
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
131 Chs

A Mistake

"Mistake? What can you do in the face of so many weapons?" the Queen sneered as she folded her arms.

"Don't regret it."

I used Z's abilities, freed myself, and sprinted towards the Mech ahead. Then, using Ranger's face as a foothold, I leaped high into the air and grabbed a massive hammer that had materialized. A powerful shockwave occurred as the Mech shattered, losing its form, and crumbled on the ground.

Of course, I didn't stop there. I hurled the massive hammer towards the Sniper firing from the tower. The hammer spun fiercely, demolishing it and sending the Sniper crashing down amidst the rubble, surely no longer in one piece.

I turned around, facing the second Mech.

The cannon fired. I extended my palm forward, and Glory began to glow, granting me the power to control the attack, which I redirected back towards the Mech. An explosion occurred there, sending sharp iron shrapnel into the air, killing several Rangers.

The Mech furthest away fired its cannon. I ran forward, evading each attack, leaping from one rooftop to another before disappearing through a window.

The Mech approached, trying to locate my position when it was suddenly thrown back as another much more modern Mech appeared. I used both hands to tear apart the Mech in front, revealing the pilot who now screamed in horror as a massive metal fist crashed into him.

As my Mech vanished into particles of light, I walked towards the Queen, who was now running towards a flying ship. The Rangers protected her, firing their weapons, only to be killed by their own bullets. It only took a swing of my hand to send each bullet back at them.

Were they foolish? Still trying to use their rifles when their opponent could destroy a Mech?

Not far ahead, the Queen began climbing the stairs to enter the flying ship, but she fell backward as I emerged in front of her with a grin adorning my face.

"Why? Haven't I told you not to regret it? You were the one who started this, even though I never wanted to attack you." I walked down, approached, and knelt in front of her. "But after hearing that you actually wanted to conquer this continent, I began to change my mind. How about I replace this kingdom with someone new? Someone like..." I glanced at Miss Sheila standing beside, who was taken aback.

"Sheila! Y-you.. Betraying me?" the Queen asked in disbelief.

"N-no, Your Majesty! He's bluffing! I would never betray you!"

"Do you really want to believe a traitor? Sure, for now, she might be willing to serve you, but what about later? You could end up facing the same fate as me, and I'm sure you wouldn't want that. But why should I worry about you?" I walked away, watching from behind to see how this would end.

That's what I imagined.

However, what happened next was entirely different.

For unknown reason, I can't use Z's abilities.

And as Glory began to glow, a warning shot came from a sniper. That's the downside of this immense power. It takes two seconds to gather strength, which, unfortunately, means nothing against a sharpshooter. Moreover, the darkened day made Glory's light even more conspicuous.

The Queen seized it and wore each bracelet, raising her hands high, observing Glory now glowing brightly. A wide grin spread across her face as she witnessed numerous large flying ships materializing, hovering silently in the sky, waiting to be controlled.

I stepped forward, trying to reach Glory, but the Rangers forcefully pushed me back onto the ground. I gritted my teeth, attempting to muster my strength, but a warning shot from the sniper came just inches from my head.

I stared at the three Glories in front, clenched my fists, reminded of the lives of every citizen now in great danger. They no longer had protection; they would die, and all because of me!

"Give back Glory! They will all die, damn it! SHEILA, YOU ASS*OLE! YOU WILL KILL THEM ALL!!" I shouted.

Desperation began to fill my heart, tearing me apart, giving me a sense of pain, reminding me of what had happened before.



The lives of the citizens... They will all die.

You can kill me, but not them.

"Sheila... I beg you,"

Yet, she didn't hear me at all, pretending as if I didn't exist, and my voice was just a mere gust of wind.

At that moment, my heart felt as if it had been stabbed with a dagger.

Such pain, such torment.

The Queen's laughter erupted, so loud, a satisfaction beyond measure. It was unimaginable how many would submit to her once they began their attack. Her mind was filled with those visions, something that managed to fill the emptiness in her heart that had tormented her from within for so long, preventing her from sleeping peacefully.

They walked towards a slowly descending flying ship. Miss Sheila turned to look at me, our eyes met. There was pain and an apology. Then, she continued walking without ever turning back, boarding the flying ship and leaving this place. Leaving me in the hands of the Rangers who were now dragging me into another flying ship.

I could see the road below gradually shrinking and fading away. Until finally, I could see the view of the city that made me feel choked. Explosions one after another, accompanied by the sounds of rifles. I hoped that the people of Clockheart were safe, even though I knew it was a futile hope.

What have I done? I brought this hell upon them.

With the energy now completely drained from my body, I let the darkness come to take me. A place where I could fall asleep without thinking about everything, a place where I could feel calm.

Not far from there, Kyle saw Zent being dragged into the flying ship. Then he saw each large flying ship heading towards the Queen's palace. It's not that he didn't want to help, but he felt that Zent needed to learn that what he did was wrong.

So, he left the scene, intending to help the townspeople, and for the first time, he saw their lifeless bodies. Previously, he had not come across any bodies, thinking it was just a mere coincidence.

But now, he was sure that it was Zent who did this.

Feelings of guilt began to creep up in his heart, realizing that he could have saved Zent, and the bodies before him could still be alive.

He clenched his fists tightly.

He looked in the direction where Zent's flying ship had gone, intending to chase after him, but now he had to take over Zent's duty to protect them. Therefore, he created an eagle, a robot with a camera directly connected to the smartphone he brought into this world. This way, he could continue tracking Zent's movements without raising suspicion.



Sarah's fingers moved.

Slowly, she opened her eyes, gazing at the night sky that appeared small, sandwiched between two tall buildings. Sarah sat there, wincing as her head throbbed, especially on her left forehead, where she felt a cloth placed.

Sarah stood up, about to clean her clothes, but she stopped when she noticed a folded cloth behind her. She reached for the cloth, spread it out, and hurriedly left the alley, wanting to find Zent's whereabouts.

She tried to use her powers to sense his life force but found nothing. Yet, she always easily felt Zent's life force, which made her feel warm, alive.

Her steps quickened until she was now running on top of buildings. Sarah stopped and tried again, but still found nothing. She couldn't sense him at all.

Sarah started to panic, her heart pounding, and her breaths gasping. She had to find Zent, no matter what.

She had to find him, she must!

Sarah ran again, trying at different places until she finally stopped at Miss Sheila's mansion. She tried to sense Zent's life force.

Unable to contain herself, her legs lost their balance.

She couldn't sense him.

Tears streamed down, wetting her face and falling onto the ground. Sarah knelt there, pouring out her heart. It felt so painful, so agonizing that she wanted to go berserk.

But before her power could erupt, Sarah held it back, remembering Zent's words, asking her not to act recklessly. She stood up, strengthening her resolve, knowing that Zent was still alive. She can't be conscious if Zent had died.

Then the life force appeared, so faint but still palpable. Sarah smiled happily, relieved that he hadn't left her alone. She hurried over, continuously feeling Zent's faint heartbeat, which made her worried.

Most likely, Zent was in danger and could lose his life soon. Therefore, she had to hurry there to save him. Then, together, they would leave this accursed place.

"Wait for me, Zent, I will definitely save you. Just like how you saved me before. Please hold on, just as I've held on all this time, waiting for your arrival."