
Global Slaughter: Awakening of Super Talents at the Start

Here's the translation: "Billions of people across the globe simultaneously descend into a world of celestial slaughter. Countries like Lighthouse Nation, Dragon Nation, and Sakura Island Nation vie against each other! Qin Feng awakens an unparalleled talent right from the start! SSS-level talent—Endless Extraction! He can extract everything! Even gods and demons! [Extraction successful! You have obtained spatial skills!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained time manipulation skills!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in strength attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in agility attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an A-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an S-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained an SS-level talent!] Henceforth, Qin Feng embarks on the path of limitless reaping…"

DaoistAdYzNN · Fantasy
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100 Chs

King-level Ferocious Beasts

  Qin Feng's gaze turned towards the three giant beasts. The first one was a massive black bear, two zhang in length, with fangs protruding from its mouth and black fur covering its entire body. In the dark night, its two enormous eyes glowed like lanterns, emitting a faint red light that hinted at a bloodthirsty cruelty.

  Qin Feng's True Sight Eye immediately activated.

  [Ferocious Beast]: Mountain-Crushing Bear

  [Level]: 6

  [Combat Power Evaluation]: 8 stars

  [Characteristics]: Bloodthirsty, brutal, guardian

  [Talent]: Enhanced Constitution (F level)

  [Drop Rate]: 0.6%

  Huh! F-level Enhanced Constitution! This level 6 ferocious beast has a talent ability! Qin Feng was somewhat surprised. He quickly looked at the second giant beast, which was also a Mountain-Crushing Bear. Indeed, the second one also possessed an F-level talent—Enhanced Constitution!

  He couldn't help but take a deep breath. This was not good news. Qin Feng noticed that ferocious beasts below level 5 didn't have talent abilities. However, starting from level 6, ferocious beasts began to possess talent abilities. The advantage of human talent awakening was gradually being weakened.

  Of course, this didn't have much impact on Qin Feng. However, for others in the novice village, it was not a good thing. Especially for those who awakened F-level talents, they lost any advantage they had.

  Moreover, 78.7% of the people in the novice village had awakened F-level talents. But this was no longer something Qin Feng needed to consider. With this in mind, he turned his gaze to the third giant beast.

  It was a colossal bear, five zhang in length, with fangs in its mouth, sharp bone spurs on its back, and brown fur covering its entire body. Its ferocious aura was ten times stronger than the previous two Mountain-Crushing Bears.

  Qin Feng's True Sight Eye scanned it.

  [Ferocious Beast]: Rampant Bear King (King-level)

  [Level]: 6

  [Combat Power Evaluation]: 12 stars

  [Characteristics]: Brutal, bloodthirsty, territorial awareness

  [Talent]: Enhanced Constitution (E level), Bloodline Strengthening (E level)

  [Skill]: Bloodthirsty Rampage

  [Drop Rate]: 60%

  Heavens! It's actually a King-level ferocious beast! Qin Feng's heart was both shocked and delighted. He finally encountered a King-level ferocious beast! Mutant-level ferocious beasts were a step above ordinary ones, and King-level ferocious beasts were a step above mutant-level ones.

  Similarly, the drop rate of mutant-level ferocious beasts was ten times that of ordinary ones, and King-level ferocious beasts were ten times that of mutant-level ones. The drop rate of this Bear King was as high as 60%. Killing it had a great chance of yielding a treasure chest!

  The more Qin Feng thought about it, the more excited he became. He couldn't wait to rush over and slay the Bear King. However, he quickly restrained his excitement. This Bear King was not to be underestimated! Its combat power evaluation reached 12 stars, and it possessed two E-level talents and a skill. This made its overall strength even more formidable!

  Although Qin Feng's combat power evaluation was only 10 stars, he had more talent abilities, so he wasn't afraid. With this in mind, he took a deep breath and walked out slowly from his hiding place, immediately alerting the three giant bears.

  Roar! Roar!

  The two Mountain-Crushing Bears quickly stood up, looking at Qin Feng with vigilance, emitting deafening roars. The Bear King, disturbed by the commotion, slowly opened its eyes. As it saw Qin Feng, who was just a level 4 human, the wariness in its eyes instantly disappeared, and it lazily closed its eyes again. A mere level 4 human - as long as its two subordinates could handle it, there was no need for the Bear King to worry.

  At this moment, the two Mountain-Crushing Bears also noticed that Qin Feng was just a level 4 human. Contempt flashed in their eyes. A puny level 4 human dared to intrude into the king's territory. Even if an 8th-level human came, there would be no return! They decided to tear this human to pieces to replenish the king's strength.

  Roar! Roar!

  A series of roars! The two giant bears lunged towards Qin Feng.

  Crash! Crash! Crash!

  In an instant, the hollow echoed with the sound of trees breaking and the heavy footsteps of bears. The two giant bears were like two colossal tanks. In the blink of an eye, their mountain-like bodies reached Qin Feng.

  Hoo! Hoo!

  Giant bear paws descended, covering the sky...

  Swoosh! Swoosh!

  Qin Feng dodged two consecutive attacks effortlessly.

  Crash! Crash!

  The giant bears continued to strike, shattering the ground and sending rocks flying. At this moment, Qin Feng took a swift step, leaped into the air, and landed on the head of one of the bears.

  The bear, realizing the threat, turned its head and opened its bloodthirsty mouth, preparing to devour Qin Feng.

  Qin Feng gripped his blade with both hands and struck with all his strength!

  The blade flashed!


  The massive bear head was severed!


  A gush of blood sprayed from the neck. The huge bear staggered back and fell to the ground.


  The beast's body hit the ground, causing a slight tremor. Qin Feng landed perfectly on his feet.


  The other bear roared in fear, turning to escape...


  But before it could take a few steps, Qin Feng caught up.


  Another flash of the blade, and another massive bear head rolled down.

  [Successfully killed level 6 Mountain-Crushing Bear, gained +210 energy points.]

  [Successfully killed level 6 Mountain-Crushing Bear, gained +210 energy points.]

  Buzz! Buzz!

  Two consecutive beams of energy, like white light, flew from the bear corpses into Qin Feng's body...

  A warm and comfortable feeling washed over him.

  This is so satisfying! Killing two level 6 ferocious beasts at once! He gained an additional 420 energy points in an instant. Qin Feng felt secretly pleased.

  Before he could fully enjoy his triumph, the Bear King's furious roar echoed in the arena.


  A roar that could be heard for miles around.

  The entire hollow shook violently. Leaves rustled in the air. At this moment, the Bear King, looking at the bear corpses on the ground, turned its eyes blood-red.

  Its two formidable subordinates had been killed by the human in front of it. This made the Bear King extremely angry and shocked. The human before its eyes was incredibly powerful, not to be underestimated!

  The Bear King slowly rose, towering five zhang tall, as immense as a three to four-story building, with a terrifying presence.

  At this moment, Qin Feng felt a bit overwhelmed. His slender figure seemed insignificant compared to the Bear King. The Bear King stared coldly at Qin Feng, its eyes filled with solemnity.


  Suddenly, it roared furiously! In the next moment, its gigantic body visibly expanded, and its fur turned blood-red, its ferocious aura doubling.

  Qin Feng was astonished, and his True Sight Eye scanned...

  [Ferocious Beast]: Rampant Bear King (King-level)

  [Level]: 6

  [Combat Power Evaluation]: 13 stars

  [Characteristics]: Brutal, bloodthirsty, territorial awareness

  [Talent]: Enhanced Constitution (E level), Bloodline Strengthening (E level)

  [Skill]: Bloodthirsty Rampage

  [Drop Rate]: 60%

  [Status]: Enraged (Lasts 10 minutes)

  Damn! The Bear King entered a rampage! Its combat power surged to 13 stars!


  At this moment, the Bear King rushed to Qin Feng, and its massive paw slammed down at an astonishing speed...