

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

A sensation! Another super god evaluation


Looking at the bracelet in his hand, Chen Ye was surprised.

Unexpectedly, after killing Chu Renmei, this bracelet would actually become a special item?

However, it is not an accident.

Just now this bracelet, the moment when he put on Chu Ren's beautiful wrist, it gave out a golden light, which was obviously abnormal.

Ordinary things, will they glow?

In any case, it is a pleasant surprise to get a special item.

Chen Ye put the bracelet into his personal warehouse, planning to wait for it back, and then study it carefully.

ten minutes later.

Chen Ye disappeared in place

"Congratulations! "Sura", the reincarnation tower, performed extremely well in the dungeon world of the reincarnation tower "The Old Corpse of the Village". It took six hours to kill the female ghost Chu Renmei, over-completed the dungeon task, and received a perfect evaluation: SSS!"

Super God!!

Reincarnation Plaza, dungeon hall, and reincarnations who are performing missions in the dungeon world

In the entire reincarnation space, all reincarnations have heard this broadcast!

Super God evaluation: SSs!

Double appeared again.

And the 483 people who have won this honor are also the "Sura"!


Very shocking!!

All the reincarnations who heard the broadcast looked shocked!

This is the third "SSS" super god evaluation that Shura has obtained!

Moreover, the three "SSS" evaluations were completed in less than ten days

Such a feat is absolutely unprecedented!

The entire reincarnation space is boiling again:

"Here is coming, that man is coming again!"

"Shivering, I feel the fear of being dominated by the Shura boss again!"

"Here again, every time I hear such a broadcast, my brain hurts!"

"F*ck, how long is this? Three'SSS' grade super god evaluations? Is this the brush must be super god?"

"Boss Shura, it's really all the time, not reminding me that I am a trash."

"Let me take the grass, "The Old Corpse of the Mountain Village"? Didn't I hear that this is a nightmare-level copy? I heard that the female ghost inside is extremely fierce, and the boss of Shura can also kill him??"

"F*ck, is there a super powerful magic weapon in Shura boss?"

"Don't be stupid, the reincarnation system can't take advantage of the loopholes. Any magic weapon will be invalidated in the copy world of "Mountain Village Old Corpse".'

"Hang up, Shura boss is definitely up!"

"What a godlike man!!"

"The copy of "Old Corpse in Mountain Village", I was killed last time, and I brushed it once, but I almost never came back. In three days, I was tossed by a female ghost seven times. Fortunately, I tied myself up and was in the room. Nothing, no food or drink, I was hungry for three days, and then I survived. After I came out, I got severe depression. I can't think of it, Shura boss, what is it

Anti-killing female ghosts?"

"Brother, it's no wonder you haven't been very active recently, are you better now?"

"I heard that Mr. Zhiqiu Yiye issued a reward to the Great God Shura before? How do I feel that with the talent of Mr. Shura, it will not take long to kill Mr. Zhiqiu Yiye?"

"I also have this feeling. The Great God Shura is too fierce, and the few copies he has brushed are all super god reviews!"

"Haha, I got the news. This time, a wave of people have also entered the copy world of "The Old Corpse of the Mountain Village". They want to besieged the Great God of Asura and get a reward from a Zhiqiu. It seems that they are all cold!!"

"Hiss! Really?"

"Do I have to lie to you? Does that rich second-generation Great Demon know? This time he killed the Great God Asura, he organized it, do you see him come out?"

"Fuck, is Shura God so cruel?"

"This kind of fierce man with peerless talent, not ruthless, can survive in the Samsara Tower? I have seen (chea) this point a long time ago, so yesterday the big devil came to invite me to participate in the ambush plan, I did not go, it seems that I The choice is extremely correct!"

"Brother, you are still smart! I don't think anyone can get this reward from Yiye Zhiqiu!

"The Asura God is awesome, now as long as the Asura boss is willing to sell the strategy, follow him, you can lie down as a boss!"

"Fuck, it's true, Mr. Shura, please support!"


Following the system's prompts, there was an immediate sensation in the otherwise plain reincarnation space!

All the reincarnations talked a lot, and once again set off an upsurge of discussion.

The copy of "The Old Corpse in the Mountain Village" is quite famous in the space of reincarnation!

It is the first nightmare-level dungeon world!!

There have been countless daring people who challenged it, but 90% of the challenges failed, and they stayed in the Samsara Tower forever.

Even those who survived by chance have suffered a major blow in their hearts and suffer from a serious psychological shadow.

After the dungeon of the Samsara Tower is over, the system will indeed help the Samsaras to heal their injuries.

However, only physical injuries are treated.

The reincarnation system is not responsible for the trauma of the soul.

Over time, the copy of "Old Corpse in Mountain Village" is an existence that all newcomers to the Samsara Tower hardly dare to touch.

Most people now choose the relatively simple "One Man's Martial Arts" when they go to the second-tier copy of the Reincarnation Tower!

Therefore, everyone would be extremely shocked when they heard that Shura had taken six hours to kill the terrifying female ghost.

What is even more shocking is that Shura's entry into the first two floors of the Samsara Tower is all super godly evaluation!

What this means can be understood by anyone with a bit of IQ.

If Shura is willing to train someone, as long as he reveals the strategy, he may be able to get other people to get a super high evaluation.

Thinking about it this way, the value of the Great God Asura is really too great!!

At this moment.

Countless big forces are all eyeing Shura!

Some want to win, some want to stifle the threat!!

In the bar of the entertainment city.

Yiye Zhiqiu was drinking and relaxing in the private room, accompanied by two women, one giving him a massage and the other pouring him wine.

Enjoy it very much!


Hearing the broadcast sound of the reincarnation system, Yiye Zhiqiu stood up abruptly, his face shocked.

After a while.

Yiye Zhiqiu's eyes flickered with coldness, and he directly chose to go offline.

After returning to the real world, Yiye Zhiqiu came to his father's bedroom.

"Father, are you asleep?"

"Is it the third child? What's the matter?"

"There is indeed something, I can't make up my mind, I want to ask you!"

There was a moment of silence in the room before the voice came out: "Help me get up and get dressed."