

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

Special Item: Fairy Protection

After seeing Shura's violence.

Almost all high-level governments in all countries are a little scared!

so horrible!

Such destructive power is not an exaggeration to say that it is a god.

Even though the country on the island is just an island, but its area is not small, it is close to 380,000 square kilometers, if it is bombed with nuclear weapons, at least hundreds of large equivalents can be destroyed.

It was such a country, but by that Shura, with a pair of fists, it was abruptly sank.

Such a terrifying destructive power is unheard of!

From another perspective, Shura alone may be worth the sum of nuclear weapons of a major country!

What is this concept?

Now that the use of nuclear weapons is not allowed, it is not an exaggeration to say that "the one who wins the Shura will win the world."

If Xia Guo can woo Shura, who will dare to provoke him in the future?

Shura alone's deterrence power is greater than nuclear weapons!

Obviously, Xia Guo also realized this.

"Pass on, give priority to all of Shura's relatives, as long as the relationship is decent, take care of it!"

The highest official issued such an order on the spot.

In this regard, the many bigwigs in the conference room, no one objected!!

at this time.

The original island country has become a vast ocean, and there is no land in sight.

In mid-air, many reincarnations are floating using their flying ability.

Those who can't fly, either drown or have left.

After solving Fengshen, Chen Ye looked at Adam.

"It's your turn, Adam!"

Chen Ye gave a low voice and rushed directly to Adam.

Indestructible, Chen Ye didn't want to waste a few minutes.


There was a sonic boom.

Chen Ye's body drew an afterimage in the air, breaking through the blockade of space, and came to Adam in the blink of an eye.

Almost to the extreme!

The flying speed of Chen Ye at this moment, even most A-class reincarnations, could not see clearly.


Armed and domineering, instantly covering Chen Ye's fist.

Adam has the phoenix fruit, except for Hailoushi, only armed and domineering can restrain it.

next moment.

Chen Ye's fist directly hit Adam


Surprising things happened!

Chen Ye's destructive fist suddenly lost its effect.

I saw a circle of red energy shields lit up around Adam's body, like a huge eggshell, helping Adam absorb the damage.

What the hell is this?

Chen Ye frowned.

He tried to strike again, and punch down, as if hitting the cotton, all the power, all sinking to the sea.

Was absorbed.

And the red energy shield outside Adam's body was only slightly rippled.

Such a strange phenomenon, let alone Chen Ye, even Song Lingrong, has never seen it.

All those who continued to watch the battle were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

"What is the red light on Adam?"

"It's so powerful, it can absorb damage? Even Shura's terrifying attack has been absorbed

"How can I fight this? Adam won't want a comeback, right?"

"It's not so easy to come back, but Adam has such an ability, it is really tricky!'

"These S-rank reincarnations, as expected, all of them are not simple, it is incredible!"


Everyone was a little surprised.

This is the first time everyone has seen the ability to absorb damage.

Looking at Adam hiding in the "tortoise shell", Chen Ye frowned, and tried other attack methods, all of which were ineffective.

Neither his Tathagata palm nor his thought power could attack Adam in the energy shield.

"Sura, I'll try it!

Song Lingrong's voice came.

After that, she raised her hands and snorted: "Hundreds of flowers are dazzling, and they are all in red!"

Flowers and fruits!

In the void, a large number of flowers appeared out of thin air, and then disappeared out of thin air.

On Adam's energy shield, many arms appeared, growing from various angles of knives and drills, trying to attack Adam, but they still failed.

"No! Shura, his protective shield is a bit weird, I can't directly attack Adam inside.

Song Lingrong frowned and said.

Chen Ye nodded, mentally prepared for this.

Seeing that the two of them had nothing to do, Adam couldn't help but laughed: "Xura, Song, don't waste your efforts, my body shield has the power of the law of space, and your attacks can't touch me at all!"

Chen Ye was slightly surprised

It was the first time he heard about the power of the law.

Sure enough, it was magical and weird.

"Adam, isn't this your ability?" Chen Ye asked, frowning.

"Of course!" Adam admitted generously: "This is the power of the immortal in the 31st dungeon. It is a magic weapon with magical abilities. As long as it is used, it can produce a mana shield that absorbs damage, unless you I also master the power of the law of space, otherwise no matter how you attack, it will be a waste of effort."

When he said this, Adam said depressed again: "This is a one-time consumable special item. I originally planned to keep it on the 33rd floor. Shura, if you force me to use it in advance, you have to pay the price!"

"Pay the price?" Chen Ye smiled: "According to the habit of reincarnation space, it is impossible to reward invincible special items. Like this kind of thing, the duration should not be long? How do you plan to make me pay?"

"Yes, it can only last for ten minutes!" Adam said coldly: "Sura, your current state will definitely consume a lot of energy. I don't know how long you can maintain it? When you are weak, you will be killed. When I kill, I will put your head in a safe place!"

Chen Ye understands.

It turned out that the reason why Adam had not escaped was to make this idea.

I have to say that Adam was right.

Chen 4.0ye's immortal body, only the last two minutes are left

Once the state of indestructible demon body disappears, Chen Ye will fall into a state of extreme weakness.

When the time comes, let alone fighting, I am afraid it will be difficult to even maintain the flight.

Originally, Chen Ye planned to quickly eliminate the threat of Adam in the state of immortal demon body.

But now, Adam is hiding in the "tortoise shell", he really has nothing to do!

For at least these ten minutes, Chen Ye could not attack Adam.

Thinking of this, Chen Ye deliberately pretended to look ugly.


He removed his state of indestructible demon body.

Since he can't attack Adam for the time being, he continues to use such a big move, which is pure waste. It is better to remove it early and retain a trace of physical strength to keep himself in flight.