
Global Awakening Re:Apocalypse Everyone is A Regressor

The apocalypse descended without warning, throwing the world into chaos. Monsters poured into the world, and the earth’s existing wildlife evolved and mutated into bizarre, flesh-eating creatures. But this wasn't just an ordinary apocalypse; it was a trial orchestrated by divine beings using a system designed to nurture a 'god seed.' There were also those who watched these trials unfold from across the cosmos—the ‘Constellations.’ These beings, one step away from godhood but failing in their quest to achieve it, found themselves trapped in their state, desiring escape or a solution. Some Constellations wanted to use humans to make their legends known, others to boost their forces if they reached the end, while some saw humans simply as a source of entertainment. Humans, unaccustomed to war for hundreds of years, inevitably perished under such extreme conditions. Ji-Hoon, the last surviving human of this trial, ultimately perished at the final stage. This caused the trial to end, with none of the humans making it to the end. But what is this? Ji-Hoon awakens in the past before the apocalypse began! This time, he hopes to reach the end along with those he holds dear. However, he soon realizes he wasn't the only one given a second chance. This is the story of a world thrown into even more bizarre chaos, where every human is a Regressor. In this world, trust is a relic of the past, bonds are weapons of exploitation, and violence is the only effective way of communicating with others.

Zurbluris · Urban
Not enough ratings
69 Chs

• Upset Viewers

Channel Master Valvay was both impressed and surprised by Ji-Hoon's incredible strength. "This isn't normal." She muttered to herself. She replayed the event of how he brutally killed Min-joon with a single kick. It shattered his organs.

The trial had barely begun. Yet, here was Ji-Hoon, a player with no class, showing strength and speed far beyond what she expected at this early stage.

She couldn't help but wonder whether or not he truly found a way to cheat the system. However, the system was absolute and flawless.

She hadn't seen anything like it in ages. It was not what she expected from a simple cafeteria fight.

"What in the world is he?" she muttered to herself.

Ji-Hoon's stats weren't normal at this point. Suddenly, Valvay remembered something her channel administrator told her. She sighed face-palming. "How could I allow that to slip through my mind?"

The Channel administrator told her a while ago. He said some top players from the original timeline got special privileges. The trial master himself gave them the privileges.

"That explains it" She thought. Everything made perfect sense now.

The Channel Masters were told to watch for top players from the old timeline. They were to observe the constellations' reactions to the players.

The trial's difficulty depends on how the constellations react to the players. We're free to adjust it." Valvay sighed, "If this Ji-Hoon is one of them, which I'm certain he is, the constellations are bound to take notice. Heck they already have."

It was unprecedented for a player to receive so much as 800 gold in such a short time. All Valvay had to do now was to Keep an eye on how they respond to his actions.

"Anyways, this doesn't change my job in any way. After all my task is to make sure the constellations remain entertained.

Valvay summoned a system window, "Let's check some of the comments." However, her face frowned like she'd seen a ghost.

The comments sections was bombarded by the Virtuous constellations.

Valvay was no stranger to the whims of the constellations. As a Channel Master, she knew that their favor was fickle and was easily swayed depending on what entertained or upset them.

The Virtuous constellations in particular made her nervous. Being her most reliable audience, seeing their comments made her restless.

[What's with this trial? I thought it was supposed to start with less chaotic introduction.]

[The One Who Judges With Fire says Exactly, so many of the players were slaughtered, I mean I don't mind a few deaths, but this is just too much.]

[Self Sacrifice agrees, Yeah, this isn't what I expected.]

[Peaceful Abundance says I was expecting something more balanced, a slower build. This player, Ji-Hoon is way too strong.]

Valvay frowned, as she kept scrolling through the chat. The comments kept coming, questioning the legitimacy of the trial and the apparent unfairness.

Some constellations were even suggesting they might leave her stream if things didn't improve.

[Self sacrifice asks Why is that human so powerful? The trial just started, and he's already wreaking havoc. This doesn't seem right.]

Valvay couldn't ignore the growing frustration. If the Virtuous constellations began leaving her stream, it would spell trouble. They were an important aspect for her channel, and without their support, she'd be struggling to maintain her position as a Channel Master. She activated her microphone, preparing to address the chat.

Valvay then began, saying, "Hello, Virtuous constellations, please bear with me things will get better."

[The Keeper Of The 8th Gate says There's no entertainment if a player is Overpowered from the beginning.]

[Lilies By The Waterside says The fun is watching the players struggle and improve, not power through everything with ease.]

[Peaceful Abundance says This channel is losing its taste.]

Valvay heart pounded started to panic. The Trial administrator expected her to keep things in order. If she couldn't keep most of the Virtuous constellations happy, her job as Channel Master would be at risk.

[Lilies By The Waterside says Either you do something about it, prove the system wasn't rigged, or we will leave.]

Valvay knew she had to think fast. She wasn't getting anywhere with the constellations.

[Peaceful Abundance says If he's cheating, why aren't you stopping him? We want a fair trial, not a slaughter!]

Valvay took a deep breath trying her best to keep her cool. "I assure you, I'll be keeping a very close eye on Player Ji-Hoon. It's possible he has a unique backstory that explains his strength. The trials are meant to be tough, and sometimes the best stories start with chaos. Give him a chance."

The chat slowed a bit, Some constellations seemed to calm down, but others kept complaining.

[The One Who Judges With Fire exclaims Nonsense! You can't sway us with words.]

Valvay started sweating profoundly. She knew she had to keep them interested else she'll lose everything. "Please let's not rush to judge. If I see anything unfair, I'll fix it."

Valvay hoped her words would give her some time. Else, the Trial administrator wouldn't be happy if she changed things too much. It was a tricky balance, and she hoped Ji-Hoon wouldn't push it too far.

Despite her pleas, more than half of the constellations left the channel.

She watched in horror as her viewers dropped. Valvay had a terrible feeling in her gut... If Ji-Hoon's power was due to some sort of privilege or advantage, she needed to understand how it happened.

She wasn't the only Channel Master facing unexpected outcomes in the trial, but she felt pressure to maintain control.

"I have no choice but to use my privilege as an administrator to take a proper look at his stats."

There has to be a reason he was so strong and so fast. If she could explain it to the constellations, maybe it would calm them down.

However, when she tried to view his stats, an unpleasant message flashed in front of her:

[Insufficient Grade to Access This Information.]

send some power Stones pls ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ

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