
Global Slaughter: Awakening of Super Talents at the Start

Here's the translation: "Billions of people across the globe simultaneously descend into a world of celestial slaughter. Countries like Lighthouse Nation, Dragon Nation, and Sakura Island Nation vie against each other! Qin Feng awakens an unparalleled talent right from the start! SSS-level talent—Endless Extraction! He can extract everything! Even gods and demons! [Extraction successful! You have obtained spatial skills!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained time manipulation skills!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in strength attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in agility attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an A-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an S-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained an SS-level talent!] Henceforth, Qin Feng embarks on the path of limitless reaping…"

DaoistAdYzNN · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Unexpected Harvest

 With these thoughts in mind, Qin Feng suddenly felt a bit tired.

  After a whole day of running around and continuous battles, claiming not to be tired would be a lie. It seemed he needed to rest for a while, recover some energy, and then continue his actions...

  A quarter of an hour later, within the valley, Qin Feng set up a campfire.

  The four wild boar legs on top of it were sizzling, already dripping with oil.

  The aroma of the meat wafted through the air, spreading a delightful fragrance. Qin Feng sat by the campfire and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

  From the moment he arrived in this world of slaughter after the Blue Star's descent, items like phones were confiscated by the Heavenly Dao. Only cigarettes and a lighter remained on him.

  He pulled out a cigarette, placed it between his lips, and a flame sprang from his fingertips.

  This was Flame Manipulation!

  After lighting the cigarette, he took a deep drag, exhaling a long plume of smoke, thoroughly enjoying the moment.

  Calculating the time, it should be almost sunset outside, getting dark soon.

  With a thought, Qin Feng entered the chat channel.

  At this moment, the channel was still lively, but the topics had shifted.

  "Ah~! So tired! I can't walk anymore!"

  "I can't walk either. I've been hunting ferocious beasts all day, and it's exhausting."

  "The day is almost over, we should rest. At this rate, we won't last!"

  "Yeah! We can only level up again tomorrow!"

  "Wu~ Wu~ Wu~! I only reached Level 1 (67/100) today, and Level 2 seems so far away. The first day is about to end, and I'm worried I won't reach Level 10 within seven days!"

  "Girl above, don't worry. I'm only Level 1 (71/100). Worst case scenario, I'll join you in the afterlife, becoming a pair of ill-fated mandarin ducks!"

  "Ah! It's too difficult! I'm afraid to rest for leveling up, but my body is so tired that I can't hold on!"

  "Weird! Have you guys noticed? The whole day has passed, and I haven't felt hungry at all, just fatigue."

  "Yeah! I noticed too!"

  "Hehe! What's so strange about that? We're killing ferocious beasts, gaining energy more than we would from eating. Naturally, we don't feel hungry. However, no amount of energy gained can offset physical fatigue; we still need to rest!"

  "High above, you've got a point! Looks like we can't do without resting!"

  Qin Feng silently read through this and found it reasonable.

  Endless combat is unsustainable; the human body can't endure it.

  In any case, humans are not yet powerful enough and need occasional rest to recover strength.

  Just then, a waft of meaty aroma reached him.

  The meat was ready!

  Qin Feng exited the chat channel.

  Looking at the golden-brown, oily-roasted meat, his appetite surged. He cut off a piece with a knife and started eating.

  The roasted meat of the ferocious beasts had an excellent taste.

  Rich but not greasy, it had a satisfying chewiness.

  After trying a bite, Qin Feng fell in love with it. He immediately indulged in a hearty meal, the oil dripping from his mouth...

  After devouring the cooked meat, a warm sensation immediately rose within him, flowing through his limbs and bones.

  [Successfully obtained cooked food, stamina restored +1]

  [Successfully obtained cooked food, stamina restored +1]

  [Successfully obtained cooked food, stamina restored +1]


  "Whoa! What's this?"

  Qin Feng heard a prompt from the Heavenly Dao in his mind. At the same time, he noticed that after eating a few bites of cooked meat, his stamina was rapidly recovering, and he no longer felt as exhausted as before.

  Damn! It turns out that eating cooked meat can quickly restore stamina when fatigued!

  This discovery was incredibly useful! Qin Feng was overjoyed and quickly devoured the cooked meat.

  In just a moment, he consumed two pounds of cooked meat, and his stamina was completely restored, reaching its peak state once again.

  [Announcement: Newbie Qin Feng has discovered the life hack of quickly restoring stamina by eating grilled meat. As the first discoverer, Qin Feng is rewarded with 1 reputation!]

  At this moment, the Heavenly Dao's announcement echoed in the minds of every participant. Everyone was stunned, including Qin Feng.

  Damn! You can get reputation like this?!

  He hadn't expected that such a simple act would earn him reputation so effortlessly.

  Soon, the chat channel erupted.

  "Damn! So eating grilled meat can quickly restore stamina!"

  "Haha! That's great! Finally found a way to recover stamina quickly!"

  "Reputation is extremely precious! Qin Feng is so lucky!"

  "Yeah! How did he discover this life hack? Why wasn't I the first to find it?"

  "Reputation! 1 point of reputation! Such a precious thing, and I missed it!"

  "Hehe! Don't envy or hate! Today, we're all working hard to hunt ferocious beasts. How many people can leisurely think about eating grilled meat?"

  "Right! It seems like Qin Feng is very leisurely!"

  "I always wondered why Qin Feng's name turned gray, and his rank kept dropping. So, he's hiding somewhere, enjoying life!"

  "While we're fighting for our lives, Qin Feng is leisurely as if on vacation!"

  "Yeah! Envy! Truly enviable!"

  "Enough talk! I'm going to find food! I need to restore stamina!"

  While everyone was chatting excitedly, the Heavenly Dao issued a new announcement.

  [Announcement: Reminder to all newcomers, only eating cooked food and drinking hot water can quickly restore stamina. Eating raw or cold food is ineffective!]

  [Announcement: Super-Space Trading Channel is now open!]

  This news sparked another lively discussion in the chat channel.

  "Darn! Only cooked food is effective! I don't have a fire source!"

  "Yeah! We don't have anything to make a fire!"

  "Who knows Flame Manipulation? Light a fire for me!"

  "Upstairs, are you dumb? Only Liu Yunchang in our newbie village knows Flame Manipulation, and he's already killed by the tusked wild boar!"

  "Oh no! I'm in trouble! I'll have to rub sticks together to make fire!"

  "Darn it! If only cooked food is effective, should I roast my apples before eating them?"

  "Damn! Upstairs, you still have apples? Were they brought from the Blue Star?"

  "Hey, guys, I just tried rubbing sticks together for fire, but it didn't work. My hands are blistered. Does anyone have a lighter? I'm willing to trade in the Super-Space Trading Channel!"

  "That's right! The Super-Space Trading Channel is open; it's very useful!"

  As everyone was discussing eagerly, a few more announcements appeared.

  [Announcement: Newbie Qin Feng has listed a new item on the Super-Space Trading Channel. Exchange one 2nd-level ferocious beast corpse for every 3 pounds of grilled meat.]

  [Announcement: Newbie Qin Feng is the first to use the Super-Space Trading Channel, rewarded with 1 reputation!]