
Global Freeze: I built the safe house of doom

The world entered the ice age, the cold end times came, 95% of the planet's human beings all perished!   In his last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because he was kind-hearted.    One month before his rebirth in the Ice Age, Zhang Yi awakened his spatial ability and started to hoard supplies like crazy!    Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a superstore warehouse worth 10 billion!    Not comfortable to live? He built a super safe house comparable to the fortress of doom!    The end of the day came, others are frozen into dogs, for a bite of food can give up everything.    But Zhang Yi was more comfortable than before the end of the world.    Dream goddess: Zhang Yi, as long as you let me into your house, I promise to be your girlfriend.    The arrogant rich kid: Zhang Yi, I'm willing to trade all my money for a meal in your house!    Beastly neighbors: Zhang Yi, you should share the supplies with us, you shouldn't be so selfish!   ......    Looking at these people who had betrayed him in his previous life, Zhang Yi was lying in a safe house, comfortably living a life like a paradise.    Zhang Yi: What does it matter to me if you die or not? I feed my stuff to the dogs and not to you!

Happy_Pear · Fantasy
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90 Chs

grain reserves

Liu Sweetheart's statement was met with mockery from a group of male owners on the spot.

  It's the end of the fucking world, who is still spoiling you little fairies now?

  "Oh, really think you're an onion?"

  "Letting us risk our lives to protect you, you deserve it too?"

  Uncle You who was sprayed was even more speechless.

  He couldn't understand, he had good intentions for everyone, but why did everyone have such an attitude?

  He had fewer words and couldn't spray others, so he just stopped talking.

  Zhang Yi looked at the group's chat and thought that it was quite lively, and it was quite interesting to watch as a joke.

  After all, there were limited ways of entertainment nowadays!

  All in all, his summary was just one point.

  The vast majority of the people in this owners' group deserved to die.

  The scolding inside the chat group became more and more intense.

  Perhaps it was because it had been suppressed for too long, and it was not easy for everyone to find an outlet, so they all let it out.

  All the vicious and dirty words filled the chat group, unpleasant to the ears.

  So much so that in the end, they all forgot the original purpose of building the group.

  Zhang Yi put his cell phone aside and came to the kitchen by himself.

  Although there were many ready-made meals inside the foreign space, occasionally he would want to cook something by himself to enjoy life.

  From within the foreign space, fresh ingredients were taken out.

  The potatoes, onions, ginger and garlic were all as fresh as if they had just been dug out of the soil.

  The beef brisket was also very tender, and the bright red meat was appetizing at first glance.

  Walmart deserves to be the world's number one supermarket brand, and the quality of the goods it chooses is nothing to sneeze at.

  Zhang Yi stewed a pot of potatoes stewed beef brisket, and according to the practice of ground pot chicken, pasted some cakes on the side of the pot.

  After stewing in this way, the biscuits soaked up the soup and also became particularly tasty.

  Picking up his cell phone, he found that Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining had sent him another message.

  This time, inside was the sound of bitter pleading.

  Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining were crying especially hard, and it was obvious that they were also frightened by Chen Zhenghao's murder.

  The two green tea white lotuses didn't have the skills to resist bad guys.

  Therefore, they were both likely to be the targets of Chen Zhenghao's next wave of hands.

  Especially after seeing the sturdy security door of Zhang Yi's house, they felt even more that Zhang Yi's house was a safe heaven and wanted to come in and live there.

  "Zhang Yi, no matter how much conflict we had in the past, at the very least, at one time you loved me, didn't you?"

  "You can't just stand by and watch me die?"

  "I know that you look tough-talking on the surface, but your heart is soft. Please, save me!"

  Lin Caining was even more bottomless than Fang Yuqing.

  "Zhang Yi, I don't want to die. As long as you let me live in your house, it's fine for me to be a meat bq for you! You can play me to death, but don't let me die in the hands of those people."

  Zhang Yi could feel the fear in their hearts.

  To be honest, if Zhang Yi's house was not reinforced at this time and he was living in such a cold and lack of food home, his despair would not be less than these two.

  But would he pity these two women?

  Hahaha, of course not!

  After all, this scene right now was what he was most eager to see.

  The more desperate they were, the more excited Zhang Yi would be.

  He didn't say anything, but just slowly shot a video for them to see.

  Inside the video, in front of Zhang Yi was a large pot of stewed beef brisket with potatoes, and the fireplace not far away was burning with a roaring flame.

  There was a warm and peaceful atmosphere in the house, forming an extremely sharp contrast with the flying blizzard and whistling north wind outside the house.

  This was undoubtedly a huge stimulus for the two women at this time.

  After all, they were now not to mention having enough to eat, even whether they could live or not became a problem.

The duo followed up with a bunch of pleading words, asking Zhang Yi to let them enter the room to live together.

  Zhang Yi chose to ignore it.

  He did not agree, nor did he refuse.

  He just wanted to leave them with a little bit of hope, so that they would know that the hope was slim, but they still had to come over to kneel and lick Zhang Yi.

  The daytime was spent in such a boring manner.

  After Chen Zhenghao and the others had grabbed a certain amount of supplies, they would not be in a hurry to continue their actions for the time being.

  They also understood that if things went too far, it would make all the owners unite against them.

  Collecting a batch, pacifying a batch, and then killing a batch was the most reasonable means.

  However, on this night, Zhang Yi noticed through the surveillance that Chen Zhenghao and the others had some strange movements.

  At night, the entire Tianhai City was not powered, only Zhang Yi's family had lights on, but the people in the same building didn't realize it.

  Zhang Yi saw a few of Chen Zhenghao's minions, carrying two corpses out of the door.

  Zhang Yi looked carefully, felt that those two people look familiar.

  The reason why he remembered them clearly was because almost all the owners of the entire unit building knew Zhang Yi.

  But the appearance of these two people was obviously not from their unit building.

  Therefore, it could only be the other juniors who were shouted over by Chen Zhenghao when it had just snowed.

  After a little pondering, Zhang Yi figured out what was going on.

  That day when Chen Zhenghao led the attack on Zhang Yi's house, he was flushed by Zhang Yi with a large water hose.

  And in this extremely cold weather of 60 to 70 degrees below zero, this was very deadly.

  So, these two people should have just frozen to death.

  Colds and fevers caused by low temperatures, if there is no comfortable environment, as well as ibuprofen and other medicines to save them, death is not surprising.

  Otherwise, why was life expectancy so short per capita in ancient times?

  Both of those two corpses were stripped of all their clothes and then thrown to the stairway.

  Zhang Yi frowned, and at first, he couldn't figure out what their purpose was in doing that.

  If they just wanted to dump the corpses, they could have just thrown them out of the window, and the snow could have buried everything.

  Why did they have to throw it at the door?

  However, between the thoughts in his mind, Zhang Yi suddenly thought of a very scary idea, and his pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly!

  Chen Zhenghao left their corpses, could it be ... left behind as spare rations?

  This thought made the hairs on Zhang Yi's body stand up and he shuddered.

  But this explanation was indeed the most reasonable.

  It was freezing cold, and heaven and earth were a giant refrigerator, so there was no need to worry about the corruption of food.

  Much of modern people's understanding of the post-apocalyptic world came from those post-apocalyptic-themed movies.

  And cannibalism was not an uncommon thing among those themes.

  In the records of human history, when there was a year of great disaster, there were records of easy food, rice and meat, and other horrors.

  Probably the years of peace, let some people forget those black and white records of history.

  Until, the coming of the end.

  Zhang Yi took a deep breath, and his rapidly beating heart quickly calmed down.

  Compared to the average person, he accepted this reality faster.

  After all, he was someone who had experienced the end of the world once, and had also been eaten as food.

  He knew that once it came to the end of the mountain, due to hunger, human beings could do anything cruel and eat everything they could.

  "Chen Zhenghao, what a ruthless man!"

  Although Zhang Yi didn't treat that social big brother well, he still couldn't help but lament.

  The reasoning was understood by many.

  But someone who could really use his own brother's corpse as a reserve food before the food ran out was almost humane without being extinct.