

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

This military commander is so fierce! [bonus chapter]

"Hint: Task 2 assigns rewards based on personal performance!"

Chen Ye was slightly taken aback when he heard the system prompt.

Before I could think about it, a heavy drumbeat suddenly came from outside:

"Boom! Boom! Boom!

This is the sound of soldiers gathering in the ancient barracks.

On the ground, several soldiers who were resting, hearing the sound of drums, immediately jumped up like frightened rabbits, took their weapons, and quickly rushed out of the tent.

When you click the general, the three links are completed, and those who fail to be cut!!

"Luo Xiu, what are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and gather at the school!" an older soldier reminded.

Chen Ye heard this and quickly followed.


Countless soldiers came to the school to gather.

Chen Ye is relatively tall, and visually, it is full of human heads. He can't even count how many Cao Jun soldiers there are.

When the drums stopped, the entire school field was full of soldiers.

Then, a military commander in armor walked up to the high platform in the center.

This military commander has a burly stature and a strong physique. He looks like a talented person.

Seeing this general, Chen Ye immediately knew who he was 590.

There is only one one-eyed general under Lao Cao: Xiahou Dun!

"You soldiers, performing martial arts today is because the Lord is so thirsty for the Lord's request. I would like to give you a chance to perform. If you have the martial arts, you can make special offers."

Xiahoudun wanted to say something to boost morale, but this guy has limited eloquence and can't say anything good at all!

However, Chen Ye understood. Today, the crowd was called to the school field to perform martial arts.

The so-called performance of martial arts is competition!

It seems that it is about to fight, so オ will quickly refer some people in this way.

Chen Ye's eyes lit up and he immediately understood that this should be an opportunity created by the reincarnation system, giving the reincarnations a platform for performance and gaining prestige.

"The performance of martial arts begins!"

When Xiahou Dun's voice fell, he turned and left the platform.

Immediately afterwards, a teenager wearing soft armor jumped onto the high platform.

"A certain Zhong Jin is a general of General Xiahou. If you have martial arts, you can come up and compete with me!"

Obviously, this guy named Zhong Jin should be the first pioneer in performing martial arts, specially used to test the strength of competitors.

Chen Ye has no interest in going on stage for the time being.

He looked around, and suddenly saw a group of people on the climbing stairs in the front left.

This group of people, either in armor or long gowns, looked like senior generals in the Cao army.


There is a man in the middle who attracts Chen Ye's attention the most.

This man is wearing a shirt of Hundred Flowers and is about fifty years old. He is not very tall, only less than seven feet (1.7 meters), but he has a calm temperament and sharp vision, giving people a touch of coercion.

Numerous advisers and generals around him were all around him, like the stars arched over the moon, and they knew they were leaders-like figures at a glance.

Even Xiahoudun stood behind him when he climbed the stairs.

Seeing this scene, the identity of this man, of course, is not difficult to guess.

Cao Cao!!

Only "Married Wife Cao" is worthy of such a big face!


Someone jumped onto the ring and competed with Zhong Jin.

"A certain Liu Chu, come to ask the general for advice!"

This guy who calls himself "Liu Chu" is dressed up as a soldier, but his skill is quite good. Whether it is power and speed, he can stabilize Zhong Jin. If it were not for Zhong Xi's rich combat experience, I am afraid he would have lost!

Seeing this person's direct fighting style, Chen Ye knew that the opponent was a reincarnation.

After a few minutes, the battle was won.

It turned out that Zhong Jin lost

The soldiers around were in an uproar.

Climbing up the stairs.

Cao Cao suddenly smiled and said: "This person is so strong, Yuan Rang (Xiahou Dun), your general underestimated the enemy!"

Xiahoudun's old face suddenly showed a trace of embarrassment


At the same time, there is a bit of hatred for Zhong Jin, and he can't even beat a recruit!

The competition continues!

This Samsara, named Liu Chu, had very good power attributes and speed attributes. At least he had broken a hundred. He shot quickly and ruthlessly, and defeated several opponents in a row before being defeated by another Samsara.

Another Samsara can beat Liu Chu, because Liu Chu consumes a lot of energy.


The entire arena has almost become a stage for reincarnations.

The reincarnations are all powerful, far surpassing ordinary people. When they come to power, there is nothing wrong with the other soldiers.

In a blink of an eye, an hour passed.

The current "host" of the ring is a reincarnation called Tie Niu.

This guy has a very strong power attribute. Chen Ye estimates that he has almost 150 points, and this guy seems to have upgraded the proficiency of basic boxing to a very high level. A pair of fists has beaten up and has lost 16 people in a row. No one is his opponent for the time being

Climb up the stairs.

The faces of the generals were a bit solemn.

They never expected that so many masters would be exploded in a martial arts performance?

What made them even more depressed was that their troops came to power and all of them were defeated.

As the main generals, the troops will be defeated, and they are also faceless.

Seeing that the man named Tie Niu was about to be invincible, a burly military commander couldn't help but stand up and said to Cao Cao:

"Lord, I am happy to see Hunter at the end, why don't you let the end take action and try the other party's depth?,

Old Cao was a little surprised, and then smiled: "Miaocai, are your hands itchy?"

Miaocai is the word of Xia Houyuan.

Xia Houyuan smiled and said: "The lord's words are exactly what the lord said, it is rare to see the seedlings with good fists and feet, and the end will indeed be itchy!"

"That's the case, you go!" Old Cao said here, and reminded: "Remember, you must be merciful."


Old Cao is quite happy today.

-There are so many masters coming out, which shows that his army is full of talents, and there is no worry that no one is available.

Xia Houyuan immediately agreed, flipped on the spot, and jumped down directly from a few feet high.


A small hole was smashed into the ground.

Xia Houyuan landed steadily, walking towards the ring with his usual expression.

On the side of the broadcast station.

Chen Ye has been paying attention to the movement of climbing buildings.

Seeing a military master jumped down so high, but nothing happened, he frowned.

This is not normal!!

Even the generals in the romance novels are not beyond the scope of human beings.

Jumping from a few feet high, as long as it is still a human, it is impossible to do nothing at all.

The physical stress resistance demonstrated by the military commander just now has clearly surpassed the range of ordinary people.

Obviously, this must be the ghost of the reincarnation system!

The reincarnation system not only restricts the reincarnation, but also strengthens the generals