
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
131 Chs


Suddenly, strong vibrations occurred accompanied by thunderous sounds from explosions that shattered window glasses. Bright light emerged not far ahead, bringing with it a blast of heat that sent us flying backward.

We slammed forcefully into the wall, our ears ringing, and our vision blurry.

Gunshots, shouts, and screams could be heard below, but the only thing on my mind right now was the sight of three flying ships with cannons pointed directly at us.

I forced myself to get up, trying to ignore the pain coursing through my body, and walked towards Sarah, who was now unconscious with blood flowing from her head. I lifted her up, turned to face the three flying ships, and pointed my palm in their direction. Glory began to emit a glow, forming a large black laser weapon with a trigger ready to be pressed.

As soon as the laser was fired, a massive explosion occurred not far away, destroying one of the flying ships, which slowly plummeted downward. I was sure they were taken aback by the reddish-hot beam they had just witnessed. Unfortunately, I couldn't continue firing because I could feel my chest tightening, a sign that the Rangers were now retaliating. They were no longer staying idle.

I hurriedly descended the stairs, finding many bodies of the League of Rangers lying around. In front of me, right on the road, several Rangers were aiming their weapons. Their fingers were ready on the triggers, and in less than a second, shots rang out. Once again, I had to use Glory to stop each bullet in its tracks and redirect them back at the Rangers.

I stepped out, pushing through the smoke and fire where there was a crater from a previous attack. Before I had taken three steps out of the door, the ground trembled again. This time, it was in a rhythmic pattern, like marching footsteps. Just as I was about to continue walking, my worst fear came true.

Behind me, the head of a massive Mech emerged, towering at twelve meters tall. Each iron leg took steps, causing the ground to shake, announcing its arrival. In its hands, there was a large cannon ready to attack, capable of turning me into ashes. It turned, revealing itself, and stared directly at me.

The cannon fired, and a fleeting orange light appeared before I was sent flying backward. I quickly formed a protective gel shield like a cocoon, trapping Sarah inside, hoping it would shield her from the impact.

My head hit the ground, pain spreading, and my body was thrown back. I gathered my energy to stand up again, observing Sarah's figure safely protected within the thick transparent cocoon in front of me. I breathed a sigh of relief, happy to see that I had managed to protect her.

Then I turned back, observing the Mech that was also watching me while preparing for a second attack. I raised my hand high in the air, allowing the pilot see the bright light of Glory, the last thing they would see before dying. A large sword formed above, swiftly moving downward following the motion of my hand, piercing through the Mech.

As the sword gradually turned into particles of white light, I continued walking towards Sarah, hoping that anyone inside the Mech was already dead.

I dispelled the protective gel, lifting Sarah again, realizing that if I used Glory a few more times, I would likely experience the same fate as the Pirate Captain.

Perhaps I had reached my limit. But I would continue to protect everyone.

I made a promise.

I walked into an alleyway, closing off the entire alley with the same building material so that it would appear from the outside as one large structure, not two separate buildings. I didn't forget to provide illumination in the form of a floating ball of light in the air.

I unbuttoned my shirt, folded it, and made it into a makeshift head cushion for Sarah while tying her head using torn fabric from my sleeve. Once done, I leaned against the wall, trying to calm my rapidly rising and falling chest. The feeling of tightness grew with each passing moment, making me want to tear my chest open and let it all out.

At the same time, I realized that the lives of people were in great danger. They wouldn't be able to withstand the full force of the Rangers' attacks, especially with Mech and flying ships involved. I also had my limits in continuously protecting them; I couldn't keep up the defense, or I would end up dead.

"What should I do?"

I sat there, questioning myself, wondering if what I had done was a mistake.

No, that's not true.

I knew it was wrong; I knew I had acted too recklessly in making a decision. I just didn't want them to experience what I felt. But, in the end, I became the problem.

If only he weren't here, I wouldn't have done this.

No, I can't keep blaming him.

But if I don't follow what he wants, he will destroy this place!

How do you know he will do it again?

I know! I know he will definitely do it! That psychopath will surely do it!

Unconsciously, I held my head, hitting it with the palm of my hand several times, trying to calm the voices now echoing inside.

I took a deep breath repeatedly until I could finally suppress the disturbing feelings, returning to a sense of normalcy. I clenched my fists tightly, trying to resist the trembling that were now trying to take over. I couldn't let this weakness control me; I had to keep pushing it back, make it kneel down, and tell it that no one can break me.

I glanced at Sarah, still unconscious, and decided to check the surroundings. I opened the front part of the alley and walked into the darkness. The two flying ships were gone, and the Rangers were no longer visible. The streets that were once filled with noise had now become silent. It was too silent, so much so that it made me feel unease.

When the thunderous sound of gunfire finally rang out, I realized that I was still being watched. A bullet pierced through my chest, throwing me backward with its force. Before the second bullet was fired, I quickly propelled myself using the strong wind from Glory, focusing it at one point.

There was a strong impact that made me grimace in pain, but at least now I was safe from the sniper. Who would have thought that there were snipers in this world?

Slowly, I got back on my feet and tried to walk back into the alley. But as I felt the vibrations shaking the ground, I stopped in my tracks. As I turned around, there was already a Mech behind me, and two more emerged from the sides. A flying ship hovered above, aiming its large cannon at me.

I could hear the footsteps of the Rangers growing louder until they finally revealed themselves, appearing from various angles, pointing their rifle muzzles at me with their fingers ready on the triggers.

I could only smirk at the sight. I knew that as soon as I made a move, they would start shooting.

As Glory began to glow, the sniper fired again. The bullet once again penetrated my body, pushing me forward. As I tried to stand up, several Rangers approached and pressed their weapons against my head, shouting orders for me to stay in place.

The line of Rangers in front cleared the way.

How shocked I was to see Miss Sheila walking there with someone I never expected to see with my own eyes.

"Is he the man you meant?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," she replied softly, like a servant.

My eyes widened, not because of happiness, but because I had just been betrayed by someone I thought I could trust. "Miss Sheila... I never expected you to be far worse than I imagined."

A Ranger kicked me from the side. I could feel blood flowing and starting to drip from the corner of my mouth.

"Your name is Z, isn't it?" The Queen asked, now several steps ahead, standing tall with her head held high and shoulders broadened.

So majestic, so arrogant.

"If it is, what's it to you? Do you want to kill me, just like how you killed your own people by sending them to the Vulture?"

Once again, my face was kicked by the same shoes, the same person whose face I will remember.

"Keep talking nonsense, and that handsome face of yours will vanish," she retorted.

"Should I thank you for complimenting me?"

As if about to be kicked again, the Queen raised her hand, ordering the Ranger to step back as she approached, kneeling in front of me. She commanded two Rangers behind to lift me up. Her hand lifted, touching my cheek and then my chin, and before I knew it, she pulled me towards her, and our lips met.

When she was done, she touched her lips, reminiscing about what just happened, and then she smiled, a smile that looked anything but kind. A smile I was sure she gave to every enemy. "You're sweet. Unfortunately, you still need training."

Training? You think I'm a pet?

Laughter escaped me, a laughter that only emerged when I felt darkness in my heart. "You really underestimate me. A grave mistake."