

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

Want to assassinate the boss of Shura


Chen Ye saw the aunt.


The moment he saw that aunt, Chen Ye felt that it was wrong.

The other party looked honest, sweating on his forehead.

Most people are sweating constantly, either because they are sick or because they are nervous and nervous.

This aunt has calluses on her hands, and her arms and legs are very thick. At first glance, she is a person who often does farm work, and she is not too old, her complexion is normal, and she doesn't look sick at all.

Then, the other party has been sweating, obviously, it is because of nervousness!

Chen Ye smiled faintly, knowing that there might be a pit waiting for him!

He is more curious, what trap is aimed at him? Who is the mastermind behind the scenes?

Thinking of this, Chen Ye remained calm.

"Let's go!"

Abandoning this sentence, Chen Ye took the lead to go out.


There have been three western cars waiting long ago.

Chen Ye walked to the car in the middle, and immediately there was a younger brother who opened the door for him.

The other seven or eight brothers got on the other two cars respectively.

As the second head of the axe gang, his travel must of course be ostentatious. If a person goes out alone, without yelling and embracing, wouldn't it be a loss of identity?

As for the old lady, she got in the car ahead and led the way.

"Om! Om!"

The car started and drove on the road.

Cars of this age are really lacking in technology, just an engine and a steering wheel, and the road is very bumpy.

If Chen Ye is not in good health, I really can't stand this stuff!

After half an hour.

The car goes to the north of the city

In a five-story high-rise building in the north of the city, near the window, Chen Ge and Shi Ye were sitting there drinking tea.

The weather today is very good, especially sunny.

The sun shines through the window and it is very warm on people, making people feel warm.

However, Chen Ge and Shi Ye are a little nervous at the moment, and even drinking tea looks absent-minded.

The two looked at the road outside the window from time to time, as if waiting for something

"I'm coming!"

Suddenly, the master yelled in excitement and looked towards the window.

Brother Chen directly took away the master, taking the best position by himself.

He wants to see that person die with his own eyes!

In the original plot, Brother Chen is a very vengeful person, and cruel.

After suffering a loss in the city of pig cage, he still did not give up, and found the evil god of fire cloud

The day Chen Ye joined the Axe Gang last time, he was very shameless.

Moreover, in the past ten days, Chen Ye has not been a bird of his helper, and he has long been grudges against him.

Through the window, you can clearly see that three Western cars are slowly approaching.

Brother Chen's face suddenly showed a trace of cruel excitement.

Soon, there will be a good show!


When three cars drove to a certain position, an explosion suddenly came from the ground.

The explosion was deafening and could be heard in the surrounding streets.

The car in the middle was bombed directly into the sky.

Even the two cars before and after were also affected and turned over by the bomb.


Seeing the end of the middle car, Chen couldn't help but yell in excitement.

Master also shouted next to him: "He is dead now!!

It turned out that in order to deal with Chen Ye, bombs had been ambushed on the ground.

In addition to bombs, they have a back hand

The happiness of the two did not last long!

When Chen Ye got out of the car and stood in place, the smiles of Brother Chen and Master suddenly solidified on their faces

Because Chen Ye didn't seem to be injured much except for his suit is a bit torn.

"This this "

The master stammered and didn't know what to say.

Can such a strong explosion survive?

The man standing on the street is simply a monster!!

on the street.

Chen Ye moved his shoulders and looked around.

At that moment, it was quite sudden

It is these explosives that are a little less powerful, and are far less powerful than the explosives of later generations.

Even if he doesn't use armed and domineering, with his current physique, it is impossible to kill him!

at this time.

The people on the street have already run away!

Only a few unlucky people who were affected by the bomb lay on the ground mourning

As for the driver in the same car with Chen Ye, he has no vital signs.


Not far from the side, there was the sound of piano.

Chen Ye turned to look and found that not only did two people not run, they were sitting on the side of the street and playing a piano together.

......For flowers…0

The two men, one tall and one short, one strong and the other thin, are dressed exactly the same. They both wear a gray cloth gown, a round cap, and round sunglasses on their faces, making it difficult to see their faces.

Seeing these two people, Chen Ye suddenly smiled.

He knew the plot and immediately recognized who these two people were


At the same time, I also know who dug the hole for him.

The only person who can invite these two assassins is Brother Chen, the leader of the Axe Gang.


Chen Ye strode towards the crippled brothers.

Seeing Chen Ye coming, the world was incapable of lacking his hands, and the original sluggish sound of the piano suddenly became rush.


The piano sound suddenly rang, and an invisible sound wave appeared instantly.

An amazing phenomenon appeared.

These sound waves actually turned into a transparent blade, slashing towards Chen Ye.

Chen Ye was a little surprised, feeling that these sonic attack methods are very magical!

If it weren't for the less powerful, he would want to learn.

Power of mind.

Appeared quietly.


It was like a gust of wind, instantly blowing away the blade of the piano sound.


Even if Chen Ye does nothing and stands still, these "blades" cannot hurt him.

Even the Huoyun Cthulhu can't break his domineering armed look, let alone these two trash that can't even be beaten by a charter wife!

The reason why Chen Ye chose to shoot was because Chen Ye feared that his clothes would be destroyed.

This is on the street!!

What a shame if the clothes are gone!

After the violent wind transformed by the force of thought shattered the sound of the piano, it did not disappear, and it continued to blow towards the opposite side.

The two of them were crippled, and his complexion suddenly changed.

The two immediately clapped the piano in their hands, stood up at the same time, quickly put the piano on the ground, and slammed it with all four hands.

"Om! Om!

A huge piano sound appeared, like noise.

The violent wind transformed by Nian Li was finally blocked by the two of them.

next moment.

The two continued to play with four hands, and then there was a sudden shock.


A harsh piano sound appeared.

Along with the sound of the piano, there are more powerful sonic attacks.

The sound of the piano turned into a ghost general wearing armor and holding a big knife, and rushed towards Chen Ye.