

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

Don’t be impulsive

"You have a new communication message, "Murong Chuuxue" invites you to make a video call. Please handle it in time. "

Not long after Chen Ye returned to Samsara Square, he received a communication request from Murong Chuuxue.

He chose to connect.

Suddenly, Murong Chuuxue's heroic and pretty face appeared in front of him.

"Sura, congratulations! It's another super god evaluation."

Chen Ye smiled slightly: "Where are you? Please have tea!"

"Did you discuss it with Yu Ling? I have already poured two cups of tea tonight, so I can't drink it anymore!"

Murong Chuuxue smiled bitterly, and then continued: "I and Yuling are in Box 2797. If you are fine, can you come over?"

"Okay, no problem, I'll be there soon."

Hanging up the video, Chen Ye immediately ordered the system to send him to the teahouse.

Subsequently, Chen Ye walked into the "Five Five Zero" Box 2797.

In the box.

The two Murong sisters were already waiting.

Seeing Chen Ye coming in, the two immediately stood up.

"Sura, congratulations!" Murong Chuuxue said again.

Murong Yuling didn't speak, but looked at Chen Ye with fixed eyes, with deep meaning in his eyes.

Chen Ye smiled and said, "Murong, they are all old friends. You don't need this set. If you really want to congratulate me, then I have to say congratulations to Yuling!"

"Sura, thank you!"

Murong Yuling finally spoke.

She first thanked her earnestly, and then she said: "According to the agreement, this time my copy evaluation rewards, except for the points, the rest of the income belongs to you. I received a total of four rewards, points, attribute points, special items, The golden treasure chest, the attribute point is 30 physique, it has been directly added to me, or you will be a low-value special thing that you don't want

Sell ​​it to me at a high price, right?"

Murong Yuling's meaning Chen Ye understands that he wants to use points to make up for Chen Ye.

Chen Ye smiled and shook his head and said, "No, thanks to your care during this period, don't worry about it so much!"

"Take care?" Murong Chuuxue interrupted suddenly: "Xura, can you tell me, how did Yuling take care of you?"

"She cooks every day!" Chen Ye said truthfully.

Murong Chuuxue immediately grabbed Murong Yuling's ears: "Wow! You stinky girl, I'm usually hungry. Why don't you want to cook a meal, and even say you can't cook? It turned out to be a lie to me. ?"

Murong Yuling glanced angrily at Chen Ye, then pleaded: "Sister, I was wrong, I will cook for you when I go back!

"It's almost the same!"

Watching the sisters fight each other, Chen Ye couldn't laugh or cry.

Murong Yuling said again: "In addition to points and attribute points, there is also a special item and a golden treasure chest, Shura, let's go to the trading center and give you the things first!"

"Don't worry, Chen Ye suddenly asked: "What time is it?"

Murong Yuling was taken aback, she also just came out and didn't know the time.

"Thirty ten." Murong Chuuxue replied.

"How about three o'clock? Then you can brush a copy again, Chen Ye said slowly.

The two sisters were shocked when they heard this.

Murong Chuuxue was even more surprised: "Asura, don't you need to fight like this? You just came out of the dungeon world!"

"This time the dungeon world is very boring, staying in one place every day, my whole body is about to rust

Chen Ye shrugged, and then said: "Also, isn't September a super large copy of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds? It's only two months. I want to work hard to improve my strength and give those who want to target me. People, a'surprise'!"

Murong Chuuxue looked at Chen Ye speechlessly, and smiled bitterly: "Xura, at your speed, in two months, Adam will be trampled under your feet!"

"Isn't that just right?" Chen Ye also laughed.

"Okay, okay, since you have your own plans, then I won't persuade you."

"Murong, I don't have the dungeon cooling time to refresh the card, you still need your help in this matter."

Chen Ye was very rude, but Murong Chuuxue was not angry at all, but rather happy.

Because of Chen Ye's performance, he treated her as a friend.

"Sura, what you said is just right. I just wanted to tell you that a friend of Dabian has three dungeon cooling refresh cards, and he will send them later."

Chen Ye nodded and said happily: "Murong, trouble you!"

"Sura, don't tell me this. Your kindness to Yuling is too great. I'm not so busy at all."

"Yes!" Murong Yuling also said: "Sura, what is useful to me, don't hesitate to speak."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about this!" Chen Ye changed the subject: "Murong, I still don't understand the copy of the sixth floor, can you tell me?"

Murong Chuuxue was speechless again: "Sura, you don't understand, you dare to rush to do it?"

"So I'm asking you now!" Chen Ye smiled..

"Sura, I am really convinced of you. I will tell you about my experience!"

Murong Chuuxue said as he recalled, "The Avengers is a big copy world, like "One Piece", after entering the copy, you can choose your own identity, and wait until the second stage of "The Avengers", you will still use you. The identity chosen now."

"The background of the dungeon world is a modern society with advanced technology. The task of the reincarnations is to kill an alien race called the'Zitaris', and at least 20 or more are killed. The task time is ten. Hours, with five hours of advance preparation time"

"The more you kill, the higher the score!"

"Shura, after entering the dungeon, there is an organization of SHIELD, you have to be careful of them, although most of this organization is ordinary people, but a few guys are very powerful, such as Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, etc. , Especially the big Hulk, he is so powerful, and when he is angry, he does not distinguish between the enemy and me. You must be careful

"Sura, to be honest, I still suggest that you go back and have a good rest, and you will check the information on the Internet tomorrow, and then come to brush these 4.0 copies.

"I know it in my heart."" Chen Ye waved his hand.

This is not Chen Ye's arrogance.

He knows the plot, and in terms of his familiarity with The Avengers, who can match him in this world?

Then, Chen Ye suddenly asked curiously: "Murong, with your current strength, can you clean up that Hulk?"

"Of course I am fine now!"

Murong Chuuxue smiled confidently: "That big guy can only surpass me in strength, nothing else!"

Chen Ye nodded slightly, knowing in his heart that he was still a long way from the A-class reincarnation.