in arms, and so on. Trust me, you'll need that."

As Mr. Anderson uttered his final words, his eyes briefly filled with sadness for a moment, only to return to their usual state. He stood up, excused himself to retire to his room, and rest after a long day of searching for his little princess.

I remained seated in the dining room, trying to process everything that had happened so far and questioning how I managed to survive. Escaping from the city that had turned into a place of massacre, I could say that I was lucky.

Wait, had I thought about this before? I think I have.

I took a deep breath, exhaling slowly.

I guess I'm still in shock from the unpleasant sight.

Come on, Zent, be happy! You're safe and have this luxurious resting place! You should enjoy it while you can.

Who knows when you'll experience it again, especially, imagine yourself sleeping on a high-quality bed with pillows that feel as soft as resting on clouds.

Ahh, just imagining it already makes me smile.

"Stop that smile. It disgusts me," said someone, interrupting my thoughts.