

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

Two Thor’s Hammers? Ultron appeared! [bonus chapter]

In the big copy world, every stage is coherent.

In other words, what each reincarnation experienced in the first stage and what he did will affect the second stage.The characters in the original plot still remember you!

This seems to be a paradox.

Because every time the people who participate in the dungeon are different, the impact is different.

So in the second stage, the tasks of each reincarnation begin to become different.

"Your hero is back, shouldn't everyone applaud and welcome?"

Chen Ye smiled and looked at the Avengers in front of him.

However, there is no one.

Everyone looked at him strangely, except for the captain and Tony.

Everyone now knows what Chen Ye did.

"This stranger, I didn't seem to invite you!'

Tony was the first to speak, with a very rude tone.

Over the past few years, Tony has experienced a lot of things (Iron Man 3) and has become a lot more mature. 27

But he still hates the guy who snatched his armor in front of him.

The captain followed to Chen Ye and said: "If you return Tony's armor to Tony, I think everyone will welcome you."

Chen Ye heard this and opened his hand and said: "I'm sorry, Tony, your armor, when I was fighting the aliens, it was damaged."

"To compensate you, I can give you a large robot tomorrow!

The fire source can be used once every 24 hours.

Tony didn't worry about War Armor anymore.

In his thoughts, after such a long time, the armor could not be maintained, and it should indeed be damaged.

"Come on, what are you doing here?" Tony asked.

"Can I sit down and have a drink?" Chen Ye answered the question.

After hearing this, everyone looked at Tony.

The good old man, Dr. Banner, felt that the atmosphere was a little bad, and couldn't help but say: "Tony, I think this one."

"My name is Ronan-Anderson!" Chen Ye reminded: "Just call me Ronan."

"Okay, Ronan Tony, I don't think Ronan is malicious. At least he saved New York. We don't need to be so hostile to him.

Tony was silent when Dr. Banner said so.

Silence is sometimes acquiescence.

The black widow "Natasha" poured a glass of wine for Chen Ye and said, "Ronan, you can sit here and stay away from the petty ghost."

Tony glanced at Natasha after hearing the words.


Chen Ye smiled and sat down.

Seeing Thor's Hammer on the table, Chen Ye knowingly asked, "What game were you playing just now?

The black widow sat next to Chen Ye and answered Chen Ye: "Saul said that if he can raise his hammer, he is qualified to rule Asgard."

"Really?" Chen Ye asked with a smile: "Sol, can I try it?"

"Of course, please.

Sol sat still, looking indifferent.

Chen Ye stood up and came to the genuine Thor's Hammer, then held the hammer handle and pressed hard

The hammer didn't move at all!

Sol couldn't help but laughed: "It seems that you are not worthy of it!"

"Sol, your hammer is really amazing!

Chen Ye exclaimed and suddenly said: "However, I also have one!"

As soon as the voice fell, Thor's Hammer appeared in Chen Ye's hands.

Seeing two identical hammers, everyone was stunned.

Stay quiet in the house!

"The imitated craftsmanship is very good, but my Mjolnir (Thor's Hammer) is unique!" Sol calmly said.

Everyone also felt that it was a fake.


Chen Ye suddenly looked at Tony: "Tony, if I break something later, don't rush to get angry, I will pay the compensation at the price."

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Ye raised the Thor's Hammer in his hand.

"Zi! Zi!"


The electricity in the room all converged on the hammer in Chen Ye's hand.

In the originally clear sky outside, dark clouds began to gather, and the sound of rolling thunder came.

Everyone's face changed!

They knew some of the power of Quake's hammer.

Right now, the Thor's Hammer in Chen Ye's hand can summon lightning, which is exactly the same as the original one.

"This is impossible!!"

Saul was shocked and couldn't help yelling: "Mjornir only has one, how could there be another one?"

Seeing Saul's face full of shock, Chen Ye couldn't help but want to laugh.

"I got this hammer from a collector. He has many weapons like this."

"Impossible. How is this possible?" Saul fell into a life of suspicion.

The others also looked solemn.

In their eyes, Chen Ye is already as powerful as a monster, and now there is a powerful Thor's Hammer, isn't it stronger?

If the opponent becomes an enemy, I am afraid it will be very tricky, right?

Chen Ye smiled slightly and put the hammer into his personal space.

It seemed to outsiders that he was like magic, the huge hammer in his hand disappeared instantly.

But at this point, everyone is not surprised.

They are more or less capable and knowledgeable, not surprising.

Tony couldn't see the appearance of Chen Ye singing, faintly said: "Well, little boy, if you want to show off your new weapon, you have already done it, is there anything else?,


Chen Ye suddenly put away his smiling face and made a serious look.


"When I was wandering in the universe, I met a prophet. He told me that human beings on earth will encounter a fatal danger."

Everyone was taken aback.

Hawkeye asked: "Did the prophet tell you what is the danger?"

Chen Ye nodded and looked at Tony: "The danger comes from Tony!

"Don't you think your jokes are outdated?" Tony said lightly.

Everyone is also a little unbelievable.

Chen Ye asked: "Tony, do you have an'Ultron' plan? Are you creating an artificial intelligence called Ultron?"

Hearing this, Tony's face changed slightly, and he couldn't help but look at Dr. Banner at each other.

He only told Dr. Banner about the Ultron plan.

And Dr. Banner is still his helper now!

Chen Ye continued: "Tony, stop immediately, otherwise, it will bring huge disasters to mankind!"

"Wait, can you tell me first, what is the Ultron plan?" the captain asked.

"I want to know too." Natasha looked at Tony.

Tony was about to say something, just at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

"call out–"

The super-high decibel noise suddenly sounded, making everyone's eardrums uncomfortable.

Immediately afterwards.

A tattered robot came out.