
Giving Into You

"Please stay inside your homes with your doors locked and do not panic. These creatures may be strong, but have faith that we shall surely pull through this crisis and eliminate the threat." That was just the beginning of the chaos that ensued when Sasha's life was turned upside down. Humans were no longer on top of the food chain. Instead, three factions of supernatural arose from the ashes: werewolves, vampires, and fairies. Being a slave or following new laws that favored supernaturals, however, was the least of Sasha's worries. Instead, after it is discovered that she is a potential mate for the strongest most powerful supernatural from each of the factions she is forced to choose just one. This is a short story of only 27 chapters. It is now complete and it shall remain free to read forever. This is not my best work as it was written over a decade ago, but hey! Free is free!

AutumnPlunkett · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter Ten

Prince Brent's Point of View

I officially hate my life. I'm never going to win her heart now. I mean 20 girls showed up for ex's day and that isn't even all of them. That's just the limit for the number of ex's each prince is allowed to have. The worst part is they couldn't even leave out some of the more clingy and desperate girls. Of course, none of them will make threats to Sasha because they'd be dead in thirty seconds. Fairy boy and his guards came up with the idea. A nice little charm to poison any of them that even think to dare try to threaten her.

We seriously can't have her being threatened, harmed, or worse yet killed. What was hilarious was prissy little fairy boy's ex is showing up and it's a guy. Looks like the princey boy is a bit of a princess. My wolf is just howling in laughter. Won't that be interesting when Sasha sees that little miss perfect prince isn't so perfect? Clearly he's straight enough, though, since she is also his mate, but still it just has me cracking up.

'What about Vincent? He doesn't have any ex's. Won't that be a plus for him? I told you we shouldn't have been such a player, but no you couldn't wait to find our mate and instead only cared about right then and there.'

'Eh, shut up. You know you enjoyed it too.'

Besides who falls for the quiet prince who acts like a complete jerk? It's better to just be guilty of acting like a player. I mean, when Sasha caught him with that maid yesterday, he was so confused as to what upset her. When I told him to ask the maid if she liked the feeling she got from being fed on he blanched at her answer. Of course, she did, it's a very sexual and pleasurable feeling for the person who is getting fed on. Shouldn't a vampire prince know more about his kind and how humans react?

Yep, I still feel pretty confident that I can win her heart. If I can feel such strong feelings and such a strong connection to her then surely she can feel the same towards me, right? It won't be an easy affair, but in time I'm sure I could properly fall for her and make her fall just as much for me.


Sasha's Point of view

"So princess, how do you want to do the whole interview process?"

There are two guards outside my bedroom and they are supposed to follow me all day in order to make sure I'm safe. So now I feel even more like a prisoner. Of course there would be three whenever one of the ex-girlfriends were with me since there is also guards with each of the girls. There is supposed to be twenty-five to go through.

"Stop calling me princess! I told you already, call me Sasha. I hate it when people call me that and, trust me, you're only the third person today. Just have them one at a time come in and I'll spend however much the minimum amount of time I have to spend with each of them is."

It was like eight in the morning and I really wasn't in the mood to hang out with anybody. Stupid, stupid, stupid princes!

'Stop calling our mates stupid. I mean sure you're overwhelmed about having so many people wanting to love us, but please grow up, babe. I don't really want to hear all about what they did with our mates either, but it'll help us get to know them better, although I thought they usually like to forget about their past because it is all about the future with us.....'

See told you my wolf was talking to me already. In fact, it's her that makes me realize I'm so much better off just staying here. In case you're wondering I think she is mostly attracted to Brent, but I think it's just because he's a werewolf like her.

"Yes, miss, uh, Sasha. It's half an hour each and then dinner, which is at 9:00, which gives you half an hour to yourself after the interviews. I'll just, uh, send the first one in."

A 5'4'' girl with blond hair, bright blue eyes, and a small frame walks in. She is wearing a name tag that says her name is Sam, probably short for Samantha. It also says she was one of Mark's ex's. Well, at least her appearance looks sweet and she doesn't seem like one of those fake blonds with huge boobs and tons of makeup. She actually is a reasonably smart girl and seems like a very sweet person whose very passionate about being a vet. She loves animals but wasn't one for the outdoors.

She was the first girl Mark dated and, from the sounds of it, they tried to make it work long term, but, after a year, they both just knew there weren't any sparks there. They had a fairly simple and easy breakup and parted with no bad feelings shared. It was actually kind of cute listening to how he seemed to stumble through the relationship and was so unsure of himself. She was actually human, so it shows that he is on good terms with humans.

Next came a dark-eyed black-haired beauty with hair that looked like it had blue flames going through it and a sort of blue ring around her eyes. She was a fairy, clearly, since she had such an appearance. She says the prince lived for a short while in a fairy village that was made and then shrunk. He lived a whole five years in the city shrunken like the fairies in fairytales and he used his magic freely during that time. Levitating, making flowers bloom to life, and more. She had been absolutely enchanted by him and his power because he was rather powerful for a fairy. She had been his girlfriend for two years until his tastes in relationships took a rather sharp turn. She wasn't specific, but, when a guy walked in next, I think I got the drift.

The guy was definitely a fairy and a rather hot one at that.

'Not hotter than our fairy'

Of course not miss wolfie, but he was pretty hot. He had dark violet streaks through his dark black hair and some gorgeous violet eyes. He had some to die for abs and a killer smile. Well, for a bisexual mate, at least my mate had some taste.

'Our mate'

'Yes ours, now shut up! I can't think when you keep interrupting me.'

"Uh, hello? Anyone in there?"

He was smirking at me and waving a hand in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry, my wolf doesn't exactly like to keep quiet lately and keeps arguing over every little thing I'm thinking about."

He just gives a lovely little laugh that sounds like the most enchanting bells. I wasn't really interested in him, but I can appreciate some good looks. Besides, he is strictly only interested in guys. The next two girls are both fairies and rather stuck up but aren't very pretty. I guess they were a bit upset that such a charming man walked out of a relationship with them, but they seemed to realize that he was clearly off the market.

Next came the twenty who were here from Prince Brent and, may I just say, I'm not very impressed. About half of them were blondes who seemed to be more interested in power and popularity than anything else. Of course, the other half were brunettes and redheads with a few black-haired beauties. All of them had some serious looks and you could clearly tell that it was all about the looks for Brent when he was dating them. Sigh, such a waste if you can't even have some actual depth to your good looks. Most of them didn't know how to cook well and none of them were interested in things that involved hard work. All of them were werewolves and, might I just say, if I don't choose him, and he gets a new mate, I really hope fate smacks him in the face and makes her human. Vincent didn't really have any exs so I didn't have anyone to help crack that mysterious veil that seems to envelop him.

'You know what? Let's have a little fun with our mates. We'll dress up in something Vincent bought us and use some different scents to bathe with.'

I decide on an extremely low cut short black dress and some black heels, but still put a pair of short shorts on underneath so I can still feel comfortable, but, of course, it's short enough that they won't be able to tell it's there. I choose some sort of nutmeg and spices mix for my soaps, perfume, lotion, and pretty much everything else. Then when I'm done, I put my hair up in an elegant bun and add a cute little black flower clip. Yep, if they are going to run around being fakes, I'll make sure I show them that I'm not fake. They probably won't even recognize me since I have my silver edges tucked up into my bun so they don't show. Plus, since there are all sorts of fairies here, it's not like they can tell the difference so let's see how faithful they are, eh?

'Game on, babe'


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