

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

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Punch a kid [bonus chapter]

"Next, I will explain the rules of the competition, please pay attention to every contestant!"

The host said loudly: "During the competition, knocking down the opponent or pushing the opponent out of the broadcast station is considered a winner! Each game has a time limit of five minutes. After five minutes, if both parties are still in the ring , And did not fall, then the performance of both sides will determine the victory!'

"Please get ready for the first and second players to start the game!!"

When the voice fell, the host immediately jumped off the ring, showing a very flexible skill.

Backstage of the stadium.

Seeing the start of the game, Xiao Ling'er seemed a little excited.

"Chen Ye, they all went to the balcony on the second floor to watch the battle, let's go too! The match between Cao Wujin and Wang Chao must be very exciting!"

Chen Ye thought for a while, nodded and agreed, and together with Xiao Linger, walked towards the second floor of the backstage "Seven Three Three".

The warrior in this world fights, he has only seen the text description in the novel, the real scene has not been seen yet!

There is a large balcony on the second floor, which can accommodate thirty or forty people, and it will not be crowded at all.

Chen Ye and Xiao Linger found a place to sit down and looked towards the ring.

On the broadcast station.

The battle between Cao Wujin and Wang Chao has already begun.

The two of you come and go, fighting hard to separate. Every time a fist hits, it can cause a shock in the air, which is quite powerful.

"Boom! Boom!"

On the broadcast station, damage soon appeared.

This is a steel arena, and it can be beaten out of a small hole. This shows how powerful the destructive power of the two is.

From time to time, there were exclamations from the audience.

"Fuck, these two people are too fierce!

"Yes! It's horrible."

"It's such a strong force. Every punch is a unit of measurement. If I get a punch, I won't die or be disabled!"

"Did these two guys have reached the Grandmaster Realm?"

"It really deserves to be a seeded player in this city

"Which of them is better?"

"I don't know, it seems to be evenly matched!"

Not only the audience was surprised, even the participating martial artists on the second floor viewing platform were shocked. Many people looked scared, and they seemed to be shocked by the performance of Cao Wujin and Wang Chao.

When I thought that I might face one of them next, many participating martial artists couldn't help but retreat.

"Chen Ye, they are amazing!"

Xiao Ling'er's pretty face was full of solemnity.

There is only Chen Ye in the audience, with a natural look and unaffected.

For Chen Ye, there is not much difference between the performance of these two people in fighting with children.

"Chen Ye, Cao Wuwu uses Che's Xingyiquan. Seeing that he can send and receive freely and punch me as one, I am afraid that Che's Xingyiquan has been trained to the realm of Dacheng. As for his own realm, I am can not tell."

"Wang Chao used the Tantric Mahamudra, which is a very domineering skill."

Xiao Ling'er was next to Chen Ye, whispering analysis.

She deserves to be the proud girl of the future, even if Xiao Ling'er is still weak now, her eyesight is already extraordinary.

Chen Ye nodded and said, "It's not bad!"

Hearing this, Xiao Ling'er wanted to give Chen Ye a glance, but when he thought of his grandfather's words, he still held back.

According to his grandfather, Chen Ye is unfathomable and is indeed qualified to say this.

"Unexpectedly, in today's game, it was a worthwhile trip to see such a duel at the beginning!"

Xiao Ling'er said slowly, but her fists could not help clenching tightly.

She also loves martial arts, and in her abdomen, there is a heart to become a strong person.

On the VIP table.

Many city party leaders and local celebrities are also talking at this moment.

"This kid from the Wang family is really good. This big tantric handprint already has the style of a grandmaster Wang."

"Yes! Tantric Mahamudra is not easy to practice. It is very rare for the Wang family boy to practice at this level at this age."

"The kid from the Cao family is not simple either."

"Oh, these two are the seeded players in our city. I didn't expect to hit in the first round."

"No matter who is eliminated, it is a pity.

"Unfortunately, there is no way. The martial arts conference is fair and just, and if you are not lucky, you can only admit yourself to bad luck.

"Leader, look at it, they seem to be the winner."

On the broadcast station, Wang Chao glanced at Cao Wujin's flaws and yelled "Fan Tianyin"! He lifted his palm, and pressed his head down like a big mountain.

Cao Wujin rushed to the battle and fought back with a "cannon punch", but was beaten with a broken palm, gave a painful grunt, and backed back again and again.

After destroying Cao Wujin's palm in one blow, Wang Chao did not take advantage of the victory and showed good demeanor.

Cao Wujin held the palm of his right hand with his left hand, and stared at Wang Chao closely. His face was ugly, he struggled for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "I lost!"

His palms were all fractured, and if he continued to hit, he would just take his own humiliation.

Seeing Cao Wujin voluntarily surrender, the host was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately announced loudly: "The first knockout game, player Wang Chao, No. 2 wins!!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was an uproar in the audience.

"Unexpectedly, it was Cao Hardware who lost.

"I remember that at last year's martial arts conference, Cao Wujin broke into the top 32 in the country!"

"This Wang Chao is really hidden

"It's enjoyable, these two guys are masters, it's a worthwhile trip!"

"That's right, the ticket price is worth the price of the battle just now."

"Next, let's look at the performance of another seeded player. I really look forward to it.

The audience talked a lot, making the whole stadium very lively.

In everyone's eyes, there are only those three seeded players.

"I didn't expect that Cao Wujin would lose at 4.0."

Xiao Ling'er sighed, and then whispered to Chen Ye: "Chen Ye, your opponent is No. 16, and his name is Ren Fei. He is practicing eight-step Chongshanquan. Look to the left. That bald head is your opponent. Eighth Rushing into the mountain fist is amazing, you have to be careful of his fist"

Chen Ye nodded perfunctorily after hearing this.

On the broadcast station, the host reappeared and announced the entry of contestants No. 3 and No. 4.

The two men were of average strength, and the winner was divided within less than two minutes.

Then there are two contestants No. 5 and No. 6 on stage, then No. 7 and No. 8

When No. 13 and No. 14 were divided, Xiao Linger suddenly became nervous.

"Chen Ye, it's your turn, come on!!"