

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

Can’t hide the meal

Knowing that Chen Ye was here, Shao Dianshuai and others were very surprised.

The most pleasant surprise was General Lin Mei.

Since Chen Ye left, she has suffered from gains and losses, and she is listless all day long.

She didn't even know that Chen Ye had such a great influence on her.

"Sir, will it go smoothly?" Shao Dianshuai asked.

"all the best!

Chen Ye answered politely, and then his gaze fell on General Lin Mei, no one else.

Shao Dianshuai and Wang Junshi looked at each other, and both saw a smile in each other's eyes.

Afterwards, Shao Dianshuai smiled and said, "General Lin, let you entertain Mr. Lin!

Lin Meiqiao flushed, but did not refuse, and said, "I will follow the order at the end!


The two of them were playing in the mountains and water. They were tired of being together for a whole day, and they walked around the entire Great Wall.

Looking at the shy and shy girl around him, Chen Ye couldn't help but sigh, she is still an ancient woman!

Even a strong woman like Lin Mei is gentle and graceful in the face of her beloved.

Unlike the modern girls, they are even worse than men!!

In the world of "The Great Wall", a whole day passed quickly.

at this time.

It's already night.

Chen Ye sent Lin Mei to the door of the women's house.

"Xiaomei, I'm leaving, I'll see you the day after tomorrow!"

"Well, Brother Chen, you must pay attention to safety!"

After this day of getting along, the relationship between the two heats up a lot.

Although I still haven't pierced that layer of window paper, it's better than a couple.

The names of each other have become a lot closer.

After agreeing to meet the day after tomorrow, Chen Ye disappeared from the place and left his personal world.

Reincarnation space.

Chen Ye just appeared on the square and immediately went to the inquiry hall.

The inquiry hall is also called the novice guide room!

There are many elves in it, which can answer all the reincarnation questions about the space of reincarnation!

Chen Ye walked in, and an elf immediately came forward.

"Dear Samsara" Shura, welcome to the inquiry hall, what do you need help~,?"

"Little elf, I want to inquire, can I bring my belongings into the personal world?" Chen Ye asked.


The elf gave an affirmative answer: "The personal world belongs to the world unique to the reincarnation, and it is not subject to the rules of reincarnation space item management!"

"However, after non-special items are brought into the reincarnation space, they must be cleaned up within three hours. If they exceed three hours, they will be confiscated by the reincarnation space. Please pay attention to the reincarnation'Sura'."

After getting a positive answer from the elf, Chen Ye's eyes lit up!

He came to inquire about this, just to bring some modern gifts with him next time he went to see Lin Mei.

In other words, just bring the wedding gift and set Lin Mei down?

Otherwise, you always take other girls out to go out and mess around, what do others think?

The world of "The Great Wall" is the antiquity of men and women, but not an open modern society.

In ancient times, an unmarried woman, who was unclear and confused with a man all day, ruined her reputation.

If a marriage contract is made, it will be different.


Go buy the offer tomorrow!

Ok, deal


Chen Ye left the reincarnation space and returned to the real world.

In the real world.

The time is more than one o'clock in the morning.

Chen Ye fell into the bed and fell asleep beautifully.

The other side.

Wen Xingyi, who just went offline, couldn't fall asleep.

It is said that women have a sixth sense.

Now, her sixth sense secretly told her that Chen Ye who saved her today may have something to do with Shura in the reincarnation space.


Shura didn't admit it, and Chen Ye wouldn't admit that she didn't have the slightest evidence.

Wen Xingyi could understand Shura's refusal to reveal his true identity.

After all, the name Shura is famous in the reincarnation space, and many people are looking for him.

Moreover, Shura has a strong enemy

Wen Xingyi knew that even she would never talk nonsense, so as not to cause trouble to Shura.


Chen Ye slept very comfortably this time, and was awakened by the alarm clock.

After getting up to wash, Father Chen came back from work.

Seeing Father Chen, Chen Ye asked, "Didn't you let you resign? Why did you go to the night shift?"

Father Chen smiled honestly: "Boss Wang usually takes good care of me. He is short of people now. Let me work for him for a few more days. I will leave when someone is hired."

Chen Ye frowned: "I don't object to working for a few days. If he hasn't been able to recruit people, he will have to keep you behind?"

"No, no, boss Wang said, no more than a month at the latest!"

Father Chen waved his hand, and then looked at Chen Ye a few more seriously, and said in surprise: "Xiaoye, why did you suddenly grow so tall? I remember that you used to be only half a head taller than me, and now you are almost a head taller. NS"

Yesterday he felt that his son has changed a little bit.

It's not just a matter of height, but even greater changes in temperament.

When the son loses his temper, even Laozi, who is his son, feels a little bit horrified.

This is because Chen Ye has a strong strength, which naturally adds a strong self-confidence aura to Chen Ye.

*""What surprises me about growing up fast at my age? Suddenly, it is because the two of us often don't meet each other. At first glance, I feel that I have changed a lot." Chen Ye lied without changing his face.

You can't tell a lie!

"Is that right?"

Father Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then a little guilty said: "It's me who is not good. You usually let you take care of yourself."

"I didn't mean this. Chen Ye said helplessly:" "I just hope that you can change to a normal job. After all, you are not young, how can you stay up all night?"

"Well, what you said is right, I will listen to you!" Father Chen nodded.

When Chen Ye saw this, he couldn't force him too much.

(Is Zhao Zhao) "You have a good rest, I went to school."

Abandoning this sentence, Chen Ye turned and left.

When I arrived at school, Chen Ye didn't hear it for the first time. Someone discussed Shura.

On the Internet, it is finally not the name of "Sura", and it has swept the entire Internet.

Everything returned to normal sweat.

As soon as he sat down, Jiang Tao behind him said excitedly: "Old Chen, the girl from the class next door just came to give a message, and asked if you would like to invite dinner at noon. If you do, they will all go, even the school flower!! "

"Lao Chen, do you have enough money? With so many people eating, it costs 600 or 700 less to talk. If it is not enough, I have it here.

Chen Ye is helpless, it seems that this meal is really hard to hide.

"I have it on me. By the way, how do we get there at noon? Take the bus?"

Jiang Tao's face turned pale, and he shook his head quickly and said, "If you don't sit, you won't take the bus to death!"

Chen Ye laughed.