

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

Adam vomits blood: why didn’t you get hit [bonus chapter]

After killing Yiye Zhiqiu, Chen Ye looked at Adam.

"Adam, it's your turn!"

When the voice fell, Chen Ye disappeared directly from the place.


The sound of breaking through the air!

next moment.

When Chen Ye's figure appeared again, he had already come to Adam.

Without a word, a punch!

This punch was extremely fast. Those A-level masters couldn't see Chen Ye's fist punching out, and only felt an afterimage, blasting towards Adam.


Adam is not a role like Yiye Zhiqiu, his overall strength evaluation is still higher than Chen Ye.

Chen Ye's punch, although it hit Adam smoothly


What stayed in place turned out to be just an afterimage.

Adam's real body has long been far away.

"Xura, Song, this time I lost, and next time, you won't be so lucky!"

Hearing what this meant, Adam was ready to escape.

"Want to have another time?" Chen Ye snorted coldly: "You have no chance!"

Just when Chen Ye and Song Lingrong were planning to join forces to keep Adam.

Adam in the distance suddenly raised his hands.

Adam opened his hands 720, placed one left and the other right in front of him, making a strange gesture.

Chen Ye faintly felt that this gesture seemed familiar.

Afterwards, Adam shouted:

"Sun Fist!!"

Chen Ye's face changed, and he quickly reminded Song Lingrong loudly: "Close your eyes!"

Chen Ye is very familiar with this sun fist.

Like Guipai Qigong, it also comes from the world of "Seven Dragon Ball". It is Tianjin Fan's famous stunt. Once it is performed, it can use Qi to turn into light energy, bursting out strong sunlight.

This move has no damage ability, but it can blind people and temporarily lose combat effectiveness.

The effect is like a flash bulletin.

It's just a large flash bomb!

It seems that Adam has gained a lot in the copy world of "Dragon Ball".

Chen Ye's reminder is still a step slower

In the dark night sky, a strong sun burst out suddenly, illuminating the whole land.

Song Lingrong, as well as the other reincarnations, were all dazzled by a strong and dazzling light, and they flashed into their eyes, and their eyes were suddenly white, and they couldn't see anything.


Many Samsaras yelled one after another and put up a defensive formation to prevent the enemy from sneaking (chea).

The entire scene, except for Adam, who released the "Sun Fist", also Chen Ye, closed his eyes in time and was not affected.

Indestructible Demon Body, brazenly debut again.

The "Purification" skill is amazing. After regaining Chen Ye's physical strength, he can actually avoid the cooling time of the Indestructible Demon, allowing Chen Ye to fight with the Indestructible Demon once again.


There was a burst of sonic boom in the air.

At a speed of five times the speed of sound, Chen Ye instantly caught up with Adam who was fleeing.

Seeing Shura chasing him murderously, Adam was shocked.

"Are you not affected?"

The Sun Fist, when used well, does have unexpected effects.

However, anyone who knows this trick will know how to guard against it.

Chen Ye snorted coldly: "Adam, I'll send you on the road!'

Seeing Chen Ye rushing over, Adam's face was extremely ugly.

He knew that Shura could not stop himself in the state of an immortal demon body.

Therefore, Adam simply gave up resistance and stood still.

Looks like waiting to die!

Chen Ye thinks Adam might have something to follow, but he doesn't care.

Any conspiracy, in front of absolute power, is a paper tiger!

With Chen Ye's current strength, he can break tricks with his strength!


The sound of breaking through the air sounded.

Chen Ye's fist hit Adam's body heavily.

Hit it!!

Adam really didn't hide, which surprised Chen Ye.

The tyrannical destructive power immediately appeared, the turbulence of time and space, and the frenzied pattern killed everything in front of him.

Adam's body is also splitting rapidly.

"Sura, we will meet again soon."

After speaking this sentence, Adam was immediately disintegrated by the terrifying shock force, his body was torn apart, and he fell into the sea below.

Chen Ye stood there, but frowned deeply.

Although Adam looked, he was punched to death.


Tell Chen Ye subconsciously that Adam is not dead!

Adam just said that they will meet again, plus before, Chen Ye pretended to be dead and killed Adam, and Adam escaped by using the body of a puppet.

All signs can indicate that Adam is not dead.

Thinking of this, Chen Ye's face was solemn.

This Adam, worthy of being the first S-level powerhouse, is really unfathomable.


Song Lingrong flew over from a distance and said in surprise: "Adam was wiped out by you?"

Chen Ye dissipated the effect of the immortal demon body, restored the original appearance, and shook his head.

"I feel that Adam is not dead. The one who was just killed by me may be another puppet body!"

Hearing Chen Ye's words, Song Lingrong frowned and said with emotion: "Adam, this person is really difficult and tricky!"

Song Lingrong will not doubt Chen Ye's judgment.

"According to the style of the reincarnation space, Adam's life-saving thing is certainly not unlimited, Shura, this time Adam is in your hands and absolutely suffered a big loss!" Song Lingrong analyzed.

Chen Ye nodded, feeling that Song Lingrong's words made sense.

The style of the reincarnation space is really like this.

It is impossible to give invincible rewards!

If Adam could really use the puppet stand-in without any restrictions, he would have passed the 33rd floor of the Samsara Tower a long time ago.

Moreover, Chen Ye remembers that when Adam used the puppet substitute for the first time, his face was very ugly and seemed to consume a lot of money.

After using it twice in a row, Adam's wave is definitely overwhelming!

Chen Ye and Song Lingrong were right.

at this time.

Sam's Empire, in a luxurious villa.

Adam suddenly drilled out of the void and appeared in the bedroom of the villa.


Adam, who had just appeared, suddenly spit out a big mouthful of blood, his face was as pale as paper, and his hair was a few whites.

The puppet substitute is a kind of witchcraft mystery obtained by Adam in the copy.

It can be used three times in total!

Every time you use it, it consumes a lot of physical strength and vitality!

Adam had originally planned to keep the "puppet stand-in" for use when breaking through the 33rd floor copy.

Unexpectedly, this time the plan not only failed completely, but also caused him to lose two "puppet substitutes"!

Lost money!!

Come to the bathroom.

Adam looked at himself embarrassed in the mirror, as if he was a teenager. He couldn't help but be angry, and his heart was bleeding.

Since he performed well in the Samsara Tower, he has never suffered such a big loss!


Adam's mouth was full of blood, and the name was squeezed from between his teeth, with hatred in his eyes.