

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

The stubborn reincarnation squad


There was a loud noise.

The monster was knocked to the ground by the Eureka Raiders.

This monster is too heavy and rigid, and it is not the opponent of Eureka Raiders at all.

Obviously, the monster was also aware of this, and with a howl, it actually started to flee into the sea.

And the pilot of the Eureka Raiders, of course, refused to let go of the opportunity to refresh the record, and immediately chased up, intending to hunt down this monster to death.

far away.

On the roof.

Chen Ye couldn't help but breathe.

The battle between these two big guys was a bit interesting at first. After watching it for a long time, Chen Ye~ feels very boring.

It is nothing more than two big guys-competing for speed and strength.

You punched me and caught it, and there was no skill-content!

'The excitement is about to watch, it's time to take action!'

Seeing that the monster was about to escape, Chen Ye stood up and planned to harvest the monster's head in the past.

At this time.

The Eureka Raiders had chased him into the sea, and the sea water covered his waist.

Even though that monster is heavy, it escaped quite quickly.

Chen Ye, who was about to leave, suddenly changed his expression.

"Huh? Another big guy came from the sea? Is it an ambush?"

He has a keen perception and can feel that a new big guy has appeared in the ocean.

'It seems that the mecha hunter is going to be unlucky!'

Chen Ye sat down again, showing a look of interest.

The pilot of the Eureka Raider, a father and son, is now focusing on hunting down monsters.

At this time, an order from the base came from the communicator.

"Chuck, Stacker, you are too deep into the ocean, your actions in the ocean will be blocked, immediately give up the pursuit and return!"

The father and son heard the words, but they didn't hear them in front of them.

This monster is already the prey to the mouth, how can it be willing to give up and let the prey escape?

Suddenly, an ear-piercing alarm sounded, and then an anxious voice came through the communicator:

"Chuck, be careful, there is a new monster coming at you at ten o'clock on the left front of you, immediately be on guard!"

It was only at this moment that Chuck and Stacker, father and son, woke up and realized that their current situation was very dangerous.

The sea has flooded their fierce mouths.

next moment!


Accompanied by a loud roar, a huge new monster emerged from the sea and rushed directly to the Eureka Raiders.

This monster is like a gorilla that has been magnified countless times. It is close to a hundred meters tall, covered with a thick cuticle shell, and its fists are like a pair of big hammers.

Seeing this monster, Chen Ye felt familiar, and soon remembered what this monster was.

Ridgeback turtle!

In the original plot, the ridgeback turtle is very powerful and has a rich record.

It has the highest defensive power of all Kaiju beasts, and can withstand huge impacts unscathed, so as to make up for the disadvantage of speed.

In addition, the ridgeback turtle is a very clever chrysanthemum. Once injured, he immediately ran away. He and the "monster partner" tail standing rat developed tactics, one frontal attack and the other behind the scenes, without any disadvantage.

Most importantly, it has a weapon that is very lethal to human mecha: organic electromagnetic pulse!

It will release electromagnetic pulses, making the electronic weapons of human mechas useless.

Using this trick, the ridgeback turtle has killed a lot of human mecha hunters!

'It turned out to be this guy!'

Chen Ye was secretly surprised.

Even the ridgeback turtle came out, indicating that the plot has reached the middle and late stages.

'Now, that mech hunter is bound to die!


"Gosh! It's a level four monster!!!"

In the base at the rear, a shrill alarm sounded.

The military has already graded the giant monsters.

Under normal circumstances, the higher the level of a monster, the more terrifying its combat power.

For example, a three-pole monster can easily cause huge damage to the human world, even a nuclear bomb is difficult to kill!

And the fourth-level monster has never appeared before

The general who was watching the battle grabbed the communicator and shouted loudly: "Chuck, Stacker, that is a level four monster, you immediately retreat!!

In the ocean.

Hearing the general's voice from the communicator, both father and son smiled bitterly.

"General, we have no time to retreat. Once we turn around, we will die faster. This is a sinking."

"Now, there is only one way before us: war!"

After the father and son had finished speaking, they assumed a fighting posture through the mecha controlled by neurons.

The shoulders of their mechas voluntarily opened, revealing the shells inside!

Just as Chuck and the Stacker father and son were about to attack the monster with artillery fire, suddenly, the huge monster that came on the opposite side opened its head armor, revealing a light-emitting organ.


With a "boom", an electromagnetic pulse appeared and spread quickly, sweeping the entire coast.

Under the attack of the electromagnetic pulse, the Eureka Raiders instantly cut off the power, and all the lights on their bodies went out and dimmed.

Arms full of fighting stance also hung down, like a robot that has lost its energy, standing motionless in the sea.

In front of him, there was a giant monster leaping over.

The mecha was completely destroyed by the electromagnetic pulse attack.

Is there anything more cheating than this?

"Do not!!!"

The father and son screamed together.


The mech "Eureka Raider" they piloted was instantly thrown over and torn to pieces by the Ridgeback Turtle!

The two drivers naturally died miserably!

After the Eureka Raiders were eliminated, the Level 4 giant Monster Ridgeback was still reluctant and rushed towards the shore.

The target is impressively the military base ahead.

The monster previously injured by the Eureka Raider also emerged from the ocean again, and rushed towards the human base along with the ridgeback turtle.

The charge of the two monsters is extremely powerful.

Along the way, the momentum is like a broken bamboo.

The human building in front of the ridgeback tortoise looks almost like paper.

Even the high-rise buildings made of reinforced concrete were struck by the ridgeback tortoise and crashed into rubble.

Level 4 monsters are far from being comparable to level 3 monsters.

Whether they are power, speed, defensive power, and destructive power, they are extremely terrifying.

There were many pedestrians on the road who were too late to escape. At this moment, seeing the human mecha defeated, the monsters rushed in, screaming and fleeing.

It's just that no matter how fast they are, they can't be faster than the ridgeback turtle.


The fleeing crowd was overtaken by the ridgeback turtle.

Every time the ridgeback turtle goes down, a large area of ​​tragic death is like a hell of Shura!

In the base at the rear, seeing the destructive power of the ridgeback tortoise, all the military personnel looked pale and horrified.

There has been no trouble, and the quality of these soldiers is already very high.

In the huge control room, the only black general who can maintain his composure is the black general.

at this time.

The black general was staring at the big screen.

On the screen, the ridgeback tortoise smashed through a refuge somewhere with just one punch. Thousands of citizens hiding in it all died instantly.

"Where is our driver?" the black general shouted angrily.

A subordinate hurriedly said: "Storm Crimson and Cherno Alpha have just connected neurons, and they are ready!"

"Then what are you waiting for?" The black general roared, "Let them attack immediately and destroy the enemy!'


The subordinates just left and returned to life.

Suddenly, next to the general, there was an exclamation:

"General, look over here, what is that?"

Through the remote monitor, a person appeared on the big screen.

The weird thing is that that person is floating in mid-air, and there is no flying equipment on that person's body.

A person who can fly by himself?


How can people fly?

On the chaotic streets.

Everyone is fighting for their lives.

However, there is a group of people who are incompatible with their surroundings.

There were a total of six of them. Looking at the giant monster that was wrecking havoc not far away, the expressions on everyone's face were very calm, without the slightest fear.

At this time, you can still maintain such a composure.

Either this group of people is strong inside!

Either they have major support and can save their lives

"According to the plot, the indigenous human mech pilots of this world will suffer heavy losses under the destruction of this monster. At that time, it will be our opportunity.

Among the six, a burly man began to give orders: "Robert, the task of hacking the military computer is left to you. We need a legal identity!"

"No problem!" a thin white man replied.

This thin man specializes in computer technology and is a very powerful hacker. Even artificial intelligence is not his opponent.

Because he used reincarnation points to improve related abilities.

That's right!

This group of people are all reincarnations.

Of course, they are not the reincarnations of the C area (Xia Guo), but the reincarnations of other areas, and they happen to also come to this "Pacific Rim" world.

"Head, what if I run into a competitor'?" a white girl asked.

The competitors in her mouth are of course other reincarnations.

Hearing this, the headed strong man said without thinking: "As long as it affects our plan, we will kill it!"

He has this confidence!

Because of his comprehensive strength, he has broken through to Grade A!

At this stage on the 19th floor of the Samsara Tower, the A-level Samsaras are definitely high-end combat power.

The white girl smiled and said, "Wow, I hope I don't run into the hapless guy!

At this time.

A black man next to him suddenly said in surprise: "Guys, look over there

Everyone followed his gaze and saw a person flying in mid-air without relying on any external force, flying towards the giant monster.

Judging from its appearance, it seems to be going to stop the monster.

The white girl was dumbfounded and couldn't help asking, "Are there any flying humans among the natives of this world?"

"Of course not!" a short man said coldly: "This guy is definitely a reincarnation!"

"Damn, the flying reincarnation, his strength is not very strong, right?

"Is it strong or not? I'll find out later!"

The faces of this group of reincarnations are not pretty.

The ability to fly, even in the reincarnation space, is a very rare ability.

Almost all are in the hands of powerful reincarnations.

"Head! What if that guy kills the monster?" the white girl asked worriedly.

Hearing this, the strong man leader's face suddenly became gloomy.

If this is the case, then their plan will be in jeopardy if it has not been implemented.

"How can it be so easy? This is a Level 4 monster ridgeback turtle. According to the judgment of others, this guy's defensive power is amazing. Even a senior A-level reincarnation cannot break through the thick layer of it Skin!"

"Yes, the leader is right! Moreover, this time the dungeon cannot use special items. This guy is too arrogant, thinking that he can kill a level 4 monster with his own power? He used to die!"

"If this is the case, we can just wait to see the excitement!"

Many people spoke up one after another, seeming to comfort themselves

The human being suddenly flying in mid-air is naturally Chen Ye.

Seeing the ridgeback tortoise wreaks havoc and the military's mecha hasn't appeared yet, Chen Ye didn't plan to keep a low profile.

Chen Ye's plan is to blow up the monster's nest.

This requires heavy explosives!

The weapons of large-scale destruction are in the hands of the government and military.

So he has to take action personally to kill these two monsters!

And it was shot in full view.

*I believe that after this battle, human beings in this world will treat me as a god. Then I will make some requests, such as a nuclear bomb. Should I be satisfied?"

While Chen Ye was thinking, he approached the two monsters.

When Chen Ye approached, the ridgeback turtle who was doing demolition finally found Chen Ye.


It uttered an angry roar at Chen Ye, and then slapped it at Chen Ye.

In the eyes of the ridgeback turtle, a small human being can be killed with a light touch.


A strong sound of breaking through the air sounded.

The ridgeback turtle's huge slap, like a large black cloud pressing the top, covering the sky and covering the sun, pressed towards Chen Ye.

In the face of this blow, it is difficult for mecha hunters to stop, let alone humans without the slightest amount of equipment.


All those who were watching the game were sweating for Chen Ye!

Just when the ridgeback turtle's paw was about to sweep Chen Ye, Chen Ye finally moved.

I saw that he didn't mean to dodge at all, clenched his fists, and put on an attacking posture.

On his fist, a white gas mask package appeared quickly.


Chen Ye punched out!

The target is the giant claws of the ridgeback turtle