

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

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707 Chs

Punch a little monster [bonus chapter]

I heard the captain say that name with my own ears.

All the players were taken aback.

"Shura? How could it be that guy?"

"Damn it! Isn't that guy usually brushes the copy of the first time period? Why did he get in the copy of the second time period this time?"

"We deliberately avoided the first time period. Head, could you make a mistake?" the female team member asked in a panic.

The burly man shook his head and said, "I will not admit the wrong person!"

"You all know the battle of the century that was launched on the island country before? I was there at the time! I saw with my own eyes that the terrifying guy Shura used his own ability to punch the island country with a single punch, sinking it. Not for the help of friends, I am afraid that even I might be affected and killed!"

"The ability that Shura uses in the kingdom of the island is just the ability to shake fruits from the world of "One Piece". It has extremely powerful destructive power and is capable of destroying the world. Even our spiritual leader Adam, Lost in the hands of that guy!"

Hearing the captain's words, the faces of the players suddenly looked ugly.

"The boss is right. Except for that guy, who else do you think can have such a powerful force on the nineteenth floor of the Samsara Tower?"

"Damn it, why didn't that guy go to the first time period, and came to do it with us? Is it deliberately aimed at us?,

"Jamie, you feel too much about yourself, who do you think you are? Worthy of being targeted by such a big man?"

"F**K, bastard, are you insulting me? I'm going to challenge you!"

"You two want to fight and go to other places. The boss, with the appearance of Shura, my plan can no longer be implemented. What should I do now?"

"Yeah, head, if all the monsters are killed by Shura, we won't be able to complete the mission, we will die here!!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard that they would die here!

Only then did they remember that they came to this world not exclusively, but with the mission of the reincarnation system.

Once the task is not completed, the result will be obliterated!

The more I thought about it, the more people were frightened.

"Damn! I said it a long time ago, I don't want to make a copy tonight, it is you who are going to come!

"Jamie, now is not the time to shirk responsibility, we have to find a way to solve this dilemma."

"With Shura's style, he must be evaluated for the highest task. In other words, all monsters will be Shura's hunting targets. Facing such a powerful opponent, we can't compete at all!

"It's over, we're dead."

"Boss, can you discuss with Shura and leave us a few monsters, we just want to complete the task!"

"Do you think it is possible? If I were Shura, I would not agree."

Seeing the panic of his teammates, the burly man was very depressed.

Before the competition started, these wastes first gave up. It's really mud that can't support the wall!

"Shut up, you guys, be quiet!

The burly man shouted angrily, and then said: "If you want to admit your fate, or maybe want to ask Shura for help, you can go by yourself! I will never give up, even if the opponent is Shura, I will do my best to fight. !"

Upon hearing this, the female team member took the lead to express: "Head, you are right! I am on your side!"

Other people also expressed their opinions:

"Boss, I was just talking for fun."

"We have no retreat, boss, do what you say!"

"Captain, I listen to you"

The burly man said: "Well, since you still recognize me as the captain, then you have to listen to my orders, and you are not allowed to say these things that shake people's hearts!

Everyone nodded.

"Head, do you have any plans?"

"There is no specific plan yet!" said the burly man: "However, our initial goal remains the same. First master at least two mecha hunters!"

"We are not Shura. Only by driving mech hunters can we deal with those monsters."

Similar discussions are still happening in other Samsara teams.

And just as these reincarnations are discussing, Chen Ye has caught up with the first giant monster.

This monster still has wounds on its body, the one that was injured by the previous Eureka raiders.

After the ridgeback turtle appeared, the monster became a soy saucer and could only do minor damage.

Now, under the chase of Chen Ye, the ridgeback tortoise runs faster, but this guy is the first to be caught.

Now that he has been caught, Chen Ye will certainly not let it go.

He flew directly to the forehead of the monster, and then punched it.


Under the powerful destructive power of the tremor fruit, the head of this nameless monster was as crisp as a watermelon.

The nameless monster couldn't even make a scream, and its huge body crashed to the ground, smashing countless houses.

Hearing the movement, the ridgeback turtle couldn't help but glance back.


It runs faster!

That human being is simply the devil!!

It wants to bring this news back to the lair, so that stronger monsters can be sent from the lair

"Congratulations! You successfully killed a monster and completed the mission requirement."

"Note: You can continue to stay in this world for 70 hours, or choose to return to the reincarnation space immediately

Chen Ye was expressionless when he heard the system prompt.

Of course he would not choose to go back immediately.

If I go back at this time, I am afraid I can only mix up a very poor task evaluation.

Dignified Shura boss, can't afford to lose this person.

Chen Ye's gaze focused on the ridgeback turtle that was speeding up to escape, and chased it.


The ridgeback turtle ran to the shore and jumped up.


When the ridgeback turtle jumped into the ocean, it relaxed a lot.

Compared to land, the sea is more suitable for them to move.

The ridgeback turtle believes that in the sea, only humans can never catch up with it.

But when the ridgeback turtle was about to plunge its head into the sea, suddenly, it seemed as if it had been hit by a holding spell, its movements were suspended in place, and it didn't dare to take a step forward.

On the surface of the sea in front of the ridgeback turtle, a figure appeared at some point.

It is Chen Ye.

Looking at the ridgeback turtle who dared not move, Chen Ye smiled and said: "The big guy, since they are all here, leave something behind!"