

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

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707 Chs

The true sea god Poseidon is awake [bonus chapter]

There is no sea water around.

Atlantis people are actually a little uncomfortable.

They have become accustomed to living in the water, Chen Ye suddenly drained the water in the duel, and couldn't adapt to it for a while.

This is true of Atlantis people, and the same is true of Orm, who grew up in Atlantis.

But his opponent, Arthur, was not affected at all, and even more able to play to his advantage.

Because Arthur was originally raised on land.

Both of the brothers were not stupid, and immediately knew that this was the sea god who released water for Arthur.

Orm was a little angry and depressed, but he didn't dare to fart!

Now everyone has admitted Chen Ye's identity as the Sea God. If he openly questioned the Sea God in front of so many people, Chen Ye would be able to find a cause and instantly deprive him of his throne, and even save a duel!

However, Orm can become a king, and he is full of ambitions. He naturally has some ability, at least he will adjust his mentality.

Soon, Orm regained his fighting spirit!

"Wait and see, even if there is no sea water, I can beat the wild species Arthur!"

Thinking of this, Orm raised the trident in his hand, pointed at Arthur, and made a provocative move.

Don't get me wrong, the trident in Orm's hands is just an ordinary weapon, not an artifact in Chen Ye's hands.

Almost every Atlantis fighter has a trident weapon.

This is the tradition of Atlantis.

Arthur felt a little guilty at first, thinking that the Sea god was so partial to himself and was a little unfair to Orm. At this moment, seeing Orm's provocative actions, the guilt was immediately gone!

It's so arrogant!

On the high platform, Chen Ye said lightly: "Let's start!"

Following the command of the Sea god boss, the two brothers immediately moved and rushed towards each other quickly.


The tridents in the hands of the two slammed together, making a huge sound of golden ding.

Both of the brothers have the royal blood of Atlantis, and their strength is far beyond ordinary people, and they are superhuman, with powerful combat effectiveness.

Of course, it is totally incomparable with a monster like Chen Ye.

The two of you came and went, and they fought together in an instant, and the explosions continued to make the audience stunned.

Only Chen Ye seemed a little boring!

This kind of battle can no longer interest him.

If he gets out of the field, he can kill the two "children" fighting each other with one punch.

But Chen Ye still watched seriously.

Since he wants to push Arthur out and help him control Atlantis, then Arthur must not lose today!

Once found that Arthur was at a disadvantage, Chen Ye would take action and use his mind to interfere with Aum.

Anyway, the power of mind is invisible, except Orm himself, no one can tell that it is the sea god boss cheating on Arthur.


The battle fell into a white-hot state.

In order to protect his throne, Orm used all his best to attack Arthur's vitals, wishing to smash the wild species in front of him again and again.

Although Arthur was a salted fish, he was pressed into a hurry and was a little angry. He stopped mercy and fought with Orm.

The onlookers were enthusiastic, and the atmosphere of the scene was high.

Only the brothers' mother, Atlanta, was worried.

She could see that if the two brothers continue to fight like this, accidents are prone to occur.

five minutes later.

Om and Arthur, regardless of the outcome, both suffered injuries to each other.

But the battle continues.

Because this is a battle for the throne, one party must lose, and a tie is impossible.

At this time.

Suddenly, Arthur remembered Vulko's teachings, and began to use skills, dancing the trident into the wind, and the water couldn't get in.

Om on the audience stage, seeing this scene, suddenly his eyes brightened.

This trick was invented by the King of Atlanta. As a counselor and Orm's mentor, he did not pass it on to Aum, but secretly taught it to Arthur.

Worthy of being a twenty-five boy!

With the release of Arthur's big move, Aum soon fell into a disadvantage.

He threw a halberd and stabbed, but was knocked out by Arthur's big move. He fell heavily to the ground, and even the weapon flew away.

After that, Arthur immediately seized the opportunity, rushed forward with a load, and stab towards Aum.

Aum had no weapons, unable to parry at all, so he closed his eyes and greeted his death.


He waited for a long time, but Arthur's trident didn't stab him.

When Orm opened his eyes, he saw Arthur's trident, less than an inch from his throat.

Just send it in a little bit more and it can penetrate Orm's throat.

Arthur kept his hands.

Orm didn't appreciate it, and even felt shameful.

"Do it! I don't need your pity!" Orm said loudly.

at this time.

The audience fell into silence, and everyone looked at Arthur nervously.

Except Chen Ye!

Chen Ye didn't expect that Arthur defeated Aum just like the original plot, but it just saved him from doing things.

Under the eyes of all the people, Arthur said calmly: "Orm, you have already lost!"

When Orm heard this, he looked a little crazy: "You hurry up and kill me, kindness is not our tradition!"

But Arthur put away the trident, his face calm: "The victory has been divided, I don't want to make unnecessary killings, Orm, give up! My mother doesn't want to see us killing each other!"

Hearing this, Atlanta shed tears of relief.

She is now quite sure that it is correct to support Arthur's return to the throne.

Aum couldn't help but turned his head and glanced at Atlana, suddenly his momentum became slumped, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Chen Ye didn't bother to care so much.

Seeing that Arthur had won, he immediately let Vulko next to him announce the result.

Vulko didn't dare to delay, he hurriedly stood up and said loudly: "The duel is over, Arthur will win, and he will become our new king!!"

"King Arthur!"

"King Arthur!"

"King Arthur!

The Atlantis people who watched cheered one after another, calling for their new king.

The strength that Arthur showed just now has already conquered them!

With the end of the battle, everything settled down.


Became the king of Atlantis .

As for Arthur, he was very generous and gave him freedom. He is still a member of Atlantis.

Later, Arthur also fulfilled his promise, announcing that Chen Ye was the god of the entire seabed clan, and ordered all Atlantis people to worship the new sea god.

It won't work if you don't fulfill the promise!

That monster is too strong!

If Arthur dares to repent, believe it or not, he will be taught to be a man in minutes.

Following Arthur's order, the old Poseidon statues in the entire Atlantis were pushed to one after another, and then a new Poseidon statue was built with Chen Ye's appearance as a template!

In addition to Atlantis, the other three countries have followed suit.

After seeing Chen Ye's greatness, they all know that this big guy can't afford to offend

In this regard, Chen Ye became the supreme existence of the seabed clan.

His plan can be considered to be more than half completed.

Next, as long as he goes to conquer the Haigou tribe and another kingdom.

I believe that with Chen Ye's strength, this is nothing at all.

The deepest part of the sea.

In a quiet palace.

Suddenly, the calm sea water began to surge, and all the fish and shrimps were all startled and fled.

An ancient god, awakened!

The reason for his awakening was that he realized that he believed in his own submarine clan and seemed to have "betrayed" his faith!


An angry roar resounded throughout the palace.