

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

The sentry is invincible? But so [bonus chapter]

What happened next!

Completely changed the little girl's view of mutants.

In the little girl's memory, any powerful mutant cannot be an opponent of the sentry robot.


The big brother in front of him actually crushed the sentry robot in all directions

This is incredible.


Chen Ye slammed the sentry robot's forehead with a punch, and directly smashed the sentry robot to the ground, half of his head was lost.

While hitting, Chen Ye said indifferently: "Why? Except for the wrong laser shot with your hands, wouldn't you be able to attack?"

Chen Ye strode over, grabbed the sentry robot's neck, and said indifferently:

"If you just do this twice, then you are useless!"

As soon as the voice fell, he suddenly felt a chill coming.

The whole body of the sentry robot in his hand began to become cold. White frost and ice appeared on the sentry robot, followed Chen Ye's arm, and spread towards Chen Ye.

In the blink of an eye, half of Chen Ye's body was frozen.

The sudden scene made Chen Ye very surprised!

"It turns out that you can't release low-temperature freezing directly at the enemy like the iceman. You need to touch to freeze the opponent?"

Chen Ye said lightly: "It seems that although you can simulate the abilities of other mutants, there are also big 677 limitations!"

The sentry robot doesn't care what Chen Ye said.

Seeing that the powerful enemy seemed to be frozen, it immediately increased the freezing intensity and quickly spread to Chen Ye's body.


In a few breaths, Chen Ye was all frozen, turned into a big ice sculpture, exuding chill.

Seeing this, the little girl next to me was desperate

next moment.

Suddenly there was a slight vibration on Chen Ye's body.


A crisp sound!

All the ice cubes attached to Chen Ye's body were instantly shattered and scattered to the ground.

Shocking ability!

(In the Battle of One Piece Town, the white beard was also frozen by the freezing ability of the blue pheasant, and the shaking ability was used to easily release the freezing state.)

Chen Ye patted the ice crystal on his shoulder and said with a smile: "It's not bad, the attack just now is very effective, I feel cold all over now!'

The sentinel robot looked at Chen Ye incomprehensibly. It seemed that a "mutant" like Chen Ye had never seen it before, and it was beyond its scope of understanding.

However, it still executed its goal loyally, raised its hand spear, and slammed towards Chen Ye (chea).


This one seemed to stabbed the body of steel.

The hand spear of the sentry robot broke instantly.

But Chen Ye has nothing to do!

How can the full-level armed dominance be broken by this simple physical attack?

Seeing that the skin on Chen Ye's body can turn black in an instant, the electronic eyes of the sentry robot are obviously redder.

next moment.

The skin on its body also began to become dark, but it was malfunctioning, flashing.

"Want to copy my abilities?"

Chen Ye was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "I am different from those mutants, the game is over!"

After the voice fell, Chen Ye strode to the front of the sentry robot, swept his legs, kicked the sentry robot to the ground, and then pressed the head of the sentry robot with his left hand and pressed it firmly on the ground.

The sentry robot immediately made a fierce resistance.

Its skin will turn into molten red, turn into white ice, and even turn into steel. Unfortunately, no matter what kind of mutant's ability it uses, it will not help.

Chen Ye's palm, like Mount Tai, pressed it and stood still.

High temperature and freezing attacks have no effect on Chen Ye at all.

In front of Chen Ye, the sentry robot is almost like a girl who has no power to bind a chicken.


Chen Ye took out the tampered USB flash drive!

Link to the sentry robot.

When the U disk interface touched the sentry robot, the sentry robot struggling violently on the ground suddenly stopped struggling and motionless.

The reading progress bar also appeared on the display on the surface of the U disk.

"1%, 2%, 3%."

The inside of the sentry robot is still controlled by computer electronic components, executing the instruction program for hunting mutants.

As long as it is a computer, tampering with the U disk is their nemesis!

When the progress of the progress bar became 100%, the sentry robot on the ground immediately climbed up.


But he stayed calmly beside Chen Ye, without any tendency to attack.

Chen Ye contacted the sentry robot, and the system immediately sent a prompt:

"You found a special item"

Chen Ye smiled slightly and slapped his hand. The sentry robot disappeared from the place and was taken into the personal warehouse by him.

The combat power of the sentry robot is still quite good.

Chen Ye decided to grab a few more and go back!

Although Chen Ye can't use it by himself, it can be used as a gift as a favor and given to others.

"Oh! God!

The little girl ran out from where she was hiding, and looked left and right.She couldn't find the sentry robot just now, she couldn't help but exclaimed:

"This is incredible, sir, where is that monster?"

"It has been wiped out by me!"

Chen Ye didn't explain much, and said something perfunctory.

"Sir, you are so powerful!"

The little girl looked up at Chen Ye, her eyes full of admiration, and she appeared very polite.

Chen Ye looked at the little girl. The little guy was about thirteen or fourteen years old. He had light red hair, delicate features, and white skin. He was dirty all over, and there were many ash and oil stains on his face.

"I see you are collecting them." Chen Ye pointed to the little girl's bag and asked, "What use are these discarded components?"

Regarding Chen Ye's question, the little girl replied without any precaution: "Uncle Mark needs them. I will help Uncle Mark collect them. Uncle Mark will give me food."

It turned out to be for food.

Chen Ye nodded and asked, "Where is Uncle Mark you mentioned?"

"In our camp."

"Can you take me to see him?"

"Of course!" The little girl said happily: "Sir, a mutant like you is really rare. Everyone will welcome you."

at this time.

In the distant sky, an aircraft suddenly appeared.

Seeing the flying machine, the little girl cried out in horror: "Oh, those monsters are here again, sir, let's get out of here quickly!"

"I can't go anymore!"

Chen Ye said lightly.