
New Race Fusion

|Notice: How many Amazons would you like to summon?|

"As many as possible," I said in a polite tone.

|Notice: Summoning 50 Amazons now.|

"Dammit, I really need to get some sunglasses for all the bright flashes of light that keep happening," I said when I got blinded once again.

"Greetings everyone, I am Queen Crystal White of the Onyx Empire. You will be serving under Queen Sky of the Kingdom of Jade. I want to let you know that the woman who was here before you were tormented and raped by a sadistic King. He has been taken care of, but the girls are still fragile, do you understand?" I said glancing at the woman surrounding me.

"We do your Majesty," the woman speaking said.

"Good, well then let's get to work, we have a lot to do before this Kingdom is up to par. I need a few women to go to the docks and begin fishing, there is also a salt mine a few miles north of here. Those two things will be your main sources of income, right now we have an open trade route with the Succubus Queen Lilith. You will also need to start hunting for some land animals to sustain the farm. From now on, if you have any questions, you will answer Queen Sky; understood?"

"Yes, Empress!" All the Amazons shouted while saluting before going to their assigned tasks. I just nodded before walking to the previous kings' barracks.

|Notice: Would you like to summon Beast girls?|


"Yes, but what are my choices, also can I fuse them before they are summoned?" It would be easier to summon fused beast girls instead of going over my talents every time.

|Notice: Yes you can fuse them for the first summon, however, it will cost you mana for the rest.|

"Fantastic, what are my choices?"

|Notice: 50 of each. B-Rank Shark Girls, C-Rank Bunny Girls, A-Rank Antelope Girls, C-Rank Cow Girls, and A-Rank Lynx Girls.|

|Notice: Talent, Fusions has activated would you like to fuse 50 B-rank Shark Girls together?|


'Yes, to all future fusions today.'

|Notice: You have fused 50 B-rank Shark Girls together to produce one SSS-rank Megalodon Woman. Information: The Megalodon Woman is the apex predator of the sea, she is 50ft tall and can traverse the ocean at speeds incomparable to anything else in the ocean. They are very territorial and will guard what they think is theirs.|

'Oh shit,' Immediately I lifted myself up into the air so that I would be at eye level with her as the flash of light ended.

"Greetings Empress, my name is Madea. It is a pleasure to serve an Immortal being such as yourself." She said in a surprisingly quiet voice. I wondered for a second how she knew I was immortal but discarded the thought almost as soon as it entered my brain. Somehow the people I summon have some innate knowledge that I am their Queen/Empress and apparently, some of them can tell I'm Immortal.

"Hello Madea, my name is Crystal. I am Empress of the Onyx Empire, I have just recently conquered this new Kingdom and I'm leaving it in the capable hands of Queen Sky. This nation is the sole territory of a large Island, I want you to be its main protector as well as whatever Queen Sky asks of you; are you ok with this task?"

"Yes Empress, I will guard your new Kingdom with my life," Madea said before walking towards the ocean and disappearing into the surf.

|Notice: You have fused 50 C-rank Cow Girls together to produce one SSS-Rank Celestial Cow Woman. Information: The Celestial Cow Woman, like the Divine Cow Woman, can produce high-ranking milk in mass. However, only immortals can drink her milk as it is too potent for mortals to drink, they would combust on the spot. The Celestial Cow Woman can produce 100 Gallons of Celestial Milk every eight hours, she has four pairs of breasts and eyes that look like the sun and the moon.|

'Well, I guess she is coming with me. I wonder what Lilith will give me for a gallon of her milk?'

(Pov Succubus Queen Lilith)

I was just about to take a bite of the delicious meal the Onyx River Restaurant had prepared for me when I felt a shudder, not unlike a powerful orgasm ripped through my soul. Thinking nothing of it, I thanked the stars for having made the contract with the new Queen I had met. Not only do I get to have a Demonic Silk Wool dress made and could show off to everyone. Queen Crystal had also somehow opened up a restaurant that served some of the best dishes in the underworld right next to my palace. I couldn't be happier.

(Pov Crystal)

Staring at the 5ft tall Cow Woman before me, was like staring into a stary night, her eyes were drawing my soul out of my body with their deepness. The moment was broken however when she let out a moan as her nipples started to leak.

"Kira, take this woman to my castle and have some of the other women help milk her, under no circumstances should anyone drink her milk. It is only to be drunk by immortals anybody else would burst into flames. Have one of the Nine-tailed fox women create a separate silo and have someone guard it as well. Someone who is strong-willed, also explain what is going on, I would do it right now but she is in no condition to be able to listen and understand what is going on." I said while glancing at the woman hyperventilating in pleasure while squeezing her tits as milk gushed out, the only scary thing was when her silvery milk splashed against the grassy ground and the grass began to turn to ash. The shadow of my head just nodded before engulfing the woman before me and disappearing without a sound.

|Notice: You have fused 50 A-Rank Antelope girls together to produce one SSS-Ranked Astral Doe. Information: The Astral Doe is a peaceful creature that walks among the stars and is rarely seen on any single celestial body for more than a few hours.|

Before I could glance further at the beautiful doe that stood in front of me, it disappeared, there was no flash of light or anything.

"Huh, well that was a new one..."

|Notice: Would you like to fuse the remaining Beast Girls?|

"Um... Sure I'll come back to that later. Fuse the Bunny girls next."

|Notice: You have fused 50 C-Ranked Bunny Girls together to produce one SS-Ranked Inferno Hare. Information: The Inferno Hare is a fearsome and fiery creature, evolved from a bunny girl, with fur that resembles flickering flames and the power to propel herself with fire for blazing fast movements. She can unleash fiery projectiles, create protective rings of fire, and possesses remarkable thermal resistance, making her a formidable force in battle.|

Standing before me was a 4-foot-tall rabbit woman that had blue flames flickering all around her, it was beautiful, in a dangerous sort of way.

"Greetings Empress, my name is Emberlyn. How may I serve you?" She said while bowing on one knee.

"Hello Emberlyn, I just recently conquered this Kingdom, I already have someone guarding the oceans but I would like you to scout the rest of this island and report back to Queen Sky with what you have found. You will be this Kingdom's protector, understood?"

"I understand Empress." She said as she stood back up before flashing away in a twister of blue and black flames.

'Damn...that was cool.'

|Notice: You have fused 50 B-rank Lynx Girls to produce one…

(Authors Note: tell me what all 50 Lynx Girls should fuse into.)

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