
Global Transmigration: I Received an X Ranked Talent

Please leave a review and a comment. I always enjoy constructive criticism, or just someone saying they enjoy reading my book. However, I just want to let you all know that I do write this in my free time, so there isn't a consistent update schedule. Chapter 1 WHAT THE FUCK Crystal’s (Pov) ‘Ahh, there is nothing better than a hot shower after a monotonous day of school work’ I thought while washing my hair with pomegranate shampoo. Turning off the water I stepped out of the shower and reached for the towel, and just as I was about to grab it a bright light flashed in front of me. |Congratulations! You and 4 million other humans have been selected from Earth to participate in King/Queen building Games!| |Notice: You will be given a random Talent and Subjects to help you build your empire. It will depend on your leadership, intelligence, and Luck to survive this world of magical beasts, other Kings or Queens, and any other dangers you may face through your journey.| “WHAT THE FUCK!!!” I screamed in surprise as a screen popped up in front of me and a disembodied voice rang out around me. Looking around me I noticed that 1, I was standing outside what appeared to be a cave with a small house nearby and a forest in front of me with a river running through it, and 2, I was still completely naked. Authors Note: This will be one of the most op-bullshit stories I have ever written down, ill try to give it some actual plot but it's pretty much just something fun for me to write in my downtime. I will take any helpful criticisms, suggestions, or reviews. However, if you're just gonna spam smartass bullshit I’ll just delete it. #OP, #System, #Yuri, #Kingdom Building, #Nonhuman MC, #Female Protaganist, #Transmigration, #Etc.

RavenGoddess · Fantasy
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30 Chs

New Kingdom and Anger

|Notice: You are the first person to conquer another Kingdom, you have received 1 Dimensional Doorway to connect both kingdoms together, 2 Mythril Treasure Chests, 1 new palace, and 1 Shipyard.|

I didn't bother looking at the rewards I had received, instead, I was looking at over 70 best women of varying races. All of whom were looking at me with reverence.

"Hello, my name is Crystal White, the ruler of the Onyx Kingdom, I have conquered this Kingdom and killed its ruler, what would you all like to do next? It is completely up to you." I said in a calming voice.

Slowly a small bunny teenager with boobs almost as big as she was walked up.

"Um…what do you want to do with us? We…we don't have any other purpose than to serve, we hated Bru…bruc…him but we don't have anywhere else to go." She said in a small quivering voice, not even able to say the asshole's name out of fear.

"Well, do you want to join my Kingdom? You wouldn't have to move from this place, I would just assign one of my aides to rule here. Don't worry though she is very nice." Smiling gently at everyone in front of me while I talked calmly, still hiding the rage behind a calm mask.

"YES, I mean yes please." The bunny girl all but shouted as all the other girls nodded in agreement. I smiled in response.

"Ok then, welcome to the Onyx Kingdom. Now, can one of you take me to an empty house so I can contact one of my aides and start setting up your new home?" This was going to be a long process.

"I will, I'm the oldest so I will take care of anything you need." Said the bunny girl. However, that just made me frown internally.

"Really, how old are you, and what's your name?"

"I am 14 years old and my name is Sally. Come on I'll show you to one of the cabins that, HE, made us build." Sally said in a joyful voice at first before getting really angry when she mentioned Bruce. I just followed her into the cabin while using Inspect on some of the other girls around me.

|Name: Rose|

|Race: Lynx Girl|

|Age: 14|

|Level 2|

|Name: Alex|

|Race: Antelope Girl|

|Age: 12|

|Level: 1|

|Name: Carrole|

|Race: Bunny Girl|

|Age: 13|

|Level: 2|

When I saw their ages my anger spiked even more, and, unbeknownst to me my magic was manifesting outside my body looking like a ferocious shadowy wolf with stars swirling around it. Luckily all the girls around me were oblivious to it.

"Here you go, you can use this cabin for as long as you like." Sally's chipper voice rang, breaking me out of my rumination.

"Thank you Sally, go tell everyone to rest or do whatever they'd like. This might take me a while." Sally just nodded before skipping out the door, her white tail shivering with happiness.

I stepped into a shadow as soon as she left, and imagined a desolate desert devoid of all life. Sure enough, when I opened my eyes, I had walked out of the shadow of a dead cactus.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed in despair and righteous rage while also letting my anger take over and letting my magic loose. Immediately, the sand dunes around me rose up, high into the sky, before compacting into giant meteorites of super condensed sand. The air also began to spin around me, slowly turning into tornados. The shadows, few as they were, began to spike up and try to demolish everything in their path. Any moisture that was in the air was super condensed and flung in sporadic directions. I let the giant balls of condensed sand fall to the earth, not even bothering to get out of the way as they impacted right next to me. I didn't feel a thing, as a giant mushroom cloud of dust erupted around me and some of the sand around me turned to glass.

Falling to the ground in sadness I stared at the destruction I had caused. There was nothing around me for miles except some broken shards of glass. Slowly I got back up and stepped into my own shadow, going back to the cabin. As I exited the cabin's shadowy walls I slumped into the nearest chair in emotional exhaustion.

"System, where is my new kingdom located, what resources does it have, what is the population and…and everything else." I couldn't finish my sentence because I was still so emotionally spent.

|Notice: The Kingdom of Sex…|

"No! I'm renaming this new Kingdom to The Kingdom of Jade." I all but screamed, not even letting the System finish that horrible name.

|Notice: The Kingdom of Sexy Slaves has been renamed to the Kingdom of Jade. The Kingdom of Jade is 50 Mi by 50 Mi, it is located on a large island that includes: The Vast Plains, The Ocean of Wealth, and an underground salt mine. The population consists of 22 Bunny girls, 16 Lynx girls, 17 Antelope girls, 27 Shark girls, and three Cow Girls. Age range from 9-14. There are also a total of 21 dead girls in the previous Kings' cabin.|

|Notice: The Storage warehouse contains. Food: 37 Red Stripe Rockfish, 13 Snapper, 25 Blue Painted Crayfish, and 13 gallons of Cowgirls Milk. Supplies: 3 Silver Treasure Chests and 324 slabs of mangrove tree lumber. Buildings: Kings Cabin, 13 basic houses, and 1 storage warehouse.|

"System, as this is a new kingdom, can I still build new barracks' for Amazons and Beast Woman here?"

|Notice: Yes, there will be no cost to any building you build for the next 10 days. You can also build any building you already have the blueprints for.|

"Sweet, that makes things easier." Smiling at how I would make this new Kingdom into a beautiful utopia for these girls. 'Ok, let's go give the Amazons their new present,' I thought with a vicious grin, before disappearing into another shadow and appearing in my throne room.

"Scarlet, gather all the Amazons in the courtyard." A vicious tone in my voice.

"Yes your majesty," said a voice from the shadows. As I made my way to the courtyard. Once there I waited for about 15 minutes before everyone was gathered.

"Greetings everyone, thank you for coming on such short notice. I will make this short, recently I conquered a new kingdom. It was ruled by a human who used teenage beast girls like sex objects and killed more than 20 of them for his own pleasure. With my fusing power, I fused his consciousness and body into this onahole, I hope that the Amazons with penis' will return the favor by fucking him relentlessly never giving him a moment's rest. He is still conscious of everything around him and will feel whatever you do to him." I said with anger in my voice before taking out Bruce.

When I had begun my speech, all the Amazons were amazed that I had conquered a new kingdom in such a short time, however, once I finished they were all grinning with maliciousness. An Amazon almost as tall as Lilly stepped forward.

"My Queen, I am Sky. May I have the honor of handing out justice to this piece of shit first?" She asked while her dick began to erect, becoming larger than I stood tall and thicker than I could reach. I was in awe of her musk for a second before nodding and handing Bruce over to her. As soon as he was in her hand he began to grow, but just barely enough to fit around her huge dick as she relentlessly plunged into it, moaning in the process.

1 hour later

"Sploosh," Sky ejaculated into the onahole that was Bruce, making him balloon outwards. All Sky did after that was hand him over to another Amazon who had already been jacking off for the last 30 minutes. I just nodded in satisfaction.

"Good, now Sky, I know this is sudden, but would you be willing to rule this new Kingdom? It needs a kind and just Queen and you seem perfect for the job." She also was the first to step forward and I liked that about her. Plus her giant dick was a real turn-on, maybe once all my Kingdom affairs are in order Lilly and I can get 'acquainted' with her as well.

"It would be my honor, my Queen." I just nodded in satisfaction before gesturing for her to follow me, leaving Bruce to his fate.

"Ok Sky, from now on you will be Queen of the Kingdom of Jade. It is settled on a large island. Your subjects right now consist of 70ish beast girls all, their ages ranging from 9-14. Don't worry I will be summoning more Amazons in your Kingdom. You will also be given two Arachne Shadow Assains as bodyguards. I will give you full rein to govern this Kingdom however you want, as long as you treat your subjects kindly and just. Now, follow me," I said while reaching for a large shadow and picturing my new Kingdom. Sky followed me without hesitation into the dark abyss.

As we exited the shadow I heard gasps all around me as the beast girls stared at Sky.

"Everyone, this is Sky, she will be your Queen from here on out. Sky why don't you get acquainted with everyone while I summon your palace." She just nodded while kneeling down to introduce herself as I walked off.

"System give me a layout of this territory and the most optimal places to put the new buildings." Two blue screens popped up, one giving me an aerial view and the other a horizontal view of where best to place everything. Following, the Systems guidance, I placed the palace more inland. The shipyard, obviously on the waterfront. The farm was placed right outside the palace and the storage warehouse was moved into the palace along with the old barracks and the two new barracks as well.

Nodding, I walked up to the Amazon barracks and, for the first time summoned more Amazons.