
Chapter 29 Martial Arts Club

After confirming that Yang Fan would join, Lin Feng told him about his plan: "You will start collecting the list of members at school tomorrow. The first requirement is background, followed by talent and strength!"


Yang Fan nodded, and then told him about the Jianghu News Club he founded.


Lin Feng's eyes lit up slightly, and he didn't expect there would be an unexpected surprise.

Originally, he thought that Yang Fan just had a plan for his career, but he didn't expect that he had already made some scale.

Three core members, each of whom has more than ten spies.

Although it is just a small club among students, it is not easy to achieve this step.

Although these people don't have much talent and background, if they can get together after graduation, there may be great development.

"You've done a good job, but you should manage and develop your Jianghu News Club for the time being. When the Martial Arts Club really grows and develops, I will support it then."

Lin Feng patted Yang Fan on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"Originally I didn't know what name to use for the club. Now I'll borrow the name of your news club. Our Martial Arts Club will be called Jianghu Martial Arts Club. You and Gao Hai will be the core members of the club starting today."

"Jianghu Martial Arts Club, just hearing this name sounds domineering!" Gao Hai said excitedly.

"Well, this name is really good."

Yang Fan also smiled, obviously very satisfied with the name.

Although I don't know where Lin Feng got the confidence from, I don't know how he can get those students with backgrounds to join voluntarily.

Even if they join, he can't predict whether the Jianghu Martial Arts Club can grow and develop.

But at least from this moment on, he is no longer fighting alone.

This sense of organization is really exciting.

"Okay, you are injured, go to the hospital for treatment first, I'll find you in the evening." Lin Feng said.

"What's the matter?" Yang Fan asked in confusion.

"Let's talk later. I have the class address book. I'll call you then."


After saying goodbye to Yang Fan, Lin Feng and Gao Hai skipped school.

For students, revenge is not overnight. If nothing unexpected happens, Mo Xun and others will come to cause trouble after school.

In order to avoid trouble, Lin Feng decided to withdraw first.

This is not fear, but it is unnecessary.

Although Lin Feng is not afraid, he has no intention of playing the pig to eat the tiger.

In a few days, when all the teachers and students in the school know that he is a super genius, some troubles will disappear automatically.

To Lin Feng, Mo Xun and others are just insignificant little characters.

"Brother Feng, do we really want to establish our own martial arts club?"

While walking through the busy streets, Gao Hai couldn't help asking while looking around.

He was still digesting the shocking news just now.

His own martial arts club?

It's incredible to think about it.

"Of course." Lin Feng nodded.

"Then do we also have to collect club fees?" Gao Hai continued to ask.

If we can have our own members like the Elite Martial Arts Club, and collect millions of club fees a month, we will be really rich.

Even 100,000 is an astronomical figure for Gao Hai, not 1 million.

His family can't save more than 10,000 yuan a year.

"We don't charge club fees, but we will use them to make money."


"You will know later."

The two chatted while walking towards the city center.

To establish the Jianghu Martial Arts Club and the next plan, Lin Feng needs some capital. At this time, he only has more than 300 yuan left on his body, and he must make a fortune.

"How much money do you have on you, Dahai?"

"Let me see, there are more than 500." Gao Hai took out his pocket and counted the money.

"Give it to me first, and go make some money now."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, Gao Hai handed the money to Lin Feng without any hesitation, and did not ask why, even though it was his remaining half a month's meal money.

"Brother Feng, where are we going?"

"Thunder Martial Arts Hall."

Led by Lin Feng, the two walked towards the Thunder Martial Arts Hall in the city center.

In the era of martial arts revival, all people are martial artists, and various martial arts halls are blooming everywhere.

For martial artists, fighting skills are a matter of life and death. Skills need to be honed, and honing requires opponents. Therefore, martial arts halls are an indispensable training place for many martial artists every day.

Many people who do not have martial arts talents are also willing to come to martial arts halls to exercise and temper their bodies.

In Jiangcheng, the Thunder Martial Arts Hall is the most famous.

The Thunder Martial Arts Hall is an industry under the Thunder Club. It is located in the most prosperous area in the city center and covers a large area, like a commercial plaza.

On the outer wall of the Thunder Martial Arts Hall, a giant screen is playing a fierce battle.

The two sides of the battle have no spiritual power attached to them. It is obvious that they are both in the physical cultivation realm. The violent panting and hitting sounds attract the curious and excited eyes of everyone.

"Let's go."

Lin Feng entered the Thunder Martial Arts Hall with Gao Hai, who was curious.

As soon as he entered the door, a cool breeze hit him. The first thing that attracted Lin Feng's attention was a huge rectangular screen in the center of the hall.

The screen scrolled text from time to time, and under the screen, many warriors held pens and papers, looking at the screen, recording or discussing from time to time.

The Thunder Martial Arts Hall has three floors, and the first floor is the mission hall.

In addition to the function of cultivation, the Thunder Martial Arts Hall is also a place for warriors to communicate and issue tasks.

After all, the energy of warriors is limited. Many warriors will issue bounty tasks here to find what they need, some of which are martial arts and monsters, and some are natural treasures.

As long as you can afford the deposit, almost anything can be obtained.

The second floor is various training venues and restaurants.

The third floor is the martial arts hall, which is also the most lively place.

Lin Feng took Gao Hai directly to the third floor. As soon as he walked out of the elevator, a boiling breath came, shouting, roaring, and screaming, one after another.

Not far away, hundreds of arenas were evenly distributed in the venue. Above the venue, nine huge screens played wonderful pictures, and the most exciting battles would appear on the central screen.

"Kill him."

"Waste, didn't you have milk?"

At this time, the enthusiastic audience shouted loudly, and the excitement and madness obviously made a bet.

Lin Feng and Gao Hai went directly to a counter.

"Sir, what service do you need?"

The girl at the counter said enthusiastically, and she did not slack off because Lin Feng was wearing a school uniform.

"Help me register a fighting account, I am going to participate in the fighting arena."

"Well, okay, it costs 100 Singapore dollars to apply for a fighting account for the first time. Please provide your ID card number."

The ID card number is equivalent to a person's ID card and resume. From birth to school, the place of residence and strength are recorded and updated regularly.

After recording the ID card number and verifying the fingerprint, the girl at the counter typed and smiled:

"Okay, Mr. Lin Feng, test your strength first, and then choose a name."

The strength test of the physical cultivation realm is very simple, just stand in a hemispherical instrument, and as the instrument scans in a cycle, the meridians that have been strengthened by qi and blood will appear.

"73 tendons are red, the strength of the seventh stage of physical cultivation, your martial arts level is 1, you choose a name?" The girl at the counter said.

"The name, let's call it 'High school student challenges the first-class warrior'."

Lin Feng said without hesitation, obviously he had already thought of it.

After hearing this name, not only Gao Hai was surprised, but the girl at the counter was also slightly stunned, and said in surprise:

"Sir, are you sure about this name?"

She has worked in the Thunder Martial Arts Hall for three years, but such an arrogant name is really rare!

This will attract a lot of hatred!

Judging from the identity information, this Lin Feng is a senior in high school this year, 18 years old.

His strength is pretty good among students of the same age, but he is only at the seventh level of physical cultivation. With this strength, he dares to challenge a warrior. Isn't this overestimating himself?

You should know that although the martial arts hall strictly prohibits killing, things like broken arms and legs often happen.

Few warriors have good tempers. Dare to use such an arrogant name, which will obviously attract hatred, and may make people unhappy and use heavy hands.

"Brother Feng, how about changing it?"

Gao Hai also suggested.

In his opinion, even if Lin Feng is invincible in the physical cultivation realm, he can't beat a warrior.

"Yes, sir, please change it. This name is not very nice."

The girl at the counter persuaded, she didn't want to see the handsome boy in front of her being carried out.

"Okay, then change it."

Lin Feng nodded, and just when the girl at the counter breathed a sigh of relief, he reported a new name:

"Then change it to high school student beating up a warrior!"

In Lin Feng's opinion, the previous name was indeed too low-key.

High school student beats up a warrior?

The girl at the counter was just about to enter it on the computer when she was confused by the name.

How come it gets more and more arrogant!

Are you really not afraid of being beaten to death?

"Are you sure?"

At this time, the girl at the counter's originally gentle face collapsed instantly. In her opinion, Lin Feng was simply an idiot and was asking for trouble.

After Lin Feng nodded to confirm, she did not continue to persuade him. She directly registered Lin Feng and handed him a brass card.

"Put my bets, all bets."

Lin Feng took out all the money he had, a total of 812 yuan, and handed it to the girl at the counter, saying:

"Random mode, the upper limit is a first-class warrior, no need for my consent, all winnings will be automatically bet!"

The girl at the counter had already determined that Lin Feng was a little abnormal at this time.

Generally, the fighting mode of a martial arts hall is a balanced mode.

That is, the system will first match the opponent according to data such as age and weight, and then according to the record, so that both sides are evenly matched, and the strength will not differ too much, and the effect of tempering will not be achieved.

The random mode is another challenge mode in the martial arts hall. It does not refer to the record and data, but randomly selects the opponent.

Only those who are absolutely confident in themselves dare to do this.

In the eyes of the counter girl, it is crazy enough to randomly select an opponent when participating in a martial arts competition for the first time with only the strength of the seventh stage of physical cultivation.

And the upper limit is the first-grade warrior?

In other words, the highest match can be the first-grade warrior?

The seventh stage of physical cultivation against the first-grade warrior, is this looking for death?

In the Thunder Martial Arts Hall, if you place a bet, you can only bet on yourself to win. This is the rule, but continuous cycle betting is rare.

Although 800 yuan is not much, there is no need to waste it.

Without further persuasion, the counter girl has predicted the scene of Lin Feng being beaten up later.

Pa Pa Pa...

The counter girl tapped the keyboard.

At the same time, a name and information called "High School Student Beats Up Martial Artist" appeared in the waiting matching area on the central big screen.

The moment this name appeared, it attracted the attention of many people.

Among all the names, this one is the longest, most special, and most arrogant. It is hard not to attract attention.

"Who is this? Are all high school students so arrogant nowadays?"

"Maybe a genius, of course, or maybe an idiot."

"It matches. In the 96th district, such a remote location, it is indeed a rookie!"

Many people were attracted by this name and wanted to see which high school student was so arrogant.

When they came to the 96th district and saw a teenager walking on the ring, the crowd was instantly shocked.


"Ni Ma!"

"Damn it!"

Exclamations continued.

The teenager was wearing a white T-shirt. The style of the T-shirt was very ordinary, with a round neck and loose style. It was provided free of charge by the martial arts hall. Many people present were also wearing it, but this teenager was the most special.

The front of the originally pure white T-shirt without any pattern was written "High school students beat up warriors", and the top of the back was written "Recruiting advertising space", and there was a square frame at the bottom.

Obviously, this somewhat crooked frame is the so-called advertising space.