
Global Reincarnation: Getting bitten by a vampire at the beginning

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51 Chs

Chapter 4: Successful Evolution of Vampire Bloodline

Read memories through blood.

The high-level vampire can do it, but it depends on the object.

Not everyone's memory can be read.

As a reincarnator, Ye Hong is not an aborigine. The vast amount of hidden information in the reincarnation space alone is enough to set off a brainstorm for Serena.

Not to mention, Ye Hong is a time traveler with memories of another time and space.

Ye Hong suspected that the information of the Reincarnation Space was not accessible to the characters in the duplicate world.

To prevent the secret of the reincarnation space from being leaked, the reincarnation tower must have imposed many restrictions.

For example, if the reincarnator leaks information about the reincarnation space, he will immediately be severely punished.

In this way, Serena's action just now was very stupid.

"Who are you?!" Selena screamed repeatedly, looking at Ye Hong with horror on her face.

Not only did she not get the information she wanted, but her head was about to explode.

This was the first time she encountered such a situation.

I am a vampire, but I am just a little special

Ye Hong smiled lightly and cut straight to the point, saying, "Now is it time to seriously consider my proposal?"

"Well, I'll give you two more secrets, one about Clerval and one about the leader of the werewolves, Lucian

I am full of sincerity, it's up to you to decide

Ye Hong is interested in getting close to Serena and doesn't mind telling her more secrets.

This is also beneficial for his next action plan.

"Claven and Lucian?" Serena was even more surprised, staring at Ye Hong.

These are all bigwigs. Claven is now in charge of all daily affairs of the Blood Clan, while Lucian was once the leader of the werewolves and was once the enemy of the Blood Clan. Later, he was killed by Claven.

"Lucian is not dead."

'Craven lied about this.'

Actually, Claven and Lucian have been in collusion, exchanging information and doing many things that harm the interests of the blood tribe

Ye Hong's mouth twitched slightly, and he raised his hand to gesture a necklace shape on his chest.

That's the necklace Lucien is wearing on his chest. I believe Serena should be very familiar with it.

Because it was through these clues that Serena found Michael here.

"I need more evidence!" Serena's expression changed dramatically, and then she said in a low voice.

Clerval's power was much greater than hers, and she could not accuse him of these things alone.

But as soon as she said it, it showed that she had already believed some of what Ye Hong said.

If Lucian is really alive, then there must be something wrong with Clavain.

Considering the many obstacles that Claven had put in her way before, and his reluctance to let her participate in the investigation, Serena felt even more confident.

Ye Hong smiled, this was the effect he wanted.

Without further ado, Ye Hong walked up to Serena and showed his fangs.

Serena hesitated for a moment, but ultimately did not resist, allowing Ye Hong to pierce her aorta.


Serena's blood.

The blood of the strongest death walker in the history of the vampire clan.

A flash of excitement flashed in Ye Hong's eyes. After drinking Serena's blood, his blood suddenly boiled, and his entire body also underwent a strange transformation.

He clearly felt that the strength of his vampire blood was getting stronger!

The hidden attribute panel of the reincarnation mark also confirms this:

Bloodline: Vampire

Level: Intermediate Blood Vein (evolvable)

Talent Potential: Inspires the blood power of vampires, and increases all basic attributes by 3x until the blood energy is exhausted.

Natural gift:

A. Blood possession: It can turn the reincarnator into its own blood slave, and the blood slave cannot betray for the rest of its life unless the master dies.

Tip: There is only one spot for blood slaves. To increase the number of spots, you need to continue to strengthen the blood power of vampires.

B. Bat form: incarnated as a bat, possessing the ability to fly.

Tip: Under bat form, combat power is very limited.

So strong!

Ye Hong had anticipated that Serena's blood could bring him great improvement, but he did not expect the improvement effect to be so significant.

All basic attributes x 3!

Just this alone is enough to make people excited and excited.

Not to mention, it also unleashed two vampire innate abilities.

A Blood Embrace, a Bat Form, can exert miraculous effects at critical moments.

"Is that enough?" Serena frowned and asked coldly.

Serena's words were cold, but her pretty face turned slightly red.

For hundreds of years, this was the first time she had such intimate contact with a man, and she couldn't help feeling a little strange inside.

However, Serena's main purpose in doing so is to understand the secrets behind this matter.

Ye Hong didn't act too sentimental either. He put away his fangs and licked his lips with satisfaction.

I don't know if he was influenced by the power of the vampire bloodline, but now he feels that the taste of fresh blood is very good.

Especially the blood of the strong is incredibly sweet!