

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

Chu Renmei’s second pursuit

Chen Ye only used two fingers to press the door, and Li Qiang could not close the door.

"Young man, what are you doing? Be careful, I call the police!" Old man Li Qiang said vigilantly.

"Father, Chu Renmei has started to kill again. There are already more than 20 people who have died in her hands. Now she is on me again. I don't want to die, so please do me a favor!"

Chen Ye started to lie again.

Those people actually died in his hands.

Hearing that so many people had died, Li Qiang's face suddenly showed an expression of pain.

"Aunt Mei! It's been almost a hundred years, can't you let it go?" The old man murmured to himself with a sad expression.

Afterwards, the old man finally let go: "Well, I'll take you there!

In the original plot, Li Qiang was kind-hearted since he was a child, otherwise he would not be able to live that old.

"Thank you "Four 80″ old man!"

Chen Ye smiled.

Father Li Qiang changed a pair of shoes, locked the door of his house, and took Chen Ye to the place where Chu Renmei's body was buried.

"Father, how many roads? Do you want to take a taxi?"

"It's a bit far, then take a taxi!"

Chen Ye heard this and stopped a taxi.

The taxi was driving on the road. When passing a section of traffic light intersection, a small truck suddenly lost control, ran through the red light and rammed into the back seat of the taxi.

The truck driver, a middle-aged man, sat in the driving position with a trance.

The taxi has just started, and it doesn't come if you want to speed up.

Chen Ye's face sank when he saw this.


He directly slammed his elbow into the car door, and then pulled Old Man Li Qiang and rushed out from the back seat.

This set of actions reacted extremely fast, not even a second.

Before Li Qiang recovered, he was sitting on the road.


The driver of the small truck hit the back seat of the taxi heavily and directly deformed the entire back seat.

Until this moment, the truck driver recovered, and quickly got out of the car in panic to check the situation.

And Chen Ye, just helped Old Man Li Qiang up, and the change happened again.


A white coupe hit him at a speed of at least 80 yards.

The driver of the sports car is a stylishly dressed girl who can do nothing but scream at the moment.

Chen Ye's face changed, and he pushed away Old Man Li Qiang.

He wanted to hide himself, but it was too late…

In an emergency, the armed look domineering, instantly covering his whole body.


There was another impact sound.


This time it was not a car crash, but a car crashing!

The white coupe, the entire front of the car, instantly dented and cracked.

And Chen Ye's whole person, under the huge impact force, was directly hit and flew more than ten meters away.

-There were two car accidents, which instantly attracted the attention of countless citizens.

On the road, many people got out of the car and watched.

"Damn it, you hit so hard, this kid must be on the street!"

"Yes! This young man is really bad enough!"

All the onlookers felt that Chen Ye could not survive such a car accident.


Something shocking happened.

I saw Chen Ye lying on the ground, turned over, and then slowly got up.

Finally, stand firmly on the spot, without any injuries at all!!

"This, this also works?

The onlookers looked at Chen Ye in shock.

Ignoring the surrounding eyes, Chen Ye went to the side of the sports car. Through the glass, it could be seen that the female driver was lying on the airbag, unconscious.

Without seeing the female driver again, Chen Ye came to the truck driver.

"What happened just now?" Chen Ye asked.

The truck driver stammered: "I, I don't know what's going on. Suddenly my eyes are so dark, and then the car loses control."

Chen Ye's eyes flashed after hearing this.

He immediately understood that this is Chu Renmei, the second wave of chasing him!

Looking around, Chen Ye didn't find Chu Renmei.

Afterwards, Chen Ye came to Li Qiang who was still in shock and said, "Master, you should have seen it too? These two car accidents are so coincidental, they came at me!"

"This is actually not a coincidence, but Chu Renmei is going to kill me!"

Old man Li Qiang nodded repeatedly and pointed to a mountain in front of him and said, "Auntie Mei is buried on that mountain!"

Chen Ye took a look and said, "I don't know the specific location, please trouble the old man to take me over.

"Okay, okay, but, boy, you were hit so badly just now. Does it matter to your body?"

Chen Ye took a deep breath: "I'm fine!"

actually ...

It's not nothing at all.

Although he is armed and domineering, his whole body is not bad.

But the inner organs are still flesh and blood.

The impact of the coupe just now was very strong. If it weren't for Chen Ye's strong physique, he would probably have internal bleeding.

Right now, Chen Ye also suffered some internal injuries.

The more frustrated, the more Chen Ye wants to solve Chu Renmei as soon as possible.


As the people around were stunned, Chen Ye and Li Qiang continued on the road.

It was not far from the foot of the mountain, and they were going to walk over.

After half an hour.

Father Li Qiang finally took Chen Ye to the wilderness where Chu Renmei was thrown away.

However, to Li Qiang's surprise, it was bought by a real estate company long ago and turned into a construction site, ready to build a luxury residential area.

"It was a deserted place back then, how could it be

Chen Ye was not surprised.

He has seen the original plot and of course knows what happened here.

"Master, I think they should have thrown the corpse into a nearby ravine or water pool. Do you know, where is there a water pool near here?" Chen Ye said.

Chu Renmei's corpse is in a nearby pool!

"I know!" Li Qiang nodded and said, "There is a pool nearby, and the water inside is very clear. The villagers of Huangshan Village used to eat 4.0 miles of water. I will take you there.

"Okay, I'll trouble you old man."

to be honest.

Fortunately, the old man Li Qiang is still in a tough body, otherwise, the average old man in the seventies and eighties would not be able to withstand it.

And Father Li Qiang, who is already a hundred years old, can only say, good people are rewarded!

It didn't take long.

Li Qiang took Chen Ye to a pool of water.

"That's it, there is such a pool nearby!"

Chen Ye's eyes flashed when he saw this puddle.

He remembered the plot, the water pool in front of him was indeed the place where Chu Renmei's body was located.

The location of the water pool is very remote, thanks to Li Qiang for bringing him here.

Otherwise, let Chen Ye find it alone. It is estimated that within a day, he may not be able to find it.