

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

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707 Chs

He is the king of reincarnation space

The cousin's face was uncertain.

In the end, considering the strength of his uncle's family, he chose not to have a stalemate with Wen Xingyi.

"No! You girl, I was so good to you when I was a kid. I can't just count the things that lie to me. You have to make up for me. Tomorrow I want to have a seafood dinner, you treat me!!"

Wen Xingyi heard the words and sighed with relief: "Xingxingxing, I know there is a seafood store that tastes good, please go tomorrow!"

"It's almost the same!

Speaking of this, the cousin's expression suddenly changed: "Xingyi, your next plan is to break through the Samsara Tower, right?"

Wen Xingyi nodded and said: "Yes, it is safe to stay in the safe area, but there is also the risk of being forced to draw someone closer to the 20th floor of others. Not everyone is Shura. Once you run into it, you may be finished, so, I'm going to the Samsara Tower!"

"I think so too."

The cousin smiled and said: "Xingyi, when you were young, I used to hold you to play. You have such a good relationship with the Asura God. You can definitely get a copy of the Reincarnation Tower, right?"

"My cousin doesn't ask for more. At that time, I can get a copy of the first floor of the Reincarnation Tower and give my cousin a copy.

Hearing this, Wen Xingyi couldn't laugh or cry.

This cousin is really…

If it weren't for the fact that there are many businesses in the cousin's house that are related to her, she really doesn't want to take care of such self-righteous people.

"Cousin, you think too much. To enter the Samsara Tower, I can only rely on the Asura God to sell the copy of the first floor of the Samsara Tower to Murong Chuxue. I heard that it was sold at a high price. , It is impossible for him to tell me the strategy anymore!"

"Ah! Yes, there is such a thing, I forgot

The cousin patted her forehead, and then worried again: "What should I do? I heard that the copy of the Samsara Tower is dangerous."

"You can only rely on yourself.

"All right!

Finally got rid of her cousin, Wen Xingyi breathed a sigh of relief.

But, before she was free, someone asked her to start a video.

after all.

In the reincarnation space, not everyone is like Chen Ye, with few friends.

Wen Xingyi had no choice but to switch on the video.

"Wow! Old Wen, I just heard the system announce your name. There is such a good thing, you don't even call me~,!"

Wen Xingyi heard this, with a wry smile on her pretty face

A situation similar to Wen Xingyi also appeared in other newcomers.

This wave of newly announced newcomers has almost become the envy, jealousy and hate target of all samsara in the reincarnation space.

Their relatives and friends, of course, will come to ask about the situation

Only a few smart people had anticipated this a long time ago. After returning to the space of reincarnation, they chose to go offline as soon as possible.

Cao Jingjing is like that.

After the mission was over and she was teleported to the reincarnation space, she immediately went offline and returned to the real world.

Outside her room, someone seemed to be waiting.

Hearing the movement in the room, there was a knock on the door:

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Jingjing, are you back?"

"came back.

While talking, Cao Jingjing went to open the door.


She is a dignified middle-aged lady, who is Cao Jingjing's mother.

"Mom, you haven't slept yet?"

The middle-aged lady smiled slightly: "The first time you enter the reincarnation space tonight, how can I sleep? Don't talk about this, the old man is still waiting for you, come with me.

"Okay, Mom.

The two went to the living room at the back of the manor together.

at this time.

There are already many people waiting in the living room.

In addition to the old man of the Cao family, Cao Jingjing's father, second uncle, and younger uncle were all there, and there were a few people Cao Jingjing didn't know.

Even Cao Jingjing saw a man in military uniform

Seeing Cao Jingjing's arrival, everyone was shocked and put down their tea cups.

"Jingjing is here.

The old man smiled and waved to Cao Jingjing: "Come here, sit here."

Cao Jingjing sat down beside her grandfather with a little restraint, and said cleverly: "Grandpa, are you tired? Do you want me to squeeze your legs?"

The old man smiled and waved his hand and said, "You have so many uncles here, so let's talk about business first."

Cao Jingjing became serious and stopped talking nonsense.

"Jingjing, did you go through the dungeon with Shura tonight? Tell me about the whole process, and you must not miss a word!"

Hearing what Grandpa said, Cao Jingjing didn't dare to hide it, and she said it seriously during the process in the dungeon world.

After a few minutes.

Cao Jingjing finished.

Everyone frowned.

"Jingjing, you mean, Shura arranged for you to hide after entering the dungeon world. He did the entire task alone?" Cao Jingjing's father asked.

*… "Yes!" Cao Jingjing nodded and said embarrassedly: "Although we also want to help, obviously, Mr. Shura doesn't need it.

Cao Jingjing's uncle smiled and said: "Brother, you have never been to the reincarnation space. You may not know what Shura's name represents. He is the true king of the reincarnation space. With his record, he really does not need the help of newcomers."

Listening to this tone, my uncle seemed to be a reincarnation.

Cao Jingjing's father nodded and stopped talking.

At this moment, the man in the military uniform suddenly said, "Miss Jingjing, you said before that there is a very magical item in the hands of Mr. Shura that can instantly turn a bus into a living robot?"


Since her grandfather asked her to tell the truth, Cao Jingjing dared not hide it and said: "When Mr. The robot is talking! Through the dialogue, it can be judged that the robot should have no weak intelligence and be able to be normal with people

comminicate. "

The man in military uniform heard the words, his eyes gleamed, he stood up and said goodbye: "Thanks to Miss Jingjing for the information, it is very disturbing. I hope Mrs. Cao will not mind. My task has been completed, so I will take a step forward."

"As for the contribution made by the Cao family, I will report it up according to the facts. I believe the above awards will come down soon.

Seeing that the officer was about to leave, the Cao family got up one after another.

Elder Cao smiled and said beautifully: "Colonel Li is polite. It is what every citizen should do to contribute to the country. Third, send Colonel Li to me."