
Global Slaughter: Awakening of Super Talents at the Start

Here's the translation: "Billions of people across the globe simultaneously descend into a world of celestial slaughter. Countries like Lighthouse Nation, Dragon Nation, and Sakura Island Nation vie against each other! Qin Feng awakens an unparalleled talent right from the start! SSS-level talent—Endless Extraction! He can extract everything! Even gods and demons! [Extraction successful! You have obtained spatial skills!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained time manipulation skills!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in strength attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in agility attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an A-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an S-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained an SS-level talent!] Henceforth, Qin Feng embarks on the path of limitless reaping…"

DaoistAdYzNN · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Soaring Strength, the Uncrowned King!

  Qin Feng looked around, and there were approximately over forty spirit herbs in the valley. He walked to the first spirit herb, and True Sight Eye scanned it...

  [Name]: Elderberry

  [Grade]: First-tier spirit herb

  [Effects]: Usable for alchemy, strengthens bones, enhances constitution.

  "It turns out to be a spirit herb focused on strengthening the constitution!"

  He muttered to himself and gently touched the Elderberry. After a moment, his palm emitted white light. The Elderberry visibly withered and died in a matter of seconds...

  At this moment, Qin Feng turned his palm, revealing a small clump of milky-white spirit liquid with a faint herbal fragrance.

  [Endless Extraction successful! You extracted the essence from Elderberry!]

  "Endless Extraction is really convenient!"

  Qin Feng smiled slightly and swallowed the essence of Elderberry in his palm...

  As the essence entered his mouth, it was refreshing...

  [Successfully consumed Elderberry essence, your bones are strengthened, gaining 3 points in constitution.]

  Very good! Not only were his bones strengthened, but he also gained 6 attribute points.

  Qin Feng was overjoyed and moved to the second spirit herb...

  [Name]: Nine Fragrance Insect Herb

  [Grade]: First-tier spirit herb

  [Effects]: Poisonous, inedible, but can be used for alchemy to create illusions...

  It was unexpectedly a poisonous spirit herb, so he decided not to refine it for consumption. Immediately, he dug up the Nine Fragrance Insect Herb and stored it in his storage ring...

  In this manner, Qin Feng collected the spirit herbs one by one. For the poisonous and inedible ones, he stored them in his storage ring. As for the edible ones, he directly extracted their essence and consumed it on the spot...

  [Successfully consumed Heart Nourishing Grass essence, your mind is strengthened, gaining 3 points in mental power.]

  [Successfully consumed Meridian Clearing Grass essence, your meridians are strengthened, gaining 3 points in agility.]

  [Successfully consumed Pure Essence Aroma Grass essence, your muscles are strengthened, gaining 4 points in strength.]


  In the blink of an eye, an hour had passed. Qin Feng harvested all the spirit herbs. There were twenty-three poisonous ones, which he stored in his storage ring. The remaining twenty-plus herbs were directly refined into essence and swallowed on the spot.

  This comprehensive enhancement fortified various aspects of his body, making him more physically perfect and exuding a strong masculine charm. His four-dimensional indices also significantly improved, and his strength soared once again.

  At this point, his gains were plentiful. In his mind, his personal information appeared:

  [Name]: Qin Feng

  [Level]: Level 3 (540/600)

  [Occupation]: Level 1 Judicator (10/100)

  [Reputation]: 1

  [Strength]: 81 (Strength Hyperization, D-grade)

  [Agility]: 84 (Speed Hyperization, D-grade)

  [Constitution]: 85 (Constitution Enhancement, E-grade, Poison Resistance +100%)

  [Mental Power]: 102 (Mental Strengthening, D-grade, True Sight, E-grade; Enhanced Smell, F-grade)

  [Elemental Talent]: Flame Manipulation (D-grade)

  [Innate Talent]: Endless Extraction (SSS-grade)

  [Skills]: True Sight Eye (1st tier), Beast Mastery (3rd tier)

  [Combat Power Evaluation]: 8 stars

  Huh! The combat power evaluation had reached 8 stars. The strength improvement was indeed impressive! With over twenty first-tier spirit herbs and the bodies of three mutated ferocious beasts, he had gained a considerable number of attribute points! This time, he had earned a lot!

  This made Qin Feng extremely pleased! He checked his level progress, Level 3 (540/600). He should be ranked first, right?

  Thinking of this, he wanted to switch to the ranking channel but found that he couldn't access it. It then occurred to him that the Heavenly Dao had previously mentioned that the ranking channel would be unavailable in this alternate space. However, personal information and chat channels were still accessible.

  With this realization, he entered the chat channel. In the chat channel, discussions were heated. Most people were talking about leveling up. A competitive atmosphere had formed, with many level 3 experts showing off their progress and gaining a lot of attention.

  Qin Feng roughly counted; there were already four people boasting about reaching Level 3.

  Of course, the actual number was likely higher, as not everyone enjoyed flaunting their level progress.

  However, Qin Feng could see that everyone was going all out for the new player leveling rewards, racing against time. Unlike him, who had taken the time to collect spirit herbs after killing the mutated beasts.

  Nevertheless, he believed that he had already secured the first spot on the leaderboard.

  With this in mind, Qin Feng thought about leaving the chat channel.

  However, at this moment, in the channel, Liu Yuan's avatar flickered.

  Liu Yuan: "Haha! Everyone, I have good news for you! I've reached level 3 and reclaimed the ninth place throne!"

  As soon as this information was revealed, the chat channel exploded.

  "Wow! Level 3! Level 3 pro! I bow down!"

  "My goodness! Liu Yuan has reached level 3 and even surpassed Qin Feng. Now, we have ten level 3 pros in our newbie village."

  Liu Yuan: "Hehe! Ten level 3 pros? It's hard to say! Haven't you guys noticed that since Qin Feng reached level 3, his name turned gray, and his ranking kept dropping?"

  "That's true! I noticed that too! On the level ranking, all the pros have white names, but Qin Feng's name is gray. What's going on?"

  "It's so strange! I hope nothing happened to Qin Feng!"

  "I hope not! If Qin Feng fell, his name should disappear."

  "Yeah! But why did his name turn gray? And why does his rank keep dropping?"

  "Exactly! We're worried about Qin Feng!"

  "I suspect he's seriously injured, which is why he turned like this."

  "I hope he's okay!"...

  At this moment, in the chat area, various speculations about Qin Feng's situation were swirling.

  Seeing this, Qin Feng smiled faintly.

  It turned out that after entering this alternate space, his name on the leaderboard turned gray. His level data remained frozen at the moment he entered this space. However, as soon as he left this space, the ranking would refresh, and his position would skyrocket, surpassing Liu Yuan easily.

  Just then, in the chat channel, Wu Yong's avatar also flickered.

  Wu Yong: "Everyone, as long as Qin Feng's name hasn't disappeared, it means he's still alive. You don't need to worry too much!"

  "Wow! The third-ranked pro Wu Yong is making an appearance!"

  "Wu Yong, big brother, take me with you!"

  "Wu Yong, please take me with you, little sister begs you!"

  Wu Yong: "Laughing! I'm still being led by someone! How can I lead you guys?"

  "What a joke! You're the third-ranked level 3 pro; how could you be led by someone?"

  Wu Yong: "I really am being led. Right now, I'm with Liu Xuan and Longshan!"

  "Liu Xuan is ranked first! Longshan is ranked second! Wow, turns out you three pros are together! What a powerful combination!"

  "Ah~ Ah! I'm so envious!"

  "The top three in this newbie leveling race! It belongs to you three!"

  Wu Yong: "Everyone, too kind, too kind!"

  "By the way, Wu Yong, how is Liu Xuan's progress now? Can you reveal it?"

  "Yeah! We really want to know!"

  Wu Yong: "Haha! If you want to know, I can tell you. He has already reached level 3 (370/600)..."

  As soon as these words were spoken, the chat channel exploded!

  "Wow! Already level 3 (370/600)!"

  "So fast!"

  "My goodness! Admiration! Admiration!"

  "Wu Yong, ask Liu Xuan if he needs a girlfriend. I'm willing to be his girlfriend!"

  "Upstairs! Liu Xuan belongs to this lady, don't compete with this lady!"

  "Humph! Then let's fight! You women wait a moment! I'll speak first. Liu Xuan, if you like men, I'm available..."

  "Oh damn! Going crazy! Everyone's going crazy!"

  Seeing this, Qin Feng smiled and shook his head. At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  Now, it seemed that he was the fastest leveler in this area. His level progress was Level 3 (540/600), and he could easily reach Level 4 by killing a level 2 ferocious beast. Much faster than that Liu Xuan.