

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

The where abouts of the third day

Finally, the emperor thought for a while and decided to reward Chen Ye.

"Chen Ye, I am very good at protecting you, and now I am promoting you as the second-class guard with a sword in front of you!"

Chen Ye nodded immediately and respectfully thanked the emperor for the reward.

Cao Zhengchun next to him, as well as everyone in Hulong Mountain Villa, were suddenly surprised

Even Tie Dan Shen Hou himself did not expect that the emperor actually valued Chen Ye so much, and immediately promoted him to the second-class guard with a sword?

It should be known that the guards with swords in the front are divided into five classes, and even the worst class represents the emperor's great trust in them.

Although the guards with swords in the front do not have an official official title, which is so-called no grade, officials of any level walking outside must be very respectful when they see it!

Because guards with knives can carry weapons in front of the emperor, they are full of incomparable trust.

As long as you approach the emperor and say a few words or something, it is likely to cause some major impact.

The second-class guard with a knife is already a very good position, only second to the first-class 27!

As for the first-class guards with swords, there are only a handful of people in the entire palace, and every one of them is an old man who has survived for more than ten years.

After returning to Hulong Mountain Villa, Tie Danhou immediately called Chen Ye into the room alone.

"Chen Ye, do you know what I called you for?"

Chen Ye shook his head.

Tie Dan Shen Hou slowly said: "My favorite woman in my life is Su Xin. She fell into a permanent deep sleep. Only Tianxiang Cardamom can wake her up!"

Tianxiang cardamom?

Chen Ye immediately remembered that there seemed to be three Tianxiang cardamoms in total. Only by collecting three Tianxiang cardamoms can Su Xin wake up completely and no longer fall asleep.

Tie Dan Shen Hou continued: "I have already got two Tianxiang cardamoms, but even if Su Xin wakes up, after five years, I will fall into deep sleep forever again, so I must get the third Tianxiang cardamom!"

As soon as these words were said, the aura of Tie Dan Shen Hou suddenly broke out, and his eyes exuded a terrible majesty color!

Anyone can see how strong the determination is.

In order to save Su Xin, he can do nothing!

"Shenhou, what do you mean?"

Chen Ye pretended to be puzzled.

The timid god said:

"The news of the third Tianxiang cardamom has come out. It is in the hands of the owner of the Baiyu Mountain Villa, and Cao Zhengchun's people must have been on the road.

I order you to go to Baiyu Mountain Villa, and be sure to get the third Tianxiang cardamom at all costs!"

After hearing the bold words, Chen Ye immediately nodded his head and promised: "Okay, I will definitely grab the third Tianxiang cardamom for you!"

Then Chen Ye turned and left.

Today, Chen Ye possesses the skills of Karasuma and Princess Lixiu, and his strength has also improved by leaps and bounds.

Chen Ye estimates that he may be only a line away from the innate realm.

This time to Baiyu Mountain Villa, there are countless difficulties, dangers, and difficulties. Chen Ye predicts that Cao Zhengchun must have laid a net of heaven and earth, and is ready to set up an ambush at Baiyu Mountain Villa to catch all the people in the Dragon Mountain Villa!

In that way, it could also weaken the strength of Hulong Villa.

However, in Chen Ye's plan to raise tigers, he must continue to help Tie Dan to attack Cao Zhengchun in the early stage.

Only when the nail of Dongchang is completely removed, the courageous look will reveal all his ambitions.

At that time, Chen Ye was able to follow the task prompts in the reincarnation space to prevent the iron guts from rebelling!

As for the follow-up to dominate the world, Chen Ye still has a huge plan to proceed slowly.

It's just that the time has not arrived, and it is temporarily impossible to plot!

When Chen Ye left Hulong Mountain Villa, Tiedan Shenhou once told him vaguely that because the mission this time was very special, the less news about Tianxiang Cardamom would be known, the better.

Therefore, he did not intend to send Duan Tianya and Guihai Dadao as assistance.

But when Chen Ye left, he ran into Shangguan Haitang.

"Chen Ye, for this mission, as your helper, I will go to Baiyu Villa with you!"

Haitang said with a smile.

Chen Ye nodded. He felt that Shangguan Haitang would save a lot of trouble.

Although Shangguan Haitang's overall strength is not good, he is indeed experienced in all kinds of experiences in the arena, and he can answer questions for Chen Ye.

Moreover, Shangguan Haitang has the world's first village, and there are many capable people and righteous people in the village!

Sometimes these guys can have unexpected effects, maybe.

The two went on the road like this, making up as ordinary knights, heading all the way to Baiyu Villa.

Baiyu Villa is at the foot of the Kunlun Mountains, and it takes at least seven hundred miles to travel from the capital of the dynasty.

The two decided to hurry as soon as possible, and headed towards their destination day and night!

"Chen Ye, you may not know, the owner of Bai Yu is not an ordinary character!"

On the way, Shangguan Haitang said thoughtfully.

"Oh, what do you say?"

Chen Ye didn't know much about the owner of Baiyu Mountain Villa. He remembered that there seemed to be no such character in the plot.

Shangguan Haitang took a deep breath, and then said, "Villa Bai Yu has a close friend, and that is Mr. Zhuge!"

"What! Mr. Zhuge?"

Now Chen Ye is even more confused, isn't Mr. Zhuge the master of the four famous arrests?

And logically speaking, he should have nothing to do with this piece of rivers and lakes!

Shangguan Haitang nodded heavily: "Yes, 843, the owner of Baiyu Village and Mr. Zhuge have a relationship, and the four famous catchers often visit Baiyu Village."

Chen Ye immediately said: "In this way, the owner of Bai Yu also belongs to the righteous martial arts person. He should give us Tianxiang cardamom."

Surprisingly, Shangguan Haitang shook his head, and then responded:

"That's not necessarily true. Although the owner of Bai Yu has a good relationship with Mr. Zhuge, he is also acting both righteously and evilly, all based on his preferences, and there were some bad rumors back then."

Chen Ye also wants to inquire some more news.

However, when Shangguan Haitang mentioned the rumors of the owner of Baiyu, it seemed that there was some kind of taboo news, and he was unwilling to say anything more.

The two rushed all the way to the restaurant and prepared to go in for a meal, fill their stomachs and continue on the road.

Although Chen Ye is about to reach the innate state, it is impossible to achieve the level of bigu, so he also needs to eat and drink.

However, the two of them just came to the restaurant to order wine and food, and suddenly they found something was wrong while waiting!

The surrounding guests stood up one by one, took off their hats and fur clothes, and then slowly pulled out the sword hidden under the wine table.

"I thought I was just waiting for a dragon guardian spy, but I didn't expect to be able to kill the Xuanzi No. 1 by the way. This time I made a lot of money, hahaha!"

The arrogant laughter of the iron-clawed flying eagle of the big stallion sounded. .