

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

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i want to be s class [bonus chapter]


Agoni simply invited Chen Ye to his office and talked slowly.

In this scene, many heroes around are so beautiful.

In the office.

The two sides said some polite remarks, and Agoni smiled and said: "Mundo, you can come to the Heroes Association, I am very happy!"

Chen Ye is not a fool either. He politely said good things: "My dream is to be a hero. After all, I also want to thank Mr. Agoni for making the hero legal, organized, and no longer a mess. I believe that the Heroes Association, under the leadership of Mr. Agoni, will definitely shine in its most brilliant brilliance!"

Hearing this, Agoni's old face showed a bright smile.

His original intention of establishing the Heroes' Association was for fame and fortune.

As for the grandson being saved by the hero, it was just an opportunity and an excuse.

Chen Ye's remarks can be said to be in the heart of Agoni, which made him very happy.

"Mundo, I represent the Association of Heroes and welcome you to join!" Agoni smiled and said: "I also hope that more people like you can join the Association of Heroes!"

"Thank you, Mr. Agoni , it is my honor!"

Both hands clasped tightly.

So far, the two sides are talking very happily

Chen Ye suddenly asked, "Mr. Agoni , I heard that you have a grading system for the heroes of the Heroes Association?"


Agoni smiled and said: "I think that the strength of every hero has strengths and weaknesses. The classification system is based on the strength of heroes."

"Although it is somewhat unfair to judge the power and status of a hero by strength! The disaster of the weirdo is a major event. Many cities are destroyed by the disaster of the weirdo. A powerful weirdo can only be brought by a powerful hero. Deal with!!"

"I divide the heroes into four levels, namely S, A, B, and C. Those who are stronger than ordinary people are C, and the strongest hero is S. In my vision, S Heroes are the trump cards of the Association, specially used to deal with powerful weirdos~'!"

Speaking of the back, Agoni's tone was a little proud.

Obviously, I am very satisfied with my own considerations and ideas.

Chen Ye asked seriously: "So, in Mr. Agoni's heart, what level am I?"

Agoni was taken aback for a moment.

He probably didn't expect Chen Ye to be so direct

Originally, in Agoni's mind, according to the situation described by his grandson, Chen Ye could only be at the end of C-level or B-level.

It's just killing a monster crab, and this assessment is definitely not low.

However, considering that the other party saved his grandson, Agoni decided to be more generous and give Chen Ye an A-level hero rating.

"Class A!"

Agoni showed a grateful look and said: "Mondo-san, I have heard from my grandson about the situation at the time. You can attack the weird people and save my grandson. This warm heart is worthy of an A-level evaluation!"

Having said this, Agoni looked at Chen Ye and found that Chen Ye's face was expressionless, it seemed a bit too calm?

This is not normal!

Shouldn't it be excitement and gratitude?

Agoni thought that Chen Ye hadn't understood the classification system of heroes, so he said: "Mundo, after becoming an A-level hero, you can receive 3 million yen of allowance every month. At the same time, you will have certain permissions. Be able to make suggestions on the assessment and evaluation of B-level heroes and C-level heroes, and within the association will definitely respect your opinions!"

3 million yen is converted into Chinese currency, which is about 200,000 yuan.

For A-level heroes, this salary is not low!

Is Chen Ye someone who values ​​this kind of treatment?


"But" Chen Ye said calmly: "Mr. Agoni , my goal in the Heroes Association is S rank! And I am the first S rank hero!"

Hearing this, Agoni was taken aback.


"This is impossible!!"

Agoni never expected that the appetite of this young man in front of him was so big?

Thinking of getting the first place in the S-class hero?

It's so whimsical!!

Based on your strength, if you want to sit in the first place of the S-rank hero, can you sit firmly?

Besides, in Agoni 's mind, the Heroes Association is very good, and he also wants to obtain a certain political status through the Heroes Association! Otherwise, he would not invest so much!

Therefore, Agoni attaches great importance to the Association of Heroes and will certainly not overcharge.

In Agoni 's view, opening the back door by himself can give Chen Ye an A-level hero rating, which is already very good.

Unexpectedly, this young man is so ignorant to praise!

Thinking of this, Agoni attitude towards Chen Ye instantly became cold.

*""Mr. Mundo, although the Hero Association was founded by me, it is also supervised by all walks of life. Even if it is me, I cannot use too much power to intervene in the internal operation of the association. You want to be the number one S-rank hero. It's impossible, and it's impossible for others to convince you."

Chen Ye laughed: "Mr. Agoni , don't rush to refuse. According to your previous intentions, to become an S-rank hero, you must be a powerful person, right?

Agoni nodded and said, "That's it."

"Then, I think with my strength, to be the number one S-class hero, no one should dare to refuse to accept it!" Chen Ye said seriously.

The tone was full of confidence.

It's not that Chen Ye is blindly confident.

Rather, in the world of "One Punch Man", in addition to the bald devil who can crush him, the rest of the powerful characters, even if their strength is amazing, Chen Ye is not afraid of encountering them.

Even if it is Boros he future overlord of the universe, Chen Ye is confident to fight!

Chen Ye admits that Boros, the overlord of the universe, is indeed much better than him.

If you really fight, even if you make a big move yourself, your winning rate is not much.

But Chen Ye is not afraid

He has many abilities, not to mention his powerful shaking ability and big moves.

There are also self-healing, full-level armed domineering, anti-gravity flight (breaking the speed of sound), death induction (perceived danger), savage collision (5 seconds invincible BUFF)!

There are many of these abilities, Chen Ye is usually useless.

However, it does not mean that they are not powerful!

Boros can destroy the earth's big move, Chen Ye can completely use the "savage collision" invincible BUFF next! Know!

With such strength, in the world of One Punch Man, apart from the bald devil, who does Chen Ye need to fear?