

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

Stuck Murong Chuuxue’s copy

In the personal warehouse.

Chen Ye took down the golden treasure chest, full of anticipation, and slowly opened the treasure chest

A burst of golden light flashed!

Immediately afterwards, the system prompt sounded:

"Congratulations! You opened the golden treasure box and gained a fighting skill: savage collision!"

"Savage Charge: Active attack ability. After using this ability, the user launches a violent charge towards the front, immune to all damage within five seconds, and triples his own attack power!"

"Attention: Brutal collision consumes a lot of energy, please use it with caution!"

After listening to the system prompts, Chen Ye was taken aback, slightly disappointed in his eyes.

It seems that the "savage collision" ability is very good, and it can be used as a nirvana.

In particular, the five-second invincible effect can be used as a life-saving trump card at a critical moment.


This ability is still a lot worse in terms of practicality than the "Mind Power" ability.

"Four Eight Three"

The potential is not as good as the power of thought.


The "savage collision" ability is a top-level existence in fighting skills. As long as it is used well, it can definitely achieve unexpected results.

If Chen Ye wants to sell this ability, there must be a large number of people interested!

Five seconds of invincibility, this is a way to save lives!

Chen Ye was disappointed because he felt a gap in his heart.

In this copy of "Zombie World War", the golden treasure chest gives a "mind power" ability with unlimited potential.

Chen Ye originally thought that the more difficult copy of "The Mountain Village Old Corpse" opened a golden treasure box, and the reward should be better than the previous treasure box!

The result is just the opposite.

Compared with the power of mind, the ability of brutal collision is definitely not as good as that.

"It seems that the things opened in the golden treasure chest are all good things, but which one is better, there is no fixed number, they are all random?"

After a while.

Chen Ye regained his mentality.

In general, this copy of the rewards still made him very satisfied.

With 50000 points, he can improve his strength again.


Chen Ye directly spent 45,000 points, exchanged 150 points for his potential, and allocated them to his basic attributes, leaving 5,000 points for spare.

It's not that Chen Ye doesn't want to continue to improve his arrogance.

Armed color domineering is very easy to use!

However, Chen Ye wants to continue to upgrade now, and simply can't afford to spend that point.

It takes 240,000 points to upgrade the "grandmaster" level of armed color domineering to the point of "superiority"!

That's right!

That's 240,000!!

Not to mention Chen Ye, in the entire reincarnation space, there is no such a rich person.

(Note: The points required to upgrade skill proficiency are calculated based on the rarity of the skill, the more powerful the skill, the more expensive the upgrade!)

After adding potential, Chen Ye's current attributes are as follows:

Name: Shura.

Reincarnation number: (zone c) 90086.

Physique: 100.

Spirit: 200.

Strength: 114.

Agility: 100.

Allocable potential: 0.

Skills: English (proficient), driving (beginner), shooting (proficient), camouflage (proficient), basic knife technique (proficient).

Special skills: Armed color domineering (Grandmaster).

Fighting skills: savage collision.

Ability: thought power.

Reincarnation points: 5372.

Comprehensive evaluation: B.

This is Chen Ye's current attributes!

Four basic attributes, all broken through one hundred!

In addition, the spiritual attribute is as high as 200 points, which is a pervert!!

(There is absolutely nothing wrong with the calculation, the system also rewards 30 physique points!)

His comprehensive strength evaluation finally reached the "B" level!

A newcomer who has just broken through the second floor of the Samsara Tower has achieved a "B" level in comprehensive strength evaluation. It is absolutely shocking to pass it out!!

You know, the B-level evaluation is already a very powerful character.

In the entire reincarnation space, they belong to the big people.

If Chen Ye wants to join a certain force in reality now, just show the strength evaluation on his arm, and he can become a high-level leader in minutes.

Clenching his fist and feeling the surging power in his body, Chen Ye smiled with satisfaction.

This feeling of controlling powerful strength made him intoxicated!!

In addition to the golden treasure chest and points, this copy also has two rewards.

One is physique attribute +30 (already calculated).

One is the copy cooling refresh card.

The latter is a good thing, which allows Chen Ye to continue to run into the third-tier dungeon immediately.

As far as Chen Ye knows, there is only one copy world on the third floor of the Samsara Tower.

"One Piece"!!

This is a large-scale public copy world, divided into multiple stages, appearing in the Samsara Tower.

In addition to the third floor, there are also at the back.

For example, the 28th floor copy that stuck Murong Chuuxue is also "One Piece"…

According to online sources, the copy of "One Piece" on the 28th floor of the Samsara Tower requires the Samsaras to participate in the big event "Battle on the Top"!

The characters appearing there are all the top combat power in the world of "One Piece", the kind that can destroy the world at every turn


Among all the reincarnations, only "Adam" has passed this level!

Chen Ye thought for a while, and did not use the "dungeon cooling refresh card".

In the copy of "The Old Corpse of the Mountain Village", although he eventually defeated the female ghost Chu Renmei, he was also very exhausted. Now he needs a good rest.


Chen Ye picked up the special item "bangle" he just got.

"System, please check for me, what does this bracelet do?"

When the voice fell, Chen Ye received a prompt from the system:

"Special Item: Bracelet!"

"This thing can resolve the grievances of the unjust souls. After sealing the beauty of the female ghost, it has a new function: random transmission!"

"Random Teleport: The weakened version of the female ghost Chu Renmei's ability. After use, it can teleport the user randomly for a certain distance, and the maximum span does not exceed 5000 meters."

"Note: The transmission function of the bracelet cannot be used frequently. It can only be used once within 24 hours.

Hearing the system's prompt, Chen Ye laughed and put away the bracelet with satisfaction.

The ability of this random teleportation is very good, maybe it can save your life at the critical moment!!

In general, the harvest of this dungeon is very rich!

Chen Ye is very satisfied!