
Global Transmigration: I Received an X Ranked Talent

Please leave a review and a comment. I always enjoy constructive criticism, or just someone saying they enjoy reading my book. However, I just want to let you all know that I do write this in my free time, so there isn't a consistent update schedule. Chapter 1 WHAT THE FUCK Crystal’s (Pov) ‘Ahh, there is nothing better than a hot shower after a monotonous day of school work’ I thought while washing my hair with pomegranate shampoo. Turning off the water I stepped out of the shower and reached for the towel, and just as I was about to grab it a bright light flashed in front of me. |Congratulations! You and 4 million other humans have been selected from Earth to participate in King/Queen building Games!| |Notice: You will be given a random Talent and Subjects to help you build your empire. It will depend on your leadership, intelligence, and Luck to survive this world of magical beasts, other Kings or Queens, and any other dangers you may face through your journey.| “WHAT THE FUCK!!!” I screamed in surprise as a screen popped up in front of me and a disembodied voice rang out around me. Looking around me I noticed that 1, I was standing outside what appeared to be a cave with a small house nearby and a forest in front of me with a river running through it, and 2, I was still completely naked. Authors Note: This will be one of the most op-bullshit stories I have ever written down, ill try to give it some actual plot but it's pretty much just something fun for me to write in my downtime. I will take any helpful criticisms, suggestions, or reviews. However, if you're just gonna spam smartass bullshit I’ll just delete it. #OP, #System, #Yuri, #Kingdom Building, #Nonhuman MC, #Female Protaganist, #Transmigration, #Etc.

RavenGoddess · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Thief's Treasure Chest

(Pov Crystal)

Slowly I stopped playing my last piece as Lilith's summoning circle blinked out of existence and Lilly walked over to me.

"My Empress, Lilith is ok, it even looked as though she evolved," Lilly said in a soothing voice, which I appreciated immensely.

"Yes Lilly, she did, she evolved into a Devil. The Devil of Lust." I said in a sad whisper still thinking of what happened when Lilith latched onto my breast.

(14 Hours Earlier)

As I was thinking of watering down my milk for Lilith to try, she unexpectedly ripped open my already loose-fitting shirt and started to suck on one of my milk makers.

|Notice: WARNING WARNING WARNING If Succubus Queen Lilith has more than two undiluted drops of your milk she will disintegrate into ash and dust.|

Immediately I halted my milk and pushed Lilith off of me, it was too late however as her skin started to peel off her body. I don't think she noticed though as there was a grin of pure happiness and bliss on her face. My thoughts went at lightspeed thinking of a way to save her and then I glanced at the Devil Dragon, who seemed to have read my thoughts and had already started to open his giant maw as flame rushed out.

'System, will this save her?'

|Notice: If the Devil Dragon bathes her in its flame for 10 minutes every hour until she wakes up, she will survive and evolve into a Devil, The Devil of Lust. A Paragon in the underworld.|

The rest is history, as they say. I did enjoy playing the violin though, and the Silk Queen Weaver made excellent silk for the bow I was using. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts I looked back at Lilly.

"Thank you for taking care of that Lilly, you are a good friend. We have two more stops to make before we can go home and I can sleep for a bit, sound good to you?" Looking at Lilly with a hopeful smile. I could tell she wanted me to just go to bed now.

"Yes Empress, two more stops, then sleep." As her shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Ok, let's leave 15 Amazons here, and go to the crazy person that is willing to trade 60 S-rank Egyptian Jackal Women for 1000 Gold." Forcing a smile onto my face as I looked back at Lilly who only smiled back at me, as we walked out of the one-dimensional doorway and into another.

(Pov Chris Watson 1 day ago)

I needed gold and I needed it fast, at first when I had been summoned I was depressed as fuck especially because I was in a desert. On the bright side, my home was a giant fucking pyramid and my subjects were Egyptian Jackal Woman. I thought we were going to die within the first three days without any food or water, however, some of the women had magic, fucking honest to god magic. My jealousy knew no bounds when I saw them summoning water out of thin air. That was just water though, my advisor said that some Jackal women can summon animals to feast upon so when I could, I summoned as many women as I could. Sure enough, after three summons I got four women who were able to summon goats and pigs, we were all very happy.

Unfortunately, my summoning had a side effect of overpopulation, there were over 200 Jackal women. I thought I might die of the amount of estrogen in the air around me, they also kept on pushing me to take someone as a Queen and take as many concubines as possible; it was overwhelming. Eventually, I stopped fighting it after four days, now I have my lovely wife Lola, and 30 concubines to keep happy. Which is fucking hard, I'm only level 3 and everyone else is already over level 8, their stamina is through the roof.

It's been eight days since I was summoned here and I was getting wrung dry, I needed a break. So I left my throne room/bed chambers and walked around my territory; with two of my everpresent busty bodyguards. Haley and Layla, wouldn't leave me no matter where I went, even when I was in the bathroom. One of them would be in the room with me while the other stood outside. It is the one order that they will not follow, to leave me alone when I'm in the bathroom.

"Sigh," just as I was about to turn back I noticed a gleaming chest buried in the sand, running over to it I began to dig it out of the sand, Haley, and Layla helping.

|Notice: You have found an S-rank Diamond Thief Treasure Chest. Information: The Theif Treasure Chest needs gold coins to open the treasure chest. You need 1000 Gold Coins to open up an S-rank Diamond Thief Treasure Chest.|

"What!" I stared at those floating black words for quite a while. I can't believe I found a treasure chest that wants me to pay it to fucking open it. Besides, I don't have any Gold coins, where would I even get those?

"My King, why are you not opening this chest?" Haley said, her areoles bouncing in front of my face when I turned to answer.

"Huuuuh, It is a Theif Treasure Chest Haley, I need 1000 Gold coins to open it. Would you stop bouncing those in my face, we can do that stuff in my bed chambers, not when we are outside." Running a hand down my face as I said that.

"Yes my King," Haley and Leyla said, covering up their breasts with this pretty much seethrough cloth. I don't think they cared much about the treasure chest when I told them that.

'Where in the hell am I going to get Gold coins?'

|Notice: You can find many trading opportunities in the Trade function of the menu.|

"Come on ladies let's go back, I have some business to do and then you can have me," and that's exactly what happened once I posted that I would be willing to trade some of my subjects for 1000 gold. They were the only commodity I had to trade, and I really did have too many of them. Once someone accepted the deal I smiled like an idiot before logging off of the trading post, not really bothering with who I had been trading with.

A day later a scantily clad woman came running into one of the many orgies my wife forced me to have.

"My King, a giant portal has opened up in front of your palace!" She said, not even blushing as I pulled out of one of my concubines as she moaned with pleasure.

"Good, very good. Lola my Queen we have guests, bring the 60 women who we will be trading."

"Yes my love," my darling wife said licking her chops seductively before walking away.

As I walked out of the gates of my palace I was shocked at how big the portal was, it stood almost 30ft high. What the hell was going to come out of that doorway that would be that big?! When the portal started to ripple I prepared to welcome my guest, I had already prepared some refreshing goat's milk and some pomegranates my soldiers had been lucky enough to find a few days ago.

Slowly a tall black-furred woman stepped out of the shimmering doorway, I soon realized it was a wolf woman. I was just about to greet her when 20 pairs of long legs soon followed after the wolf woman. All I could do is stare at the glistening vulvas towering above me, although some of them did have cocks as tall as I was.

Gulping in surprise I turned back to the wolf woman smiling down at me.

"Welcome to the Golden Jackal Kingdom, I am King Chris Watson. Who may I ask are you." I also let out my King aura as it glowed golden around my skin.

"You are in the pre…" One of the very tall women loudly spoke.

"Lilly, hush, he is being polite and so shall we. I know I was just in a rough patch but I can introduce myself." The wolf woman said speaking up at the tall woman.

"Greetings King Chris, I am Empress Crystal White of the Onyx Empire, ruler of the Jade and Ash Kingdoms." She said slightly tilting her head in what I assumed was meant as respect. However, I was just shocked.

'How the fuck was someone already an Empress!'

"I am here to trade you the 1000 Gold for the 60 Egyptian Jackal Women." A professional and slightly pressuring aura radiated off of her.

|Notice: Your King aura means nothing to an Empress|

"Of course, my wife is bringing them right now, would you like some refreshments while we wait?" Even if she is an Empress, I will still act cordial and kingly.

"Wait, you were summoned here with your wife?" All professional aura was gone as she got right into my face.

"Oh…um…no, no I wasn't. When I got here it was just an empty desert with the pyramid behind me. When I summoned the lovely woman around me they were able to do magic but only able to create water, not food. One of the women said that some Jackal women have magic that allows them to summon animals. After three more summoning, I was able to get four Jackal women that are able to summon goats and pigs. However, the woman who told me this said I needed a Queen, and then she kept pressuring me into it till I married her." As I told her the story, my lovely wife walked up behind me with the 60 jackal women following her.

"And I would have never quit, my love," she said as a tongue licked my ear. Causing a shiver to rush down my spine and blood to rush everywhere but my brain. Her soft pads were crawling up my shirt when she froze, completely froze. Looking backward at her I saw that her eyes were locked on the Empress in front of us.

"Oh, forgive my manners, Empress Crystal, this is my lovely wife Queen Lola Watson." Smiling at the Crystal before gesturing to my wife behind me. However, Crystal just smiled at me awkwardly.

"I'm sorry King Cris, but that is not what made your wife freeze. My race is known as the Celestial Wolf Empress, the only way for a Wolf Empress to gain the Celestial title is to become Immortal. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to turn off the aura I give off that allows, pretty much every resident on this planet to recognize that fact. I'm also aware of the shock you are probably going through right now so I will leave you for now, if you want to talk later you and your Queen are more than welcome to enter the doorway and I will have one of my people waiting for you. The only conditions that I will insist upon are that if you enter my Kingdom you do not harm my citizens unless they harm you first and that you don't steal anything." With that, she turned around and left, the Jackal women and the tall women following behind her. Not that I noticed, I had fallen down on my face in shock.