
Global Slaughter: Awakening of Super Talents at the Start

Here's the translation: "Billions of people across the globe simultaneously descend into a world of celestial slaughter. Countries like Lighthouse Nation, Dragon Nation, and Sakura Island Nation vie against each other! Qin Feng awakens an unparalleled talent right from the start! SSS-level talent—Endless Extraction! He can extract everything! Even gods and demons! [Extraction successful! You have obtained spatial skills!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained time manipulation skills!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in strength attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in agility attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an A-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an S-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained an SS-level talent!] Henceforth, Qin Feng embarks on the path of limitless reaping…"

DaoistAdYzNN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
100 Chs

Dragon Nation's Dad! We are your sons!

  Qin Feng quickly entered the trading channel, took out the token, and activated it directly.

  [Reminder: You have activated the betting token! This is the 100th use of betting in this area, and it is valid!]

  Damn it!

  It happened to be the 100th time!

  What incredible luck!

  Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised. He narrowly seized the last opportunity. If he had been a bit later, even if he got the token, it would have been useless.

  Sure enough!

  The heavenly path once again delivered a prompt.

  [Area Announcement: The number of uses of betting tokens in this area has reached the limit, unused betting tokens are all invalidated!]


  This message instantly spread throughout the entire area.

  All one thousand newbie villages heard it.

  For a moment, within hundreds of villages, cries of sorrow and regret echoed.

  "Oh no! NO! I have a token! I haven't had a chance to use it yet!"

  "Heavens! I wanted to wait a little longer, why did it become invalid!"

  "Damn it! My token! Oh, this is unfair! This is not cooking!"

  "Ah, shoot!"

  At the same time, in the regional channel, everyone also heard it and began to express their doubts.

  Amir: "Huh! The number of uses of the betting token has reached the limit. Will Qin Feng's betting token be invalidated?"

  Gong Ben Lang: "Amir, they seem to have just completed a transaction, maybe it's really invalidated!"

  Edward: "Oh! If that's the case, it's really good news!"

  Tuge Nef: "It can't be so coincidental. I just traded the token, and it became invalid?"

  Amir: "Invalid! Definitely invalid! It must be Lord Shiva helping us through this difficult time. Mr. Tuge Nef, it's a pity that you wasted a betting token! Haha!"

  At this moment, Amir fully displayed Asan's mysterious self-confidence.

  But just at this moment, urgent announcements resounded through the entire regional channel.

  [Emergency Announcement: Qin Feng from Village 911 has once again initiated a factional bet!]

  [Factional Bet: The losing side will lose 70% of resources, and all individuals will have their attributes weakened by 50 points. The winning side will double all resources and increase everyone's attributes by 50 points.]

  [Factional Bet: Divided into red and blue factions, each faction cannot exceed 30 villages. Village 911 is automatically designated as the red faction, and its opposing faction is the blue faction.]

  [Betting Method: Kill monsters to earn points. The faction that accumulates 1000 points first wins.]

  [Reminder: Village 5 has been forcibly assigned to the blue faction!]

  [Reminder: Village 137 has been forcibly assigned to the blue faction!]

  [Reminder: Village 446 has been forcibly assigned to the blue faction!]

  "Oh no! NO! NO!"

  "Yama descend! Yama descend!"

  "Don't! Smita!"

  As soon as this news came out, Amir and the others began to wail.

  "Haha! Fantastic! So, Qin Feng is the one who used it for the 100th time!"

  "Haha! Luck! Luck! Qin Feng is incredibly lucky!"

  "Long live! Long live Qin Feng!"

  "Ura! Ura!"

  People from Dragon Nation and North Bear Nation cheered.

  [Reminder: Village 21 has been forcibly assigned to the blue faction!]

  [Reminder: Village 67 has been forcibly assigned to the blue faction!]

  Qin Feng continued his operations...

  The eight nations, including the Lighthouse, were all terrified, lamenting incessantly!

  As if the end of the world had come!

  But at this moment, Park Seon-hsin from Village 383 jumped out.

  Park Seon-hsin was a person from South Bat Nation and the strongest in Village 383, with a level already reaching 7.

  Park Seon-hsin: "Lord Qin Feng, I was wrong! I was wrong! Please spare us! Smita!"

  Wu Yong: "Haha! You Koreans are really funny! Before, you were bouncing around so vigorously. Now you come begging for mercy, it's already too late!"

  Liu Xuan: "That's right! These Koreans are shameless, stealing our Dragon Nation's culture, stealing our Dragon Nation's festivals, and even claiming they created them."

  Park Seon-hsin: "Friends of Dragon Nation, we didn't steal, our South Bat Nation was your vassal state in history. In other words, we, South Bat Nation, are your Dragon Nation's biological sons."

  Park Seon-hsin: "When a son takes something from his father, it's not called stealing, it's called inheritance. Respected fathers of Dragon Nation, your son was wrong before! Please forgive your son this time! Wuu~! Wuu!"

  This statement shocked the entire scene!


  For the sake of survival, these South Koreans could say anything.

  Their shamelessness was evident.

  Gong Ben Lang was extremely disdainful: "Park Seon-hsin, I feel ashamed to have an ally like you! Are all South Bat people so shameless?"

  Park Seon-hsin was angry: "Ah, shoot! You said before that if you lose, you'll commit suicide by disembowelment. Did you do it?"

  Gong Ben Lang: "Baga! At least I won't acknowledge someone else as my dad!"

  Park Seon-hsin: "Ah, shoot! You guys from Sakura Island have also learned the culture and etiquette of Dragon Nation. Your ancestors also came from there, so we are the second sons of Dragon Nation, and you are the eldest sons of Dragon Nation, Smita!"

  Gong Ben Lang: "Baga ya lu!"

  Park Seon-hsin: "Fathers of Dragon Nation, if Sakura Island's brother doesn't listen, please discipline him! We South Bat people are your obedient second sons, please spare us!"

  This discourse shocked the entire audience, catching everyone off guard. At this moment, in the neutral faction, a person named Ruan Fu jumped out.

  Ruan Fu hailed from Nan Yue Country, also the strongest in their village, similarly at level 7.

  Ruan Fu: "Haha! It's so funny! Seeing you guys from Sakura Island and South Bat Nation fighting each other, inexplicably amusing!"

  Park Seon-hsin was not pleased: "What are you laughing at? Your Nan Yue Country was also a vassal of Dragon Nation in history. Sakura Island is the eldest son, we are the second son, and you guys are the third sons of Dragon Nation!"

  Ruan Fu: "..."

  Seeing this, people from Dragon Nation couldn't help but chuckle. Tuge Nef was shocked: "So Dragon Nation has so many sons! But it seems they're not very obedient!"

  Liu Xuan: "Can't help it! These sons, when they grow up and their wings harden, become disobedient!"

  [Reminder: Village 732 has been forcibly assigned to the blue faction!]

  [Reminder: Village 383 has been forcibly assigned to the blue faction!]

  On the other side, Qin Feng continued to pull in opposing villages. He didn't spare Village 383 despite Park Seon-hsin's plea and directly pulled them into the conflict.

  Those who offend my Dragon Nation!

  Will be punished!

  "Oh no! No!"

  "Ah shoot! Ah shoot!"

  As soon as the South Bat people saw that information, they began to wail.

  Soon, Qin Feng filled up the opposing faction.

  A total of thirty villages, six more than the previous time.

  Village 137, where Edward was, was naturally included.

  Next, he began to pull in villages for his own faction.

  [Reminder: Village 34 has been selected for the red faction!]

  [Reminder: Village 77 has been selected for the red faction!]

  [Reminder: Village 618 has been selected for the red faction!]

  [Reminder: Village 44 has been selected for the red faction!]

  Seeing this scene, people from Dragon Nation cheered.

  Tuge Nef was also excited: "Mr. Qin Feng, don't forget Village 575, it's from North Bear Country!"

  [Reminder: Village 575 has been selected for the red faction!]

  With this information, people from North Bear Country also cheered.

  "Ura! Ura!"

  "Qin Feng! Ura! Ura!"

  In their view, as long as they were with Qin Feng from Dragon Nation, they were guaranteed to win this bet.

  This meant they would gain a large amount of attributes and resources.

  Just thinking about it made them feel great.

  Edward, Gong Ben Lang, and others, on the other hand, were in despair.

  [Reminder: Initiator Qin Feng has finished faction selection. Red faction has 6 villages, blue faction has 30 villages.]

  [Reminder: During the betting process, both faction channels will be blocked. Blocking in progress...]

  Soon, the regional channel was successfully blocked.

  People from both factions were forcefully kicked out.

  The entire regional channel instantly quieted down.

  Those from the neutral factions sighed.

  "Another faction bet is starting! This time, Gong Ben Lang, Amir, and the others will probably have a harder time!"

  "Yeah! Losing one faction bet results in a deduction of 50 points in attributes. Losing twice means a deduction of 100 points in attributes, and many will die!"

  "Speaking of which, I envy the two villages from North Bear Country!"

  Thinking about it, many neutral villages expressed their envy.

  But as soon as this was said, some people countered.

  "Oh! You guys, how can you be sure that the people from Dragon Nation will win?"

  "That's right! I think Dragon Nation might lose. After all, they only have 6 villages, and we have 30 on our side."

  These counterarguments came from the eight countries including Lighthouse.

  It turned out that in faction betting, each faction could only have 30 slots, and Qin Feng could only pull in 30 villages.

  For some later-arriving villages from the eight countries, Qin Feng was powerless.

  And these later-arriving villages were not aware of the previous events, so they naturally didn't know Qin Feng's strength.

  In their view, it was a joke that six villages could beat thirty villages.

  "Hehe! Whether Dragon Nation will win, you just wait and see!"

  "Yeah! Witness it for yourselves!"

  Many people from neutral countries left these words and then exited the regional channel.

  On the other side, after Qin Feng exited the regional channel, the heavenly path delivered a prompt.

  [Reminder: During the faction bet, the leaderboard channel has added a point ranking list. You can check it at any time.]

  [Reminder: The formal betting will start in ten minutes. Countdown: 9:59... 9:58...]

  The countdown began!

  Only when the countdown ended would killing ferocious beasts yield points; killing them beforehand had no effect.

  Qin Feng glanced at the valley in front of him, where the ground was covered with ant corpses.

  He hadn't extracted from these bodies yet!

  Before the countdown ended, he had to clean up the battlefield.

  Thinking of this, he started to take action.