
Global Freeze: I built the safe house of doom

The world entered the ice age, the cold end times came, 95% of the planet's human beings all perished!   In his last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because he was kind-hearted.    One month before his rebirth in the Ice Age, Zhang Yi awakened his spatial ability and started to hoard supplies like crazy!    Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a superstore warehouse worth 10 billion!    Not comfortable to live? He built a super safe house comparable to the fortress of doom!    The end of the day came, others are frozen into dogs, for a bite of food can give up everything.    But Zhang Yi was more comfortable than before the end of the world.    Dream goddess: Zhang Yi, as long as you let me into your house, I promise to be your girlfriend.    The arrogant rich kid: Zhang Yi, I'm willing to trade all my money for a meal in your house!    Beastly neighbors: Zhang Yi, you should share the supplies with us, you shouldn't be so selfish!   ......    Looking at these people who had betrayed him in his previous life, Zhang Yi was lying in a safe house, comfortably living a life like a paradise.    Zhang Yi: What does it matter to me if you die or not? I feed my stuff to the dogs and not to you!

Happy_Pear · Fantasy
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90 Chs

Neighbors who only shout slogans

As soon as the new group was formed, the owners and tenants of each household chatted in panic.

  "Chen Zhenghao is simply a devil! He robbed three households, all of which he broke into."

  "On the third floor, 301 is occupied by two young men with strong temperament, they still wanted to resist, and they were directly killed by him with a gun."

  "The other two households were 302 and 401, and were so intimidated that they honestly gave them all the food and drink in the house."

  "Hey, on days like this, when there's no food or drink in the house, isn't that like waiting for death?"

  Someone said with righteous indignation, "We must unite and fight against bullies like Chen Zhenghao!"

  Someone below immediately responded.

  "Right, with so many families, would we still be afraid of five or six of them!"

  "As long as everyone is united, he's nothing to fear!"

  Someone else mentioned, "But he has a gun in his hand!"

  "Hmph, so what if he has a gun? How many bullets can he have in one gun?"

  "That's right, if we swarm him, he won't be able to stop us!"

  "I'll throw a left stomp and a right whip kick, I'll make him fall to the ground!"

  "He's crippled now, he's not worth mentioning at all, if he doesn't have a gun, hehe, I can clean him up by myself!"

  Everyone was full of blood when they brought up the idea of dealing with Chen Zhenghao together, as if they couldn't wait to rush to Chen Zhenghao's house right now and execute him!

  However, someone interjected at this time.

  "Then when are we going to do it?"

  This sentence caused a short silence.

  It was certainly more convenient to go through the motions, but if they really wanted to go to war, everyone might not dare.

  Everyone understood the reasoning, but no one wanted to be the one rushing to the front to get shot.

  Saying it so beautifully was actually to fool others into going over to block the bullets.

  "Well, this matter is not a problem, we can definitely clean him up!"

  "After all, he's an outlaw with a few punks under his hand, we need to think long and hard."

  "Right, brute force is reckless behavior, we need to use our wits to win!"

  Zhang Yi skimmed his mouth.

  Just now, he was shouting that Chen Zhenghao was not to be feared, and there were people who wanted to deal with Chen Zhenghao with left positive stomps and right whip kicks.

  Now that they were really going to get on it, they started shouting about winning with wisdom again?

  He really huh.

  At this time, the security guard of the neighborhood, Uncle You, suddenly sent a message.

  "We can't let Chen Zhenghao and the others go on like this, if they keep it up, the big guys will be killed by him."

  "Even if we don't get shot to death, if we get robbed of all the food and drink, isn't it still a death?"

  "I can take the lead, everyone go over with me and teach these sons of bitches a lesson!"

  Uncle You didn't say much on weekdays.

  He was a war veteran with a straightforward nature and a passionate heart.

  He was also quite respected by everyone in the neighborhood.

  Faced with a shameless scum like Chen Zhenghao, a scoundrel who killed people with grass, his heart was filled with rage.

  "Ooh, Uncle You is mighty! Worthy of being from the People's Sons and Daughters, awesome!"

  "Uncle You I support you, do you need a weapon? Our family's kitchen knives can be used for you."

  "I also have a Longquan Sword here that I bought last year when I was traveling, it cuts iron like mud! Lend it to you."

  "Chen Zhenghao is a cripple, Uncle You this way, find a chance to sneak up on him from behind, don't give him a chance."


  The big guys touted together to Uncle You, and were still giving their own advice there.

  But none of them said that they were going to go with Uncle You to deal with Chen Zhenghao.

  Uncle You was also a bit speechless.

"Chen Zhenghao and the others have five or six people and guns in their hands, it definitely won't work for me to go over alone."

  "At the very least, we need a dozen or so young men to go over with me, so that we can be safe."

  "I've been a soldier, I still have some skills, I can take the lead."

  The occupants with adult males in their homes instantly stopped talking.

  As for Fang Yuqing and the other female residents who didn't have adult males in their homes, they were instantly as if they were pumped with chicken blood.

  "Right, we women are weak and powerless, we can't deal with this kind of scum.Men of building 25, now is the time to show your manhood!"

  "The men in our building are all marvelous men, you must succeed!"

  "The time has come to show your gentlemanly demeanor. I hope you guys succeed in your horses and protect us tender women."

  The adult males inside the owners were certainly not happy.

  Some of them weren't married, they were the ones who lived alone or shared a room with a friend.

  Asking them to put their lives on the line to fight the villains wasn't something they were completely incapable of doing.

  But seeing the attitude of the female landlords, it was obvious that they looked like female boxers.

  And treating it as their responsibility to risk their lives against the villains.

  Then these men were not happy about it.

  "But don't! In the past, you all mentioned women's priority in everything, but now you're letting us go first when we're in danger, on what grounds!"

  "Now we'll give you the fair treatment you want, if you want to go on, let's all go together."

  "Weekdays on the Internet boxing so powerful, have the ability to go against Chen Zhenghao them to fight ah!"

  "It's not that I can't put my life on the line, but I'll only protect my own wife and children."


  And when those female owners saw that the men refused to go against Chen Zhenghao, they also changed their faces and started cursing.

  "Are you guys not men? Isn't this kind of time the occasion for you men to step up?"

  "Letting a woman take the risk, how dare you guys say that!"

  "You guys are really shrimp heads! Disgusting, in the future, I will definitely not look for your kind when I get married!"


  Originally, the purpose of pulling the new owners group was to discuss together how to cope with the risks posed by Chen Zhenghao.

  But inexplicably, about who should go to deal with Chen Zhenghao argued, and finally evolved into men and women against each other.

  Zhang Yi was also very speechless.

  This plot, it was exactly the same as the previous life.

  This was also why, Chen Zhenghao had killed half of the people inside the entire building in his previous life, and was still able to manage all of them by relying on a gun later on.

  They all only knew how to close their eyes until they died, not even daring to struggle a bit.

  Seeing this, Uncle You anxiously appealed inside the group.

  "Everyone stop arguing for now, dealing with Chen Zhenghao is the biggest problem right now."

  Inside the unit building, there was a female owner who lived on the 7th floor, called Liu Sweetie now.

  She was the mainstay of the men and women sparring, a 22 year old, freshly graduated fairy.

  At this time, both men and women in the group came to the fire, Liu sweet sweet as long as she saw the male speak, will spray a pass.

  Even when the kindly Uncle You spoke, she flew and typed with two fingers.

  "Uncle You what kind of nice guy are you pretending to be! You've been in the military and are so capable of fighting, you should be the first to rush up when you encounter something like this."

  "There are so many men in our building, if we switch with them, the others will be safe!"

  "Nowadays, in society, it's obvious that we women are more important, and your men's only role is to provide services for us women."

  "I hope all the shrimp head men in the group remember this, don't make me say it a second time!"