

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

Tornado was almost killed in seconds [bonus chapter]


A figure, like lightning, rushed towards Chen Ye.

Very fast!

Almost only one shadow can be seen.

However, Chen Ye's speed was not slow, and he recovered in an instant, armed with domineering covering his fists, and at the same time releasing the shock ability, he directly blasted the past.

Since both sides are very fast, they separated almost as soon as they touched.

Chen Ye punched in the shoulder and back again and again.

As for the black shadow that rushed over, it flew upside down, smashed into a piece of rubble, and splashed countless smoke and dust.

When the smoke dissipated, a weird one-eyed man with exploding hair appeared in Chen Ye's sight.

It is the overlord of the universe "Boros"!!


The armor on Boros' body suddenly cracked, turned into fragments and fell to the ground, making a heavy sound.

Obviously, the armor on Boros is very heavy.

"Yes! This armor is used to seal my overpowering strength. You can break it. It's very good. I hope you can bring me the joy of fighting!

Boros shook his body as he spoke, shaking off all his armor, revealing his blue body.

On his body, there are traces of irregularities, which look like lightning.

Chen Ye looked at Boros, with a solemn look in his eyes.

The punch just now was just a tentative attack by Boros, but the power was shocked

Chen Ye knows the original plot, and of course understands how powerful Boros is!

In the original plot, Boros bursts out all its energy and can destroy the earth in one blow.

Had it not been for Saitama's "serious punch" to block it, the world would have been destroyed.


Saitama quickly came to Chen Ye and looked at Poros: "Who is this weirdo?"

"He is the owner of this spaceship." Chen Ye said calmly.

"It turns out that he is the boss of alien invaders!"

Saitama looked at Boros seriously, and asked, "Teacher, is he the one who can make me take it seriously?"

"Yes!" Chen Ye smiled and said, "His strength is still very good."

After hearing this, Saitama looked at Boros with interest.

Boros was also looking at Saitama and Chen Ye, and found that both of them contained powerful powers, and he suddenly seemed a little excited:

"It's great!" Boros said with a smile: "Before the fight, please report your names!

"I am the leader of the dark matter group of the dark thieves, the overlord of the universe! Boros!!

When Saitama heard the words, he felt that the other party's self-introduction seemed very compelling.

After thinking about it, Saitama said, "I am a hobby. No, I am a professional hero now, Saitama!"


Hearing the name, Boros just chuckled.

Compared to Saitama, he is more interested in Chen Ye next to Saitama.

"So, what about you?" Boros looked at Chen Ye and slowly said: "Your strength is good, you are qualified to let me know your name!"

Chen Ye smiled faintly: "Wait for you to beat my disciple, and then ask my name!"

"Is that so?" Boros didn't get angry, and said Zhang: "You can't realize my strength. I suggest you go with your master and apprentice. Maybe you can have some fun for me!"

At this time.

The small tornado, the metal knight and others also rushed over.

As soon as they met, they yelled at Chen Ye angrily: "Mondo, you actually left me? It's too much!!"

What this said.

It feels like Chen Ye is like a scumbag who is always in chaos and abandons.

"Spit, a few small characters are here!" Boros's voice sounded.

Hearing this, Tornado almost exploded on the spot.

Actually dare to say that her "trembling tornado" is a small character?

"Damn it! Who are you again?"

"I am the overlord of the universe, Boros!"

"You are the one who destroyed City A, right?" Tornado asked coldly.

"It's me, what can you do?"

Boros admitted generously!

However, both the tone and the look in the eyes are full of contempt for the Tornado

Tornado irritated by Boros's attitude.

"You! Damn!"

The cold voice came from the mouth of the little tornado.

next moment.

The small tornado's hair, no wind, automatically, the body also emits a green light, finger Poros, pressed hard.



The area where Boros was located seemed to have suffered a heavy load and collapsed violently.

Even the steel on the ground is crushed

However, Boros didn't even move, even with a smile on his face.

"Oh, it turns out to be a user of Mind Master It's a pity, this little strength wants to kill me, it's really naive

Boros's voice fell and he moved immediately.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded.

Boros disappeared directly from the place.

This is because his moving speed is too fast, causing the Tornado to be unable to see clearly.

The Tornado was taken aback, that monster was not affected by his own thoughts at all!

When Boros appeared again, he was already close to the small tornado, and his fist was raised high.

"Tornado dare to do something to me? Go to hell!"

Boros hit it with a punch.

In a critical moment, Tornado quickly used his thought power to form a protective shield around his body.

The thought power of the little tornado is very strong, and the protective shield formed with the thought power, even the missile, cannot break open.


In front of Boros' fist, the protective shield of Tornado is as crisp as an egg


Boros was just a punch, and the shield of thought power of Tornado was instantly shattered.

At the critical moment, Chen Ye still took the shot, using his mind to pull away Tornado and Boros failed with a punch.


Boros froze for a moment, then looked at Chen Ye, revealing a hunting smile:

"I didn't expect that you have good power, but would you still say motivation? It's getting more and more interesting.

"Everyone here today must die!"

"I will kill you one by one!!"

Boros issued a declaration of war.

The metal knight and others said that their faces were very ugly.

They knew how powerful Tornado was. Just before that monster, he was defeated so quickly that he was almost killed.

Tornado and the rest of people was also a little scared at this moment, and didn't dare to speak hard anymore.

Only Chen Ye and Saitama still have a calm look.

Saitama had lost his fear a long time ago, and he was not afraid of Boros at all.

And Chen Ye has the disciple Saitama, what is he afraid of?

"Saitama, don't talk nonsense with him, beat him!"

"Yes teacher!"