
Chapter 30 Provoking the Audience

No way, he is really a high school student? "

"You are about to take the college entrance examination, why are you not studying in school? "

"Haha, I am really laughing to death. "

"Looking for advertising space, this is to attract sponsorship, does this kid think he is a member of the Thunder team? He is crazy about money. "

"Boy, hurry up and get off, otherwise don't cry when your legs are broken!"

After Lin Feng came on the court, the funny white shirt attracted a lot of attention, and all kinds of jokes, ridicules and boos came.

In response, Lin Feng remained calm, and even raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a trace of disdain. He stretched out his index finger to the area with the loudest sound off the court and shook it gently!

Obviously, he was provoking the audience.

It is rare for a player to provoke the audience, so when Lin Feng's provocative behavior came out, he was met with more crazy ridicule and boos, and even mixed with various unfriendly insults.

The noisy sound made people watching other games in the distance frown slightly Wrinkled, and turned his eyes over.

There are a hundred rings in the Thunder Martial Arts Hall, and almost all of them are used for fighting.

For the audience, it is impossible to watch every ring. They will choose to watch the ones with similar strength to themselves, or the ones with the most exciting battles.

And these spectators are mainly concentrated in the five rings in the central area.

The location of the ring where Lin Feng is located is not very good. It is in the most remote corner. This is also because his record is too poor. There are almost no spectators around, but with the discussion and scolding, many people are attracted.

"It seems to be effective."

Lin Feng began to warm up, constantly waving his fists and kicking his legs, and his direction was facing the audience seats with the loudest boos.

From the audience's perspective, Lin Feng was attacking them with an arrogant face at this time.

Obviously, this is another provocation.

Otherwise, there are regulations and security guards, and I am afraid that some hot-tempered spectators will rush to the ring.

"Hehe. "

Looking at the audience who were about to go crazy, Lin Feng laughed.

The more fierce the enemy's artillery fire, the more satisfied he was. How could he attract business if no one paid attention?

He didn't come to the Thunder Dojo to fight in the ring to earn bets.

His 800 bets can only make a little money, and it's a one-time thing. What he wants to sell is advertising space!

So the more people pay attention, the higher the advertising fee will be. This is also the main reason why he uses the arrogant name "High School Student Beats Martial Artist".

"Boy, you are too arrogant."

With a teasing voice, a young man in his twenties wearing a black martial arts uniform appeared on the opposite side of the ring.

At this time, the screen on the ring also displayed the information of both sides.

[Wang Hui, 20 years old, physical cultivation 8th stage, 17 battles, 9 wins, 7 losses, 1 draw]

[Lin Feng, 18 years old, physical cultivation 7th stage, 0 battles, 0 wins, 0 losses, 0 draws]

"Is it wrong? "

Many people looked puzzled. How could a 7th-level physical cultivator match an 8th-level physical cultivator, especially when their records were so different.

Shouldn't it be a rookie vs. a rookie?

"Fuck, look carefully, this high school student chose the random mode. This kid is really as arrogant as his name."

Soon someone understood that only the random mode would be like this.

Amid all kinds of disdainful boos, everyone quickly took out their mobile phones and started betting.

Soon, the odds on the big screen began to change.

"1 to 2.7, nearly two thousand in hand."

Lin Feng looked at his odds on the screen and nodded with satisfaction.

He bet 800 yuan himself. If he won, he could get about two thousand. The odds were not bad.

As the five-minute betting time ended, a red lightning suddenly appeared on the screen, and the battle began.

"Boy, go back to school obediently. It's not so easy to get along in society. "

Wang Hui smiled and said nothing else. He took a step forward, his body swaying left and right, constantly changing. When he got close to Lin Feng, he turned around, his arm was as straight as a knife, and he drew an arc to attack Lin Feng's head, and the air made a slight whistling sound.

As if he had no time to react, Lin Feng quickly raised his hands to protect his head. With a muffled bang, he couldn't help but retreat three steps. Before he could stand firm, the opponent had already rushed in front of him, as fast as a cheetah.

Swish swish swish!

The speed of the hand knife was too fast, and it pressed the air to cut and made a slightly harsh explosion.

Lin Feng tried to dodge with difficulty. He could only use his arms to block it, and his body kept retreating.

"Go down. "

Seeing Lin Feng being forced to the corner of the ring, Wang Hui showed a triumphant smile. At this time, Lin Feng, who was originally in a weak position, suddenly stopped and shook his body. He dodged the attack like a willow catkin in the wind, and then his whole body twisted. The whole person was like a taut steel wire and exploded instantly!


Wang Hui, who was not prepared at all, was knocked off the ring directly. Although he was not injured, he looked confused, as if he could not accept the reality.

"No way, I almost won, but I fell down."

"What a waste, even high school students can't beat him."

"I lost a lot, I bet 10,000 yuan."

"Haha, I made more than 3,000 yuan. I said that this kid dared to be so arrogant, he must have the confidence, I really have a good eye."

Some people were happy and some were sad. The loser was obviously unconvinced and cursed.

"I don't want to either! "

Wang Hui, who was kicked out of the ring, looked depressed!

He felt that he had been in the upper hand since the beginning, while Lin Feng had been at a disadvantage and had no ability to resist. How could he be the one who lost in the end?

"I must have underestimated my opponent. What a pity."

He lowered his head and walked out of the ring, not daring to say a word.

At this time, Lin Feng's winning rate became 1.

"Why doesn't this guy go down?"

Some people asked curiously, because their Lin Feng was still standing on the ring, moving his hands and feet.

"Is he enjoying the attention? I really want to beat him up! "

The crowd was dissatisfied.

But soon when they saw the screen matching the opponent again, they realized that Lin Feng was ready to continue fighting, and the people who were originally dissatisfied began to get excited.

In their opinion, after fighting for so long, Lin Feng's physical strength has obviously declined. In addition, the opponent matched this time is also a physical cultivator of the eighth stage, with a record of 25 wins and 7 losses. Lin Feng is sure to lose.

Because of the pessimism about Lin Feng, the odds of Lin Feng this time are as high as 1 to 4.2.

"Haha, I made money."

In the audience, Gao Hai shouted excitedly: "Come on."

Only he knew Lin Feng's strength. The ninth stage of physical cultivation was not Lin Feng's opponent, let alone the eighth stage of physical cultivation!

Sure enough, the battle was as Gao Hai predicted. After dozens of rounds of tug-of-war, Lin Feng kicked his opponent out of the field with a whip kick.

Five minutes later, the system began to match the opponent.

Five minutes later, the system began to match the opponent.


"I don't believe it. This kid is really that strong. "

"Five battles, and he recovered after a five-minute break after each battle?"

"Do you think this high school student did it on purpose, pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger?"

Amid the discussion of the people, Lin Feng's battle continued.

Eight consecutive games, Lin Feng won all of them, and many spectators were almost going crazy at this time.

Many people lost so much that their faces turned red and their necks became thick.

"Eight rounds, I have almost 170,000 in my hand."

Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

His fighting card is only the most basic copper card, and the physical cultivation realm is copper card. The upper limit of the bet for the holder and the audience is 10,000.

"Fuck, this high school student is so fierce!"

"Winning eight games in a row, no wonder he dares to be so arrogant. "

Amid the discussion, the originally remote and deserted No. 96 auditorium was already filled with spectators, and many people stood directly under the ring to watch the game.

Even the staff of the martial arts hall were alarmed and directly moved the screen of Lin Feng's game to the central screen.

In the ninth game, Lin Feng met a middle-aged man named Gao Tong. This middle-aged man had a record of 57 wins and 4 losses. He seemed to be well-known in the Thunder Martial Arts Hall. Many spectators shouted:

"Gao Lao Er, teach him a lesson!"

At this time, Lin Feng's odds soared directly to 1 to 4.7. The super high odds made Lin Feng laugh even happier.

That weird smile gave the audience a very bad premonition.