

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

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707 Chs

The third s-level powerhouse

12 o'clock that evening.

Chen Ye appeared in the reincarnation space on time.

He was not in a hurry to go to the Samsara Tower to brush a copy, but came to the bar, planning to relax first.

Tonight he is going to brush the fifteenth floor of the assessment copy "X-Men: Reverse the Future", and made a bold plan for it.

If this plan works, it must be-a super god evaluation!

But if there is a batch leak

Coming to the bar, Chen Ye ordered a stand on the 3D projection virtual menu in the bar, and then sat down and tasted a cocktail.

Before meeting with Murong Chuuxue, I have always been drinking tea, Chen Ye wants to change his appetite

The bar is very lively, there are many reincarnations, and the music is also very popular!

It's similar to a bar in reality.

The only difference is that the cocktail in hand is very different.

After drinking it, there is a sense of pleasure.

Obviously, this cocktail, just like drugs, can stimulate the human nerves and brain, and secrete pleasant dopamine.

"No wonder, the business in this bar has always been hot! In addition to the low prices, I am afraid that the effects of the drinks have also attracted countless reincarnations."

At one o'clock in the morning, the copy of the Samsara Tower will begin, and Chen Ye is not in a hurry to rush over.

at this time.

Among the several reincarnations at the table next to Chen Ye, someone suddenly exclaimed:


The guy's "fuck" shocked his friends.

"What's wrong? Surprised?" my friend asked.

The man exclaimed again: "Something big happened, just now on the global master list, there has been a new change!"

"What changes?"

"It is our country's number one master' Murong Chuuxue, she has also reached the S rank. Although the ranking has not changed, she still ranks behind Adam, but this is the S rank!!"

"Fuck? Really?"

"Just now a friend told me, I don't know whether it's true or not, I'll check it out."

"I am coming too!

"Don't run so fast, wait for me!"

The sound of the discussion at this table just now is not small, and many people nearby have heard it.

Everyone was shocked.

Many people watched them leave their seats and head to the Samsara Tower, and they all followed to watch the excitement.

In the deck.

Chen Ye heard Murong Chuuxue's strength and reached S-level, and his heart moved and a smile appeared.

Afterwards, Chen Ye drank the cocktail in the glass in one sip and left the booth

Coming to the side of the Samsara Tower, Chen Ye walked under the sign of the global leaderboard.


Countless reincarnations have already gathered on the sign of the global master list.

And there are many people who are constantly sending from far away.

Obviously, they are all here to watch the excitement.

Chen Ye walked to the bottom of the rankings and saw the red "S" mark behind the name of the third "Murong Chuuxue", his eyes brightened.

He knew that Murong Chuuxue's comprehensive strength could reach s-level at this time. He must have used "devil fruit clear water" and then took new devil fruit.

The previous Murong Chuuxue ate bad devil fruit, which caused his strength to be delayed, and he was always A-level.

The new Devil Fruit is obviously very good, and it has a lot of improvement to Murong Chuuxue.

"I just don't know, what is the ability of the new devil fruit used by Murong Chuxue?"

Chen Ye is curious.

More and more reincarnations are gathering here.

In the blink of an eye.

Under the global master list, it has been surrounded by water.

Countless discussions also sounded:

"Fuck! It's really an S grade, the snow blower is amazing!

"It's awesome! Xia Guo, finally has an S-rank powerhouse!"

"Mr Murong Blowing Snow is really awesome!"

"Strange! I haven't heard of the master blowing snow brushing a copy, why has his strength suddenly increased?"

"Yeah, I also think it's very strange. When he went offline last night, the overall strength evaluation of the big snowman was still A-level. Why did it just go online tonight, it was S-level?"

"Could it be the big snow blower who brushed a personal copy?"

"Are you stupid? Let's not talk about how rare a personal dungeon card is. Even now, the time is not right! No matter what dungeon, it will take an hour to come out after entering it. Now everyone has just been online soon, how can there be an hour? time?"

"That's it, that's weird


Listening to the discussion around, Chen Ye smiled slightly.

Only he knew how Murong Chuuxue's strength came from.

Leaving near the rankings, Chen Ye found a place where no one was there and dialed Murong Chuuxue's video communication.

Almost soon, Murong Chuuxue connected Chen Ye's communication request.

A pretty face appeared in front of Chen Ye.

"Sura, good evening!"

It can be seen that Murong Bixue's face is red, and his pretty face is full of joy.

Chen Ye smiled and said, "Blowing the snow, congratulations on your ability to break through the S level!"

Murong Chuuxue said with emotion: "Thank you very much, Shura, if it weren't for your'devil fruit clearing water', I wouldn't be able to reach the S level."

"It seems that I guessed right."

Chen Ye first smiled, and then asked curiously: "Blowing Snow, since your previous devil fruit is unwilling to say, then what is your new fruit? I wonder if you can tell me?

Murong Chuuxue smiled and said, "What can't be said about this, it's flowers and fruits!"

Hearing "Flowers and Fruits", Chen Ye was slightly taken aback.

If he remembers correctly, this is Nicole Robin's Devil Fruit ability!

Flowers and fruits.

It belongs to the superman devil fruit.

Its ability is to make any part of the body grow on any tangible thing like a flower, and make attacks or other uses!

The attack power of this devil fruit is not strong, but it is weird and can attack the enemy unexpectedly.

In the world of "One Piece", Nicole Robin uses flowers and fruits, which does not seem to be strong. This is because Nicole Robin is relatively weak.

If it is used by a strong man like Karp, the ability to flower and fruit is absolutely terrifying!

Murong Chuuxue looked very interested, and continued to explain: "Its ability is amazing. It can make any part of the body grow on any tangible thing like a flower. It can attack and control others. It is very true. , Shura, compared to your shaking fruits, flowers and fruits are not worth mentioning!"

Chen Ye sighed, "Blowing the snow, you are humble. If you use such a magical ability well, it will be very useful in battle."