
Global Slaughter: Awakening of Super Talents at the Start

Here's the translation: "Billions of people across the globe simultaneously descend into a world of celestial slaughter. Countries like Lighthouse Nation, Dragon Nation, and Sakura Island Nation vie against each other! Qin Feng awakens an unparalleled talent right from the start! SSS-level talent—Endless Extraction! He can extract everything! Even gods and demons! [Extraction successful! You have obtained spatial skills!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained time manipulation skills!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in strength attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in agility attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an A-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an S-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained an SS-level talent!] Henceforth, Qin Feng embarks on the path of limitless reaping…"

DaoistAdYzNN · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Slaying the Beast King

  Qin Feng quickly dodged to the side.



  The Bear King swiped the air, causing the earth to crack, and countless stones scattered.


  Seizing the opportunity, Qin Feng swung his blade horizontally!

  The sharp blade solidly struck the bear's arm.


  A clear ring echoed, reminiscent of the clash of gold and iron!

  The Bear King's fur was as tough as steel.

  The blade left only a white mark on the fur, without breaking through the defense.

  The tremendous recoil shook Qin Feng, making his arms numb, and he staggered backward.

  Damn it!

  In its frenzied state and enhanced by innate physique, the Bear King's defense had reached an astonishing level.

  Qin Feng couldn't break through.


  Before Qin Feng could stabilize himself, the Bear King slammed down another paw, creating a hurricane.

  At this moment, unable to evade, Qin Feng could only block with his blade!


  A deafening roar!

  The paw sent Qin Feng flying.

  The Bear King merely swayed, unharmed.

  The giant bear paw left no trace.

  The bear's paw was the most robust part of its body, boasting the strongest defense.


  Another thunderous roar!

  Seizing the advantage, the Bear King pursued, launching another assault.

  "Damn it!"

  Qin Feng flipped, swiftly getting back on his feet.

  Other than his chest blood boiling, he suffered no damage.

  Damn it!

  The Bear King's defense was terrifying!

  If he couldn't break through its defense, he couldn't kill it!

  It seems I have to use that move!

  Thinking this, Qin Feng placed the long blade horizontally in front of him, his left hand gently caressing the blade, slowly wiping...

  In the next moment, the elemental fire, manipulated by his thoughts, gathered on the blade.

  This was his D-level elemental talent—Flame Manipulation!

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  In just a moment, the blade ignited fierce flames, turning into a flaming longsword.

  In this dark night, it was exceptionally dazzling!

  [Reminder: Your Blood Wolf Warblade has been infused with the power of flames, increasing flame damage by +10!]


  It worked!

  Qin Feng was overjoyed!


  Just then, the Bear King's iron paw struck again, creating a gust of wind and sending countless leaves fluttering.


  Qin Feng swiftly dodged, easily avoiding the paw.

  At the same time, he swiped the long blade, drawing a beautiful arc of fire in the air, like a bright red rainbow...


  A light sound!

  The sound of the blade cutting through flesh, accompanied by the scent of seared meat.

  The blade tore through the bear's flesh, leaving a wound several tens of centimeters deep, with blood flowing.

  The wound also showed signs of charring!

  Finally broke through the defense!

  With the added flame damage from the Blood Wolf Warblade, the Bear King's defense was finally breached!

  Qin Feng decided to press the advantage.


  The Bear King roared in pain, swiftly retracting its arm, then struck again with the other giant paw.

  Qin Feng quickly raised his blade to meet the attack.

  At that moment, man and beast engaged in a fierce battle.

  Swish! Swish! Swish!

  In just a few rounds, Qin Feng left seven wounds on the giant bear, each several tens of centimeters deep, with blood flowing...

  At this moment, the Blood Wolf Warblade's +100% tearing property came into play.

  The wounds Qin Feng inflicted were difficult to heal, continuously draining the Bear King's vitality with every drop of blood.


  The Bear King, both angry and helpless, fought desperately against Qin Feng.

  For a while, the battlefield was filled with flying sand and rocks, a scene of earth-shattering combat.

  The fierce beasts within several miles were startled by the commotion, fleeing in fear and avoiding this battlefield.

  Ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

  Qin Feng left nearly a hundred wounds on the Bear King.

  The Bear King's momentum greatly dwindled, increasingly falling behind in the fight, visibly frustrated...


  Suddenly, it howled to the sky, a sound filled with endless unwillingness.

  The next second, its massive beast body rapidly shrank, the blood color in its fur fading away, and its aura plummeted...


  It turned out the Bear King's frenzy state had reached its time limit!

  Qin Feng felt a hidden joy.

  At that moment, the Bear King reverted to its original form, and its combat power rapidly dropped, not even reaching the initial 12-star strength, only reaching the 11-star limit.

  As it reverted, it turned and fled!



  With just a step, Qin Feng caught up to the Bear King.


  The Bear King, cunningly, suddenly turned around, swiftly swiping its giant claw toward Qin Feng's chest.

  It unexpectedly made a last-ditch effort!

  Qin Feng was prepared, leaping easily to avoid the claw while simultaneously slashing down in mid-air...


  A crisp sound!

  Blood sprayed!

  The flaming longsword directly cleaved into the Bear King's skull, burying more than half of its blade...


  A mournful howl echoed in the night sky.

  The Bear King staggered a few steps before collapsing.


  Its massive body fell heavily to the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

  The next second, a very bright white light rose from the Bear King and entered Qin Feng's body...

  [Successfully killed the 6th-level Frenzied Bear King (King-level), gained +500 energy points.]

  [You first killed a 6th-level King Beast, earned 2 reputation points, accumulating to 6 points.]


  500 energy points!

  And 2 reputation points!

  This harvest is too abundant!

  Qin Feng was thrilled.

  [Successfully killed the Frenzied Bear King (King-level)! Dropped a bronze treasure chest!]

  The bear corpse lit up again with white light, and a bronze-colored chest emerged...

  It dropped!

  It dropped again!

  It really dropped!

  And it's a bronze treasure chest!

  The harvest keeps coming, one wave after another, it's simply too satisfying!

  He quickly stepped forward and picked up the chest...