
Global Reincarnation: Getting bitten by a vampire at the beginning

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51 Chs

Chapter 5: The Great Battle Against the Werewolves

"Michael is a pure-blood descendant of Alexander Corvinus," Michael said. "Corvin might not be a name you're familiar with, but to put it into context, Corvin is considered the progenitor of both your vampire and werewolf races, as he was the father of Marcus and William."

"Within Michael's veins flows Corvin's untainted blood, capable of perfectly fusing the bloodlines of vampires and werewolves to unleash even more formidable power."

"So now you understand why the werewolves are searching for Michael, right?"

Ye Hong smiled and spoke these words. This very plotline permeated throughout 'Underworld 1'. However, from this point on, that storyline had already taken a twist because in this reality, the protagonist Michael had been eliminated by him.

"How do you know all of this?" Selene couldn't help but inquire. It seemed incredible that a newly turned vampire would possess knowledge about such a shocking secret from the last century.

Ye Hong didn't provide an explanation; instead, he gestured for Selene to listen attentively.


Selene's expression changed immediately. She pulled out her custom-made gun and exuded a menacing aura. Vampires and werewolves were mortal enemies; when they met, there was only one outcome—battle.

"Lucian is up to you; give me a gun, and I'll handle the rest of the werewolves." Ye Hong's eyes flickered slightly as he quickly issued instructions. He was well aware that with his current strength, facing Lucian head-on would be suicide. After all, Lucian was the leader of the werewolf pack, second only to the berserk William in terms of combat prowess. Even Selene might not match up against Lucian. But as the strongest Death Dealer in vampire history, she should be able to hold off Lucian for a while. In that time, it would be enough for him to eliminate the other werewolves.

Selene nodded, handed over a gun to Ye Hong, and promptly leaped down from the third floor towards Lucian. Unbeknownst to her, she had unwittingly entrusted the command of their actions to Ye Hong.

"Reincarnation points!" 

Ye Hong's lips curled up, realizing it was time to hunt for reincarnation points.

Activating the Vampire Bloodline Power!

On the cusp of battle, Ye Hong decisively activated the power of the vampire bloodline within him. His blood boiled instantly, and surges of immense power welled up inside him, accompanied by a rising thirst for blood.

During the wait for Selene, Ye Hong hadn't been idle; he had been studying the vampire bloodline power within him and had almost figured it out.

Currently, he possessed two attribute panels, one of which was hidden. Similarly, he also had two combat modes.

In his normal state, he appeared as an ordinary Reincarnator, with average body attributes. However, once he activated his vampire bloodline power and switched to vampire combat mode, his combat attributes would soar dramatically!

For instance, Ye Hong's strength attribute was currently at 12 points. An average adult man's strength attribute hovered around 10 points. This meant that Ye Hong wasn't significantly stronger than an ordinary person. But upon entering vampire combat mode, everything changed.

His strength attribute skyrocketed threefold, reaching an astonishing 36 points, far surpassing the limits of an ordinary human's strength. His constitution, agility, and mental attributes also increased threefold each.

Without exaggeration, this was Ye Hong's most powerful fighting form.


Ye Hong blurred into motion, transforming into a fleeting shadow, arriving at the elevator entrance in an instant. As the elevator doors opened, he fired his gun.

Three silver bullets struck true, piercing the foreheads of the three figures inside. Tragically, those three had not yet transformed and were killed instantly.

The others downstairs heard the commotion and sensed their companions' deaths, responding with howls and charges, shifting into their werewolf forms.

Ye Hong smirked coldly, showing no sign of panic. He squeezed the trigger repeatedly. Although moving targets were difficult to hit, in the process of the werewolves dodging bullets, Ye Hong managed to create distance, understanding that close combat with werewolves was unwise for a vampire.

A vampire's true advantage lay in their incredibly swift movement ability.

Utilizing his speed advantage, Ye Hong easily shook off the werewolves pursuing him and singled out a lone attacker. Landing like a phantom, Ye Hong acted before the werewolf could react, firing a shot that took it down and following it up with a stomp that crushed its skull.

He repeated this method with the remaining werewolves. With his current combat capability, hunting down regular werewolves posed little difficulty.

Soon enough, the entire pack of werewolves fell to Ye Hong.

A timely notification sounded in his mind from the Reincarnation Tower: "Reminder: You have slain nine werewolves, earning 90 Reincarnation Points as a reward. Current mission progress: 10/10."

"Congratulations! You have completed the evaluation task of the Supernatural Academy. You can choose to return at any time."

"Would you like to leave the 'Underworld'copy world now?"

Upon hearing this, Ye Hong smiled and decisively declined, "No! I choose to remain in the copy world."

Completing the Supernatural Academy's evaluation task was just the first step, the minimum goal. There were greater ambitions awaiting him next.

For example, acquiring Lucian's blood!