

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

Coming! That man is coming

Wesker showed Dr. Isaacs for a period of surveillance.

The surveillance is taken by satellites.

I saw a man standing quietly in the air in the video.

In front of him, there is a large group of mutant crows, densely packed, fast approaching.

next moment.

Suddenly, the man's eyes became extremely fierce, like a mighty beast, on his body, a very astonishing domineering shock wave suddenly erupted, a large number of red lightning, like a spider web, spread out quickly.


Those mutant crows all fell to the ground like rain.

One hit to kill!!

After watching the video.

Dr. Isaacs' eyelids twitched slightly.

Wesker's voice sounded: "Doctor, this human and Alice have already broken into the hive, and they are expected to reach us soon."

Hearing this, Dr. Isaacs' face finally changed.

"How do they know the secret of the hive?"

"I don't know about this for the time being!"

The doctoral student of Isaacs was suspicious, and immediately suspected that there was an insider among the top of the umbrella.

Moreover, he soon had an object of suspicion: the daughter of a former partner!

No matter who the rape is, this is not the time for infighting.

The main goal at present is to stop that man.

at this time.

Chen Ye and others have come to the entrance of the hive.

Alice checked at the gate and sighed: "The entrance has been completely sealed, and we need to go in through another gap, such as the exhaust port over there!"

Chen Ye is not interested in climbing the ventilation duct.

"Don't be so troublesome!"

Leaving this sentence aside, he came directly to the blocked gate, without saying anything, with a punch.


With this punch, he used a little shock and destructive power.

Suddenly, the heavy metal gate was torn apart, revealing the passage behind it.

Seeing this, Alice and Carlos next to him couldn't help swallowing.

It's so cruel!

Is there an ancient giant beast hidden in the body of this man in front of him?

"Let's go~,!"

Chen Ye said lightly, and walked into the entrance first.

Alice and Carlos looked at each other, and both saw shock in each other's eyes.

Afterwards, the two hurried to keep up.

After entering the hive, Chen Ye rushed all the way.

When he encountered the door that couldn't be opened, he blasted it open with a punch.

Outrageous and invincible.

Soon, the three people came to the core position of the hive.

A transparent passage stood in front of the three people.

Chen Ye was about to walk in, Alice seemed to remember something, and quickly reminded: "Be careful, Chen, this passage is very dangerous!"


Chen Ye stopped and looked at the passage.

After a while.

He finally remembered what this passage was.

Laser stuck in the channel!

In Resident Evil 1, this channel took a lot of lives.

Chen Ye was suddenly curious.

With his current body and armed color domineering, can he withstand the cutting of laser weapons?

The principle of laser weapons is to use the thermal energy of the laser beam to melt and evaporate to achieve the cutting effect.

Under normal circumstances, laser weapons can easily cut even steel.


Chen Ye's body, if armed with domination and aura, is much stronger than ordinary steel, and it is more heat-resistant!

So he wanted to try.

Do it when you think of it.

Chen Ye took a step directly.

"careful "

Alice hadn't finished her words yet, at the other end of the laser channel, a hot white laser cutting line had been formed.

It seems that as long as someone walks in, the defense mechanism of the laser channel will be activated.

The white laser cutting line quickly approached Chen Ye, and in the blink of an eye, it came to Chen Ye.

Depending on the position, if Chen Ye does not hide, it happens to be cut from Chen Ye's neck.

See Chen Ye didn't mean to avoid it.

Immediately, a reminder came from the Reaper induction.

The prompt is not strong.

Chen Ye suddenly understood that laser weapons could not cause fatal damage to himself.

After using the Reaper Sensation so many times, Chen Ye is now able to grasp the strength of the Reaper Sensation.

Once the scalp is numb, it means that there is a fatal danger and is approaching Chen Ye.

Failure to achieve this effect means that the imminent danger cannot take Chen Ye's life.

Sense of death.

Chen Ye feels relieved.


In Alice's horrified eyes, he directly ran into the laser cutting weapon head-on.


The laser weapon swept across Chen Ye.


A burst of green smoke emerged from Chen Ye's body.

That is the effect after the clothing is instantly burned.

As for Chen Ye himself, of course it's fine.

Just a little burn on the skin.

Such a small injury, self-healing ability, can easily recover.

Chen Ye curled his lips.

That's it?

next moment.

The power of mind is launched.


The entire laser channel was instantly stirred by his thought power storm!

Naturally, those laser weapons can no longer be activated.

"Let's go!"

Chen Ye turned his head and shouted, moving on.

Only then did Alice wake up from a state of shock, and quickly followed Carlos

Now they don't have any ideas, they just want to hug the big guy's thigh!

It's so easy to run into dangerous places with the boss.

It's like a vacation.

The other side.

Seeing all Chen Ye's performance through monitoring, Dr. Isaacs's face became very gloomy.

Can't even laser weapons hurt that man?

What kind of monster is this guy?

*""Doctor, at their speed, it only takes about five minutes to reach us, Wesker reminded from the side.

Dr. Isaacs calmed his face, thought for a moment, and said: "Let's release the birth weapon!

Wesker was taken aback for a moment: "Doctor, once the biological and chemical weapons are released, it is easy to get out of control."

Dr. Isaacs did not speak, but used his own authority to release the so-called "biochemical weapons".


A monster roar was heard throughout the hive


When Alice and Carlos heard the roar, their faces changed (the money is good).

"Chen, did you hear that?" Alice couldn't help but said, "Some monsters seem to be hidden here."

Chen Ye was expressionless and indifferent.

It is not an exaggeration to say that with his current strength, he is absolutely invincible in the plane of Resident Evil.

It is not too much to compare him to a god.

No matter what monster the T virus creates, it is impossible to hurt Chen Ye.

"Don't worry, let's move on!" Chen Ye said lightly.

Alice closed her mouth honestly when she heard the words, and followed Chen Ye with Carlos.


The two of them didn't dare to be as calm as Chen Ye, they were always alert to their surroundings.

The three people walked through the long passage and appeared in a spacious room.

The room was completely dark, making it difficult to see the surrounding area.

Intuition tells Alice that there seems to be something terrible hidden in the corner of this room